The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 667 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 667

Izuku passed through the portal and landed directly on his sofa. Water stains covered the sofa.

"You have to get up quickly, and you have to wash this yukata and return it to Jun Hong, but it's so sleepy.....whee..." Did you just fall asleep?

"Just leave this to me, you can sleep at ease." The red eyes jumped out of the portal holding Izuku's new clothes, turning into a cloud of black smoke and helping Izuku put on the new clothes again." I will take care of the dinner and this dress."

Shaking the wet yukata, the corners of the red-eyed mouth were raised, and he threw the yukata into the washing machine. The red-eyed princess hugged Izuku up and placed it on the bed in the room. The red-eyed carefully approached Izuku's ears and gently Biting Izuku's earlobe, "In exchange, please give me permission to go out at night, I'm almost hungry~" Izuku turned around because of the red eye movement, and muttered a few words quietly.

"It's still the old rule. If you don't give me an answer within three seconds, I will assume that you acquiesce, three, two, one." The red eye knelt down and kissed Izuku's left hand.

"I wish you a good dream." The red eye slowly exited Izuku's room and began to pack up the things at home.

"Hum hum hum hum ~ ~" Red Eye humming insane TUNE Izuku while finishing the rest of the morning to eat breakfast plate.

"I'll be able to go out and have a good meal in the evening~ I'm really happy after thinking about it, ah, the shadow over there is actually reacting, it needs to be monitored carefully." Wiped it with a towel. Wiping his hands, red eyes snapped his fingers, and several shadows condensed from all sides of the room into the living room, forming a human form.

"I beg you here, I still have important things." Redeye finished speaking to the human figure, and lay directly on the sofa, his eyes closed tightly.

The spirit moved to a place in a chaotic and disgusting vortex.

"This! This is my masterpiece in this world!" Redeye opened his eyes slightly. Outside the training cabin, standing four guys in white coats, and the doctor with only one head left.

"I put a lot of combat data and experience into his brain, coupled with the extraordinary [quirk], he alone can be worth 10,000 ordinary mass-produced overhaul card combatants. !"

"We are accustomed to seeing is believing, and we have also brought our own products. It would be nice if we could verify it, wouldn't it?"

"Experiment? Of course it's good! There just happens to be a free space here!" Four guys in white coats followed the doctor with only one head left here.

‘Where do those guys come from? What is going on with this body? The red eye used its own [quirk] to separate a small black ball from this body, and the black ball floated up and down the front, back, left, and right of the body.

‘These guys, I thought that the blood surge was just about the same length as the main body, but in the end, this guy is a complete copy of the main body. What is going on? ’The black dumpling became a question mark.

"Om!" The training cabin suddenly made a noise, and the red eyes realized that there was something wrong, and returned to the body.

The cultivation chamber sank slowly and came directly to the test field on the floor below.

‘Is it really going to be an experiment? What is that? On the opposite side of the cultivation cabin, a silver guy is standing there.

"Start the experiment and start stimulating the brain." Two silk threads protruded from the top of the culture chamber and directly pierced into the brain of the body.

"Zi!"(Read more @

'I go! ! Do you actually use electric shocks as a disgusting method? ! It's so numb! ! The eyes of this body suddenly opened, the black eyes, the pupils dilated, and there was no focus at all.

"Pooh~" The nutrient solution in the culture chamber was drained, and the door was opened.

"Ah..." The extremely dumb voice came from the mouth of this body, and the two silk threads were retracted. This body was like a zombie, stiffly walking out of the training chamber.

"Nine, kill the silver guy on the opposite side."

"" The body called Number Nine responded and raised his right hand.

‘Hey, isn’t it easy to get rid of that guy? ’A black long sword emerged from the heart of the right hand of this body.

‘It’s so jerky to use, ah, it seems to have initiated an inquiry to me just now, well, forget it, let’s do it for you. ’

"Oh~oooo!" A horrible long bone-made tail emerged from the tail vertebrae, and the number nine screamed and rushed to the silver man on the opposite side.

"Woo!" The silver guy took out a bright silver sword with liquid from his body.

‘What is that? Mercury? It would be terrible if you eat it in your mouth! So, this guy must be cut off first! ’

"Wow!!" The long bone-made tail swept away, directly cutting off Mercury's belly.

"Puff!" The Mercury was directly divided into two halves, and a bright silver spine appeared in front of Number Nine and the researchers.

"Although the idea of ​​using mercury as a weirdo is good, isn't the strength a bit too bad?" The doctor with only one head left looked at the melting mercury weirdo and shook his head.

"People in this world also have this [quirk] that can squirt mercury. If those people are brought back and reformed, there may be better results."

"Ooooooo!!" No.9's actions seem to be out of control. He has a big mouth and empty eyes looking at the observation area where the doctors and the others are located.

"Nine, go back to the training cabin!"

"Wow!" Number Nine screamed at the glass in the observation area, ejected two arrows from the palm of the palm, and plunged directly into the bulletproof glass of the observation room, shocking the doctors and the others.

"Hey, don't tell me this guy will run away."

"Hurry up and get me back to the training cabin! Number nine!"

"Wow~" The long sword and the bone-made tail in the right hand of No.9 disappeared, and the figure once again entered the training cabin like a zombie.

‘What? It’s a very good body, so I’ll take this body temporarily, but I’ll keep it for you temporarily. ’

Consciousness was the same as falling into a washing machine that was throwing clothes. After a while of dizziness, the red eyes returned to the sofa of Midoriya's house.

"Although I am surprised, but I feel that those newcomers are just like that, simple and simple, oh, they have done things here so beautifully~ Well done!" Redeye stood up and took a picture. Slap the humanoid on the shoulder, the humanoid scattered into several shadows in the next second and flew back to where they should be.

"Dinner and supper...Well, let’s just cook steak. It seems that there are good steaks in the convenience store. As for the money." I took out a red envelope bag from the inside of the clothes and took out one from the red envelope bag. One thousand yuan, that is the red envelope Izuku gave him in the morning.

"One thousand yuan should be enough to buy a cheap steak meat." [Portal Gate] opened, Red Eye threw the red envelope bag into the trash can, and waved the one thousand yuan into the portal.

"Welcome." There are very few people in the convenience store at this time. This is a rare situation. "It should be a lot of people in normal times. It's really strange." The red eyes whispered and walked to the freezer area.

"That... this guest, the steak meat in the frozen area has a special offer of more than 500 yuan today."

"Thank you." The red eye nodded to the counter staff. The steak meat in the freezer area was placed in the most conspicuous place, lit with a unique red light, giving people a very fresh feeling, but in fact they are all meat that is about to expire. Up.

"Are there five hundred and five yen? Wow! So much is five hundred and five yen? Earn it." He took a piece of steak wrapped in plastic and glanced around with red eyes. , There are no guests at all.

‘This is unscientific, it’s totally unscientific, well, anyway, the world has never been scientific at all since it has such things as [quirk], but this...probably. ’

"Sorry, is this really five hundred and five yen?" Putting the steak meat at the checkout counter, red eyes looked at the stiff counter lady.

"Yes...Yes, it is indeed five hundred and five yen." The counter lady tremblingly checked the steak.

"Okay, I will pay in cash." I took out the one thousand yuan and got the money I was looking for.

"Huan...welcome you again...come here, eh?"

Red Eye took the steak meat he bought and walked out quickly, "Thank you for helping me find the appetizer, the wretched Villain, it's really not too delicious...I can't wait to get to the evening~"

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