The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 672 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 672

At night in City F, although it can be regarded as a big city, it is not as good as the city where U.A is located. Relatively, the public security rate here is much lower than that of big cities.

"Even if the security rate is lower than that of other cities, I didn't expect it to be like this. Mobile Pegasus, what do you think?" A jetpack appeared behind FAIZ, allowing him and mobile Pegasus to fly in the sky. Below them, several police cars were chasing a vehicle that ignored the traffic safety laws and quirk safety regulations.

"The attendance rate and arrest rate of the police and professional heroes here are still very high, just because the appearance rate of Villain in this city is not high."

"Really? Okay, at the next intersection, stop this car." The jet pack's output reduced, and FAIZ's body fell to the ground.

"Haha! Trash policeman, idiot Heroes! I thought you were so good! It turned out to be a bunch of weak chickens! Hahahaha!"

"Stupid! Don't just stick me out! Get me a police car wheel! Use your nails!"

"I know! I won't be able to fight if I don't go out!"

"Turn left at the next intersection! Hold me steady!"

"You have violated the "Traffic Safety Law" and "Quirk Use Safety Regulations"! Please stop immediately!" An inexplicable voice reached the ears of the two Villains.

"Fuck! Where's the sound?! Was it caught up so quickly?"

"Who would be afraid of you! Fool! You fucking show me out! See if I won't nail you to your forehead!"

"Speak down to me!"

"You have been notified, but you did not stop the car, then the stop action begins!"

"Boom!!" The silver-red body fell from the sky, directly smashing the car's engine, and the whole car tilted forward.

"Fuck, fuck! What is it?!"

FAIZ punched through the front windshield of the car and grabbed Villain who was driving and threw it to the ground.


"Crack!" The mobile Pegasus also fell to the ground and directly pulled out the Villain who was lying on the side of the car window.

"It's solved here. It's time to change to another place." FAIZ jumped out of the car and kicked Villain who was still trying to climb away.


"Got it." The big metal feet crossed Villain who fell on the ground, and the mobile Pegasus followed FAIZ who was walking forward.


"Wow!" The big metal hand opened and clenched in an instant, and a pile of iron filings fell to the ground from the hand of the mobile Pegasus.

"Please be honest, and accept the police arrest." The jet started instantly and the two rushed into the sky.

"Grab them, don't let them run!" A dozen policemen got out of the car, holding guns in their hands.

"Fuck!"(Read more @

"Master, this way, okay?"

"It's pretty light if you didn't kill them. Go ahead, tonight is still very long." FAIZ shook his left hand, and the two flew away from this area and flew toward the next area.

The darkness was gradually replaced by the rising sun. After a night of public security, the entire quirk crimes in City F were solved by FAIZ and mobile Pegasus one by one. For a while, Tianma Jun was circulating on the Internet and in the mouth of the masses. And the legend of the silver celebrity.

"In this way, just change it. These Villains won't be arrogant for the time being."

"So, does the master want to go back?"

"It's 4:28 in the morning, and the sun has risen. If we stay longer, we will be on TV. Let's go and go back."

"Yes." A black [Portal Gate] was opened in midair, and FAIZ and the mobile Tianma flew into the [Portal Gate]. This scene was filmed by a passerby with a mobile phone video.

At six o'clock in the morning, Izuku drank the coffee that Red Eye had made for himself, watching TV while letting Red Eye and Mobile Tianma pack his bags.

"Obviously there is nothing to clean up, otherwise, the main body! Let's take your figure over there! Show them by the way?" Redeye wiped the box containing the figure with a piece of tissue.

"Master, do you want to bring these two sword?" Mobile Tianma pointed to the tactical sword that was originally placed under the pillow for protection, and Izuku took a sip of coffee.

"Keep one handful and keep it under the pillow for me, and put the other handful in the suitcase."


"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong. A pistol was pulled and loaded.

"Who is it?"

"Smelly long open the door! Do you want to be late?!"

"Xiaosheng?" The tactical sword was scabbed, red eyes cut, and the pistol made by the shadow in his hand dissipated.

"Open the door quickly if you are at home!"

"Hey hey~" When I walked to the entrance, Izuku turned the doorknob down, and the door was opened. Bakugo Katsuki is still the outfit that is completely unruly in other schools. The pants are very big and the jacket and shirt are the first one. The opening was torn open, and a bright yellow scarf was wrapped around his neck.

"When do you still want to stay at home? Class will be in at eight o'clock."

"Bakugo Katsuki, why are you in a hurry? With my [portal gate], it’s not a matter of minutes to get to school?" The mobile Tianma moved the packed suitcase to the living room, and his radar showed that there was more in the room. A person.

"Mr. Bakugo Katsuki, good morning."

"Huh, would a man with a steel shell say good morning?"

"So, what does Xiao Shenglai do?" Izuku waved his hand at the red eye that was about to happen, and made him return to his shadow. Only Izuku and Bakugo Katsuki were left in the whole room.

"One is the old lady who asked me to come and take you to school, and the other, of course, wants to see your sand sculpture figure, huh."

"Didn't I post the photo yesterday?" Izuku tilted his head at Bakugo Katsuki.

"I went to bed early, and what the hell did you take on your cell phone? You're going to die.

"Eh, is there any?" Izuku just wanted to take out his phone to read it, but Bakugo Katsuki grabbed his right hand.

"What else to look at? Go away!"

"But my schoolbag! And suitcase!" Pulling his hand out of Bakugo's grasping hand slightly, Izuku looked at Bakugo Katsuki apologetically.

"Xiaosheng give me one more minute, one minute will be fine! I'll clean up immediately." Bakugo stared at his freed hand and was stunned.

"Give me one minute!" Izuku ran to the dining table quickly, poured the hot coffee into his stomach in one breath, put his tie around his neck, and carried his school bag as fast as he could. A thumbs up against the mobile Pegasus.

"Mobile Pegasus, I will ask you for my suitcase."


"Then, Xiaosheng! Let's go!" Izuku straightened his tie while walking towards the entrance.

"It actually took one minute and thirty seconds, Xiaosheng, if you want to start quickly." It was another collar that looked like a big tongue. Bakugo Katsuki shook his right hand and watched Izuku walk over. , Thought of a good idea, can suppress that yin and yang face.

"Smelly long, when will you tie your tie? Come here." I grabbed Izuku's right hand, and Izuku, who was still a little confused, took two steps forward, and the tie was untied in an instant.

"Xiao, Xiaosheng, what are you doing?" Knuckles opened the tie, Bakugo Katsuki's mouth was slightly tilted, and the tie went around Izuku's neck, pulling it quite hard.

"It hurts! What are you doing, Xiaosheng?!" Fingers pulled the tie quickly, and it took less than ten seconds to tie the tie.

"Remember how I tied the tie just now. You don't know how to wear a tie when it's so big. You're such an idiot. Go away." Looking at his docile tie, Izuku scratched the back of his head.

"Xiao Sheng is really amazing, I haven't learned it for a long time."

"Hurry up! Do you want to be late?"

"Come on!"

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