The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 673 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 673

I took the tram to the city where U.A is located. Izuku sighed again after stepping on the ground.

"Monday's tram was really overcrowded. Fortunately, we got on early and got our seats." After speaking, Izuku looked at Bakugo Katsuki, who was even more embarrassed than him.

"Laozi, you must kill those guys! It's annoying me." Bakugo Katsuki's clothes are messier than when he got on the tram, and his pants were about to be ripped out of a hole by those crazy fans, and there was still a hole in the suitcase. A conspicuous hickey was left.

"But as you can see, Xiaosheng is quite popular." Izuku rubbed his nose, leaving a few footprints on his schoolbag and clothes.

"Then we have to go to school, it's seven o'clock."

"Huh, eh? Where's my scarf?! Fuck! It was definitely taken by those guys!" Bakugo Katsuki pulled the collar with his left hand, quickly sorted the clothes, and dragged the suitcase to the exit.

"Crazy fans, crazy people~"

‘That’s right. Izuku scratched his hair and followed Bakugo Katsuki. The bandage on his right hand had been untied, only a few OK bandages were attached to his knuckles.

It took half an hour to play around and came to the gate of the school. As soon as I arrived at the gate, I saw a dozen guns and cannons on the opposite side of the school gate. The reporters and cameramen stared at both sides of the intersection with bloodshot eyes.

"Here! Come! It's heartbreaking and Deku! They must know!"

"Hurry up and stop them! Can't let them run!" A dozen reporters and cameramen ran over, trying to stop Izuku and Bakugo Katsuki and get the first-hand scoop.

"Gan! There are so many people on the school side?" Bakugo Katsuki exploded layers of sparks with his right hand. Izuku scratched his hair and looked at Bakugo Katsuki.

"Xiao Sheng, if he is stopped here, he will definitely be late."

"You don't need to say that I know! Laozi doesn't know what you guys are here for! Let me start!"

"Can you tell us about your experience in City F?"

"Excuse me, was All Might with you at the time?"

"Have you really defeated Villain?"

"Please tell us!"

"Sorry, if you stop here again, we will be late." Izuku's feet lit up with pale green light.

"If I'm late! Laozi will blow you all up!!" One hand exploded with a blinding explosion, and Bakugo Katsuki dragged his luggage and rushed towards the reporters and cameramen like a chariot.

"Quickly get out of the way, being hit is not a joke!" The orange-red light made a group of reporters pale, and one after another gave way.

"Whoo!" Two lights passed the encirclement of a dozen reporters and rushed into the school gate.

‘That’s why I said that if you use a portal, you won’t be so troublesome. ’

"Sometimes this is good too, ah! Mr. Yagi! Good morning!"

"Good morning, Midoriya boy, Bakugo boy." Tonsori Yagi smiled at the panting Bakugo Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku with a few books in his hand.

"You will encounter more of these things in the future, and you have to train your escape skills in advance."

"Ahhh! Laozi can't practice! Those with a brain disease! If you dare to stop me, Laozi will all blow up!"(Read more @

"Then Mr. All Might, how did you escape from the fan base?!" Izuku's eyes lit up.

"Of course it runs faster than the others, and then runs to places they can't see for easy installation!"

"Huh~ so bad." Red eyes appeared from the shadow road behind Izuku, showing a look of contempt at Yagi Toshinori.

"That's something that can't be helped. If they find out, there will be a big riot."

"That said, ah! It's already at this point! We have to go to the classroom! See you soon, Mr. Yagi!"

"Huh?" Red eyes saw the book that Yagi was holding.

"How to teach children? Learn math in ten minutes? Wow!" Before I could see it clearly, Red Eye was dragged by Izuku and ran towards the classroom.

‘Ontology! I seem to see something interesting! ’

"It's almost late! The first class is Teacher Aizawa's class meeting!!"

When the bell rang in the first class, Bakugo Katsuki and Izuku came to the classroom.

"Sorry! Teacher, we are late!"

"The teacher hasn't arrived yet, Midoriya, I didn't expect you to step on it today." Mineta Minoru said playfully while fiddling with his phone.

"Bakugo Bakugo! Did you know?! We were on TV yesterday!" Kirishima Eijiro rushed over and took Bakugo Katsuki's shoulder and took out the phone.

"Isn't it normal to be on TV?"

"Look at it, you can see that this is a replay, and the support rate of our reserve players has also increased!"

"It's a pity, Xiaojiu's section was cut because it was too noisy." Uraraka held up his phone and showed Izuku the current support rate for their Heroes reserve.

"Even Mineta Minoru, who didn't appear because of being too short, had an increase in approval rate. Only Xiaojiu-kun didn't have yours..."

"If you don't have it, it doesn't matter, I'm fine!" Izuku smiled and put his schoolbag on his seat.

‘It’s too bad to be a Heroes because of exposure and appearance. ’

‘Ontology, I feel that Stain’s words are right, the heroes now are too superficial, and I feel that I have completely abandoned the original intention of being a hero. ’

‘We can’t change the minds of others, we can only keep our own minds, please remember, why are we heroes? ’

‘Because of R’s request! ’

‘It’s a bit too straightforward! ’

"By the way! Ontology, I saw a very interesting thing before!"

"What's the matter?"

"Ahem, let me sit back on my seat if I'm still playing." Aizawa Shouta walked in with his yellow sleeping bag on one hand, sleepy eyes.

"Yes." Within a few seconds, twenty students quickly sat down.

"Well, you are welcome to the second grade. Let's clap your hands on your experience this year. You are the one who has experienced the most things and has no casualties. You are indeed qualified to applaud yourself."

‘I’m going to clap my hands as soon as I come up...I feel a little bit ashamed. ’

"Papa, papa!" Ida Tenya deserves to be the squad leader and was the first to applaud.

"Papa Papa..." Applause gradually sounded, and Izuku also raised his hands to applaud himself, but Izuku felt that Aizawa Shouta's gaze stayed on his body from time to time, which was abnormal.

"Okay, I hope you little ones can grow up a snack, and don’t be dazzled by the joy in front of you. Then, next, I want to inform you of two things. The first thing is for your seniors in high school. My sister is about to graduate, the school decides to hold a graduation party. The time is set at the end of the month. You have a month to learn dance. No matter what kind of dance it is, it’s best to do pas de deux. Personally follow me to get the new book, ah, yes, after school at noon, Midoriya Izuku, you go to the All Might office."


"Then, it's up to me, Sero Hanta, Mezo Shoji, Kirishima Eijiro, Uraraka, five people to get it together."

"Okay, then the rest are staying in the class." The red eyes watched in the shadow as a few classmates and Aizawa Shouta walked out of the classroom and immediately emerged from Izuku's shadow.

"Ontology! I really saw a very interesting thing, we just saw... Mr. Yagi holds a book on early childhood education in his hand!"

"Huh? Mr. Yagi?"

‘Isn’t that Mr. All Might? ’

"Yeah! Very interesting, isn't it?"

‘Teacher All Might has a baby? Hidden marriage? ! ’

‘I don’t know, that’s why it’s interesting, isn’t it? But also, Teacher All Might is a few years old. Although All Might said that he has a girlfriend a long time ago, he may be married, and maybe he has children. ’

‘I can’t imagine what All Might’s kids will be like, I feel scary when they laugh! Hahahaha! ’

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