The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 718 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 718

"Hahahahaha! How is it? Isn't it scared by me? Don't worry, you, none of you can go!" Delta's helmet quickly recovered.

"Yeah, am I, laughing too villain?" Delta touched the mouth of the helmet with one hand, and two bright yellow eyes flashed.

"Electric cage!!" A cage made of electricity that fell from the sky directly entrapped Delta, and the number four slowly fell to the ground. The hair that was originally waist-length was made shoulder-length by its own electricity. There is also a brown burnt color, and a little burnt smell can be smelled.

"Ha." When No. 4 landed, her feet staggered a bit. She was a little tired but couldn't rest yet. The mission was not over yet.

"Boom!!" There was a loud noise from the Sapporo Tower in the distance, Delta turned his head abruptly, 05-2 was madly suppressing the police and Heroes over there, Delta shrugged.

"If you don't hurry out, the Sapporo Tower will be blown up." Delta stretched out his finger and touched the electric cage.

"Hey! Hey!" Delta's half index finger was electrocuted, and Delta took a breath while looking at his depleted half index finger.

"Give it to me! Die!!" No. 4's hands slammed together, and the electric cage quickly merged. Delta's body was continuously hit by electric shocks, again splashing a large amount of black liquid.

"Ah ah ah ah!!!" This time, Delta was really beaten.

"Hey ah ah ah ah!" The electric currents intersect and merge into a huge electric current. An arm jumped out of the electric current and fell to the ground.

"Ha..." No. 4 hit the ground, took a deep breath, and watched the current slowly dissipate, leaving only a huge burnt black on the ground.

"Haha! Hahahaha! Hahahahahaha!!! Finally dead! Finally dead! Hahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!!" As soon as Phantom finished laughing, I saw the police and Heroes who were crushing the Sapporo Tower. The 05-2 and the living dead were beaten into flight, and the armor was torn. Delta, with his right hand torn apart, reappeared in everyone's field of vision, and the magical laughter stopped dumbly.

"Huh, hahaha, if I hadn't used [Portal] to run fast, maybe I would really be killed, but you are still a little bit worse, just a little bit worse, a little bit, hahahahahaha!" Delta laughed Then, he looked at the bewildered police and Heroes.

"What do you look at?! Really when my hand got in for nothing?! Hit!" Delta's remaining three hands each raised a black long mark, his armor was completely separated, and his helmet was only The remaining half.

"If you want to keep your Sapporo Tower, just give me your life and grab them! Give it to me!" The three long markers shot at the same time and struck towards 05-2.

05-2 saw the three black marks flying towards him, and immediately turned around in place, and a long sword appeared in 05-1's hand.

"Puff..." The mask of 05-1 spouted white smoke, and it was an hour before they reached the limit of their body. 05-1 turned over and cut off a black long mark directly, but it just landed and left. The next two long black labels came after them.

"Cut!" The head of the long sword flew out instantly and pierced onto the dead person closest to 05-1. 05-1 held the handle of the long sword with both hands, and the chain connecting the head and handle was instantly tightened. 05 -1 directly pulled the living dead over and blocked the two long signs.

"Puff! Puff!" The long mark penetrated directly through the body of the living dead, and the dead who came alive again lost their lives.

"Ha!" 05-1 roared in a low voice, and threw the living dead on the long sword towards Delta.

"You don't know if you are fined for littering! Portal!" A portal directly teleported the corpse of the living dead to the squadron of the living dead that had just been focused.

"Boom!!!" The death explosive device on the body of the living dead instantly activated, directly exploding a dozen of the living dead, and the reaction caused the living dead squadron to explode directly. Delta looked at the burnt black and fleshy brains all over the floor , Took a breath.(Read more @

"My God, know these guys are ruthless but they are too ruthless."

"Boom!" Another sniper ejection came. Delta turned around in an instant, but his dominant hand and left hand were also punched a big hole.

"I am so special, I have to get rid of that sniper rifle first."


SMARTLADY bit his posterior molar fiercely, what a mess!

"Number four! Mission transfer! We will assist you! Full output! Blast the Sapporo Tower!"

"Got it."

"I won't let you succeed!" Heroes who came to the reinforcements watched and rushed towards them. 05-1 gave them a slight glance, but it was this one that Delta caught.

"Let me see what you really look like under your mask! See if it is exactly the same as the body!!" Delta stepped on both feet, and at the moment when 05-1 did not react, he hit the 05-1 point to the mask directly. Kick to pieces.

05-1 didn't give up the attack opportunity in exchange for the mask. When he retreated, he held the long sword in both hands with a fierce wave, and directly cut Delta in the middle again.

"Fuck!" Delta's upper body fell directly to the ground. Just a second before he fell to the ground, he saw 05-1's face, and the face he hit on the ground gave a slight smile.

"Sure enough, you are a copy of the body."

"The obstruction target has been knocked down, the last blow." 05-1 with a nosebleed raised the long sword, and pointed the tip of the sword at Delta's head.

"DaDaDaDa!!" Several bullets directly hit 05-1's long sword from a distance. 05-1 flipped the blade in an instant, and at the same time evaded a bullet that hit his forehead. , The bullet hit the ground, 05-1's hood was lifted by the wind brought by the bullet, and fell behind his head. For a while, everyone who was close to the Sapporo Tower saw 05-1's face.

"very young?!"

"A bit familiar?"

"Super electric whip!!!" Under the escort of Phantom and SMARTLADY, the 4th condensed a large amount of electricity again, and the huge bright yellow whip swept towards the Sapporo Tower, which was still standing there. This time, no one could stop it. .

"Boom! Boom!" The two supporting pillars supporting the iron tower were swept off, and the iron tower slowly deviated from its original straight posture and fell to the ground.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" The electric whip swept up after breaking the support column, but after only two or three steel bars were cut off, the electric whip disappeared, and No. 4 fell straight to the ground, as if fainted. , SMARTLADY glanced at No. 4, which was lying on the ground, and then at the falling Sapporo Tower, his stiff face finally loosened a little.

"The first mission is completed, the helicopter landed and began to retreat."

"Sorry, you guys, none of you can leave." A feelingless electronic sound came from the sky, Phantom and SMARTLADY looked together, a bright silver figure fell from the sky, standing divided into two. In front of Delta.

"Who are you again?" 05-1 put on his hood again and kicked the blade. The tip of the blade aimed at the bright silver figure. The helicopter landed slowly, and three machine guns aimed at this again. The guy who is not afraid of death.

"Mobile Pegasus, came under the order to arrest you, and persuade you to surrender." The mobile Pegasus turned the revolver in his left hand.

"Playing with butterflies, I didn't expect that I would actually see such a fool who put the law on his lips." Huanbian pouted at the mobile Tianma.

"Regardless of who came, our mission has been completed and we have begun to retreat." A box in the helicopter opened, and thousands of butterflies flew out of the box to envelop the helicopter, Huanbian and others. , SMARTLADY stretched out his hand, and hundreds of butterflies flew again. They came to 05-1, who was a little relieved, wrapped him and brought him back to the helicopter.

"All said, you can't go! Da Da Da Da Da Da Da!!" The revolver fired frantically at the butterfly wrapped in 05-1. With each shot, three or five butterflies were killed but the remaining butterflies Still bring 05-1 back to SMARTLADY.

"Boom!!!" The Sapporo Tower fell to the ground with a loud noise, the mobile Tianma chased the helicopter, and SMARTLADY and others stepped on the helicopter within a few seconds. In these short seconds, All Heroes' long-range attacks were stopped by the butterflies.

The "huhuhuhuhu" helicopter swiftly turned its wings. Butterflies flew into the sky around the helicopter. The mobile Tianma activated the jet on the back and chased it up.

"This guy can actually fly? Can't let him chase us to our temporary base, otherwise we have to finish the game." Huanbian took a sigh at the mobile Tianma who was chasing him, a group of troublesome guys.

"Look at my collection, this is the latest baby I developed." SMARTLADY opened a small box on the driver's seat, and a golden butterfly flew out of the box and landed on her fingertips. With a light wave of SMARTLADY, the butterfly flew out of the helicopter and flew towards the mobile Pegasus.

"What kind of butterfly is that? It looks a little dazzling. Can that butterfly stop him?" Huanbian asked when the butterfly flew towards the mobile Pegasus.

"The grid butterfly is my newly cultivated baby. Don't worry about its power." SMARTLADY also watched the butterfly fly to the mobile Pegasus.

When the grid butterfly was only five meters away from the mobile Tianma, SMARTLADY squeezed her hand tightly, the grid butterfly burst open instantly, and the first layer of the grid directly fell on the mobile Tianma.

‘WORING! WORING! High voltage high voltage! Avoid avoiding! The excited Tianma rose instantly and wanted to avoid the power grid, but the power grid was still hooked to the feet of the mobile Tianma. The powerful electricity directly shut down the mobile Tianma on the spot and fell straight to the ground.

"It's done, let's go! Back to the base!" The helicopter flew farther and farther until it disappeared from everyone's sight.

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