The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 719 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 719

‘The output of the powerful electric shock is completed, and it takes time: five seconds, the helicopter has flew far, the action has failed... the body functions have been restarted. The body of the mobile Pegasus restarted in mid-air, the blue data flicked across the optical mirror, the back ejector restarted, and it quickly flew towards the battlefield before it fell.

"Papa." The mobile Pegasus staggered to the ground. The remaining Heroes and the police were cleaning up the battlefield. Several Heroes who came along with the mobile Pegasus saw the mobile Pegasus fall to the ground and immediately walked over.

"Have you caught it?"

"No, they released butterflies with power grid capabilities and stopped me. You can clean up the battlefield. I want to bring something back."

"All the heroes and the police here will be investigated and tested for injuries. Have you got any injuries? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No need, and I'm not the real Heroes." Said the mobile pegasus, pushing the Heroes who approached him, and walking towards Delta, which had fallen on the ground and split in half. Several Heroes and the police were surrounding him. He, Delta did not move or breathe, but Mobile Pegasus knew that Delta was not dead.

"Thank you." The mobile Tianma squeezed the police and Heroes away, and looked at Delta who fell on the ground, his eyes flashed with data.

"Sapporo Tower was blown off, Villain fled, the mission failed, Delta." Delta's fingers twitched slightly.

"Go back with me and come back together." The mobile Pegasus took Delta's upper body with one hand, and the other hand pulled Delta's lower body from the ground.

"Wait a minute, even if it's a corpse, it's Heroes' corpse. You can't take it away like this!" A Heroes said, reaching out to take Delta's corpse back but was stopped by the mobile Pegasus.

"He is not the Heroes on your side. He was ordered like me. I have the right to take him back. Moreover, he is not dead." After the mobile Tianma finished speaking, the jet on his back spurted directly. The huge flame flew to the sky with the mobile Pegasus and Delta, and the rest of the people were on the ground and the mobile Pegasus flying to the sky looked confused.

"Huh? I just saw the face of the guy named Delta, which is a bit like the face of Villain."

"Have it?"

"Wait a minute, do people who can survive being cut in half really exist?"

When the mobile Pegasus flew back to the city where U.A was located, he made a call to Izuku.

At 12:12 noon, Izuku's right hand suddenly became hot while watching the live broadcast of the Daxiuka attack on Hokkaido. He quickly glanced around. Most of the people in the cafeteria were eating and chatting. There was nothing at all. Noting him, Izuku took a breath, flipped his right hand, the flip phone appeared, and opened the cover with his fingers, Izuku put the phone to his ear.

"How's the mission?" Izuku asked in a low voice.(Read more @

"Sorry, Master, the mission failed. The Sapporo Tower was blown off and Delta was seriously injured. We are on the way back."

"Delta is seriously injured? What's the matter?"

"I don't know. Delta was cut off when I arrived. There is still a connection between the two energy bodies. I'm sorry."

"Um... Then did you collect information about Villain?"

"We have collected some, but Delta should have collected more. We will return to U.A at 10:28 in the evening."

"I see." Izuku put down the phone, and pointed the index finger of his left hand on the table. After a few seconds of silence, Izuku took a breath.

"Release all the videos and intelligence collected from the overhaul card. They have already spread the impact. We can only release the intelligence we know relatively. But be careful not to broadcast videos that will explode public opinion and turn on the speakers. , Let me have a chat with Red Eye."

"Yes, the speaker has been turned on." The mobile Pegasus turned on the speaker. Delta heard the breathing sound that did not belong to the mobile Pegasus. He slowly raised his head and squinted his eyes.

"..." Izuku paused for a moment.

"Can you recover?"

"Yes, but it takes time to recover well tomorrow. I'm sorry... Ontology, I missed it."

"Um... come back early. Since we have failed, we can only stop them next time and let the hidden shadows in the base of the overhaul card lurch. Don't be discovered, they are still useful."

"Yes..." Hanging up the phone, the mobile Pegasus continued to fly silently, but Delta pursed his mouth to prevent himself from crying, and black tears kept streaming from his red eyes.

Hanging up the phone, Izuku glanced at the tattoo on his right hand, exhaled, and retired the live broadcast of the mobile phone. The mission failed. Even the pork chop rice in front of him became not so delicious. He closed his eyes and stretched out his hand to squeeze himself. Bridge of the nose.

‘In this case, sister Koko, what would you do? This is the first time I have dealt with such a large organization. I have no experience at all.....’

"It looks like you are worrying, what are you really worrying about? Midoriya classmate? Can you tell me?" I don't know when there is an extra person, Yamada Lumen from Class I.

"It's a private matter. I don't need Yamada's help. I can solve it. By the way, I gave him the things you asked me to give to Xiaosheng last time, but he didn't seem to be responding.....Sorry, Did not help you."

"Hmm, there is nothing, if I want to pursue a proud person like Bakugo Katsuki, I have to become better myself."

"Yeah!" Izuku agreed with the topic of Bakugo Katsuki's pride. He nodded while eating pork chop rice.

"I think Xiaosheng is full of pride in every hair, so that it will be stabbed like that, and it will not be messy if it is blown by the strong wind."


"Really, Xiaosheng has been quite good since he was a child. He awakened when he was in kindergarten [quirk]..." Izuku was eating pork chop rice and chatting with Yamada Lumenko. In the distance, Kirishima and Kaminari were eating, Bakugo squeezed the chopsticks, and Kaminari Denki swallowed as he watched the chopsticks become flat.

"Hello, Bakugo, what's wrong with you? Don't just spoil the tableware in the cafeteria."

"It's your shit! Laozi won't eat it!" Bakugo Katsuki threw the chopsticks into the plate and walked out of the canteen.

"Guru, ah... sorry, I'm full, I'm glad you talked with me." Izuku swallowed the last drink in the cup, put down the spoon, and smiled at Yamada Lumenko. Wiped his mouth with a tissue and stood up.

"It's okay, I also feel very happy to chat with you." Yamada Lumenko also narrowed his eyes.

"I still have class in the afternoon, so I will leave first." Izuku nodded to Yamada Lumenko, and left the canteen with the dinner plate. After he left the canteen, Yamada Lumenko pressed his temple, [quirk] Started, a blue screen appeared in front of her. On the screen, the data of Izuku and Bakugo Katsuki were compared. The data of Midoriya Izuku was still a little worse than that of Bakugo Katsuki. However, under the name of Midoriya Izuku, There is a line of fine print:

With the potential and power that you don't know, you can make good friends.

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