The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 720 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 720

At 1:18 noon, Izuku, who returned to the class, sat in his seat and kept writing information in his notebook with a pen. Redeye had just passed on all the things he saw on the battlefield to Izuku, although he would It hurts my head, but this information is very important and worthwhile.

"Papa." The black fountain pen was placed on the table. Izuku rubbed his head with his fingers, and looked at the things on the notebook with a little helplessness.

"Are there more than three replicas? They all have [quirk] and they complement each other. It's too must figure out a way to arrest them, and if they are allowed to act arbitrarily, big things will happen.. .."

"Pop!" A hand was suddenly slapped on the table, and Izuku quickly covered the notebook and lifted his head. As a result, his face was pinched by one hand just as he lifted his head.

"Woo! Xiaosheng, puff?" Bakugo Katsuki stared at herself with bloody eyes, and Izuku swallowed.

"Xiaosheng, what are you doing?"

"It's a fun chatting with the girls in Class I."

"Xiaosheng is talking about Yamada Lumen?"

"Who else could she have?! Do you like her?!"

"Even if I like her, she won't like me! The person she likes is Xiaosheng! Hum!" Bakugo Katsuki arrogantly kissed Izuku's lips, and two fangs broke. The pain in Izuku's lips instantly spread to the brain along the nerves.


"Huh..." hot wind came from the nose, Izuku's head receded, but Bakugo Katsuki directly chased after him, and the blood flowed down the corner of his mouth along the saliva.

Ten seconds later, Izuku was really suffocated. He shook his head and broke away from Bakugo Katsuki. His face was red. Bakugo Katsuki looked at Izuku, who was panting with his head down, smiled and wiped it with his thumb. Click on your lips.

"Smelly long is stinky, you kissed for such a long time, huh?"

"It's Xiaosheng who is too overbearing! Hiss! It hurts." Izuku wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, the wound on his lips was pulled, and Izuku's brow jumped.

"Xiao Sheng's face is also very red, so embarrassed to say me?"

"Cut." Suddenly Bakugo Katsuki hugged Izuku, and the two of them pressed their foreheads, and Izuku was frightened.

"Smelly for a long time." Bakugo Katsuki's blood-colored eyes were filled with the pure green. Izuku smelled a little bit of blood, which should be his blood. He wrinkled his nose and looked at the ground subconsciously.

"Look at me, Izuku."(Read more @

"Ah?!" His eyes were raised quickly, and the two pairs of eyes met, and the green pupils were also full of red.

"Smelly Jiu, you are mine, you can only be mine, please, don't look at others, okay?"

"Swipe!" With the sound of the door being opened, Bakugo Katsuki released his hand holding Izuku like an electric shock, and quickly sat back on his seat.

"What I said, that guy actually said on the forum to continue pursuing Bakugo, he's really not afraid of death, oh, Bakugo, you are here..." Kaminari Denki was obviously on the Eight Trigrams forum just now. Regarding Bakugo Katsuki, I didn't expect the Lord Master to be in the classroom.

"Ah...Idiot face, who did you just say that you want to pursue Laozi?" Bakugo Katsuki blocked his face with a book, frowned slightly at Shang Ming, and shrugged helplessly. shoulder.

"It's not a matter on the forum. That Yamada Lumingzi keeps posting on the forum to pursue your posts. We are saying that she is overwhelming."

"Huh, I said, Laozi would never like her kind of girl, she doesn't even like pork chop rice..." Bakugo Katsuki turned to look out the window, Kaminari Denki and Kirishima were just two of them. It was Bakugo Katsuki who was not interested in that girl. He sat in his seat while chatting. Suddenly, Kaminari Denki looked at Izuku.

"Midoriya, last time you said you would dance a little ballroom dance, is that true?" Izuku touched his lips and turned his head.

"It's true, what's the matter?"

"Please teach us! We don't have the basis for ballroom dancing at all! Happiness!" Kaminari and Kirishima clasped their hands at the same time, begging to Izuku.

"Actually, I don't need to teach it. Ballroom dancing is very simple. Just learn from the computer, right?" Izuku tilted his head.

"We thought the same at the beginning, but the two of us studied the videos on the computer for a few days, and the results were completely horrible. Even we can't stand it anymore. Please teach us Midoriya. Kaminari Denki's head is so low that he can't refuse it at all.

"Um..... Okay." As soon as Izuku finished speaking, he felt a strange gaze from his side, Bakugo Katsuki's gaze, and a drop of cold sweat fell on his forehead.

‘I should think about it again, but it’s okay to just practice the dance steps.....’ Izuku shook his head slightly, and nodded to Kirishima and Kamuna.

"Then we will finish school in the afternoon and have dinner to practice on the first floor of the dormitory. I will try my best to teach you."

"That's great!"

"Cut." Bakugo Katsuki turned his head again, clenching his right fist tightly.

On the other side, on the combat helicopter of the overhaul card, SMARTLADY opened the communication with the main base of the overhaul card after confirming that the communication channel would not be overheard.

"Doctor, this is the dispatch team for the overhaul card. Our mission in Hokkaido has been successfully completed, and the data collection has been completed. We are on the way back. It has been confirmed that no one or device can track us. We will be at 10 o'clock in the evening. Thirty-three points back to the base.

"Okay, I'm clear. By the way, before you come back, catch a few guys who have [quirk] back. You can catch as many as you want. Researchers from other worlds should do research."

"Okay, no problem, then we might go back tomorrow." SMARTLADY glanced at the No. 4 and No. 5 who are still in the training warehouse, as well as playing with the mobile phone. There is a sense of pride and inexplicable feeling in my heart. Satisfaction, the communication was turned off, SMARTLADY also picked up the mobile phone and turned a hundred thousand dollars to the phantom.

"Ding Dong, your account has arrived, one hundred thousand dolls." Hearing the sound of one hundred thousand dollars in the account, Huanbian raised his brows and turned to look at SMARTLADY.

"What's the job this time? Are you telling me to kill a few heroes or the police?" SMARTLADY raised a narcotic bomb and aimed the warhead at the phantom.

"Catch an ordinary person from a squadron back, pay attention, it is an ordinary person, not [no quirk]."

"A brigade? Is it just that few people? Is it okay to catch casually?"

"Don't worry, there are so many people in this country. There is no problem with missing dozens of people casually, and this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them to become stronger. After the transformation, it will be used by our overhaul card! This is a blessing that they will not get in a few lifetimes. Points! They should be grateful!" SMARTLADY's eyes are full of madman-like pride.

"Tsk, it's not a religion. How come all of them are like lunatics?" Huanchang tugged at the corner of his mouth, put the phone away, pulled the bolt of the pistol, and changed the ammunition into anesthetic bombs. She (his) Both feet stroked in the air.

"Anyway, just grab forty people and come back. Three magazines are enough. Just leave them to me. Put me down in the next city and give me an hour."

"no problem."

This deformed war is still going on, I don't know when it will end.

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