The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 721 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 721

The afternoon class is an English class for the Spider-Man teacher. Although Spider-Man's English ability has not declined in the slightest, Izuku can feel that the Spider-Man teacher is completely out of state.

‘It seems that the absence of Mr. Deadpool has caused Mr. Spider-Man’s attention. Is there any way I can help Mr. Spider-Man? Izuku looked at Spider-Man who was giving a lecture and scratched his head.

"Midoriya, Midoriya?" Uraraka, who was sitting not far away, turned his head and looked at Izuku. It is not a lot of whispering during class time. Midoriya raised his eyebrows slightly, and he heard Spiderman as soon as he turned his eyes. the sound of.

"Midoriya-san, don't look around in class, just answer this question."

"Yes!" Midoriya stood up from his seat slightly embarrassed, and Uraraka looked at Izuku slightly apologetically.

"The answer to the second question is C, because time has no past tense, so choose C, and the fourth answer, Mr. Spider-Man, you should be wrong."

"Ah, sorry, sorry, there have been a lot of recent things, so I just can't respond." Spiderman scratched his face mask and quickly erased the wrong words with his hands.

"Don't worry, Mr. Spiderman." Suddenly, Izuku patted the table lightly with both hands and looked at Spiderman with a smile.

"The teacher's worries will definitely be resolved soon, so don't worry so much." Izuku squinted his eyes slightly. There is indeed a reassuring magic, and the slightly anxious Spider-Man took a deep breath.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be so anxious, then, the next section..." Izuku nodded and took his seat.

‘In this way, there should be no problem for the time being. Suddenly, a piece of paper swayed in front of him, Izuku froze for a few seconds, blinked, and grabbed the paper in his hand when the Spider-Man teacher turned his head and looked over.

Izuku opened the note, which read two lines:

Xiaojiu-kun, I heard that you want to teach Kaminari and Kirishima to dance ballroom dance? Can you teach me too?

‘Is it because of this? Izuku nodded to Uraraka.

‘YES! YES! ! Uraraka flushed with excitement, and kept rubbing his knees with his hands.

'absolute! Definitely leave a good impression on Xiaojiu-kun! The third round of action to increase affection! start up! ’

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Eri walked out of the school a little eagerly. Today, the U.A school worker he had only met, Toshinori Yagi, came to pick her up.

"Uncle Shunnori!" Although he is a stranger, Eri greeted Yagi Shunnori very politely.(Read more @

"Eri, how about class in the afternoon?" Yagi Toshinori threw a can of nutrient solution into the trash can. The slightly fishy nutrient solution made his eyebrows frown.

"Very smoothly! Uncle Jundian! Let's go back soon, I want to see Brother Midoriya soon!"

"No hurry today, because there is an important thing to take you with today." Toshinori Yagi smiled, and Eri tilted his head.

"important things?"

"Yes, I'm going to see a doctor today, did Eri forget?"

On the other side, SMARTLADY landed the helicopter to a corner of a city, Phantom changed the button on the belt, and the nano armor was attached to her again. Because the jet was kicked by Delta, Phantom could only use running. of.

"One hour countdown, try not to let the police and Heroes here find out. It will be very troublesome to be found."

"Huh, there are not many other places in this place, but a lot of people. There are more homeless people without proper jobs. Leave it to me." Huanchang's feet landed on the ground and jumped onto a building with a light step. In the residential building, SMARTLADY squinted his eyes slightly as he watched the phantom running away.

"Such a guy who only looks at money will be very troublesome if he is arrested by the police and Heroes. Sure enough, he still has to let the doctor brainwash the magic."

The phantom figure was constantly jumping between the buildings. Below her, the flow of people was constantly flowing. It was obviously something within reach, but she didn't even look at it, she rushed straight towards this place. The outskirts of the city.

‘This country, no matter which city it is, has the kind of homeless people who are forgotten by the city because they have no money. Isn’t it simple to take them away? ’

"Chichichichi" metal-like shoes left sparks on the old roof. She sneered at the tent-filled alley with her arms around her chest.

"Isn't this there? There are more than 20 full, the indicator is half completed in one fell swoop, I simply got fifty thousand dollars and made it." Huanchang jumped slightly and fell directly into the alley. Inside, a strong wind blew.

"What's the matter? It's a big gust of wind." A dozen homeless men in old clothes walked out of the tent, but as soon as they came out, they were shot against their heads by a golden guy.

"Are these people like you here?" The golden nano armor can shine even in such a dark and dirty place, and the red eyes are shining with bloodthirsty light. These tramps have never seen such a posture. The guy with the pistol against his forehead knelt directly on the ground, Huanchang turned his head and glanced at the people standing around him, then scanned it with a thermal imager, and after confirming that there were no omissions, Huanchang pulled the trigger.

"Boom!" The bullet shell fell to the ground.

"Hey! Good afternoon! Hokkaido folks! I am Na Keika Amuro! Today, I will activate your dull heart! The first song: The color of the sky!" Na Keika Amuro sings with a smile. When I was singing, I had already scolded the agent and the government workers to the ground.

Backstage, as the mayor of Hokkaido, he never thought that one day he would nod and bow with an agent.

"If you play early, you will really lose a lot of things. Regarding this, how does Lord Mayor want to compensate for our Amuro Qingge?" The agent pushed his glasses, and the mayor in front of him arched his back. , It looks like a few years old.

"It's a fact. As for this compensation plan, we haven't figured it out yet, but we will give it to you tomorrow. Please rest assured."

"I hope you know that the influence of our Amuro Naked Song is not as simple as millions of people. Since you don't have a plan without compensation, then let me do it." The agent pushed the glasses again, starting from A contract came out in the handbag that I carried with me.

"Although I don't like the method of talking about soldiers on paper, only this method can allow us to communicate more steadily. Mr. Mayor, please have a look. That's what our requirements are."

The mayor’s assistant accepted the contract, looked at it carefully for a minute, and reached the mayor’s ear.

"The mayor, over there, is asking the government here to carry out an official publicity campaign for Amuro Na Qingge for one year, and all of her income in this city this year will belong to the office, and no taxes are allowed. The last point is... ...Give Amuro Na Qingge an invitation letter for the UA High School Prom at the end of the month."

"Gluck!" The assistant close to the mayor heard Mr. Mayor gritted his teeth.

"It's really a lion's mouth, I agree!" The mayor took out a black pen from his chest pocket and signed his name on the contract. The agent withdrew the contract, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted.

"In order to ensure that both parties fulfill their obligations, I will ask a third-party company to supervise the behavior of our two units. I will let Amuro Na Qingge to tour Hokkaido within the next half month to boost the momentum of Hokkaido."

"I hope our government's money will not be squandered, huh!" Mr. Mayor glared at the agent, turned around and greeted the assistant. Several people quickly walked out of the backstage and got into a black car. The agent The man pushed his glasses.

"I have obtained the exclusive agency rights for a year. This time it can be regarded as a lot of money. Using the influence of attending the UA high school graduation prom, probably this year's star award can be obtained." The agent turned his head and looked at it. To sing and dance on the stage, Amuro Shine lightly sang and nodded.

"You will go farther and farther on the way of being a star, and our firm will earn more and more. Let's give full play to your strengths, Amuro!"

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