"What's the matter with Xiaosheng?" Izuku opened the door, looked at the young Tameran who hated him the most, and said with his head down.

‘The body is so embarrassing, hehe. ’

‘I just don’t dare to look at Xiaosheng, I’m a little scared. ’

"Others said let me ask you to take a bath in the bathhouse at four o'clock in the afternoon. Tsk, the thought of taking a bath with you rubbish is disgusting." Bakugo only said this and turned away.

‘Xiaosheng is still the same. Izuku watched Bakugo walk away, then closed the door.

‘Well, he is still the same as before. Since there is nothing wrong with him, let’s continue reading and think about whether to drink the bottles of potions here. ’

‘The blue potion should be energy. In that way, you can’t drink it here. It’s a waste. ’

Bakugo stared at Izuku's room at the corner of the stairs.

‘He’s not angry! He didn't cry! What's up! That waste! I used to cry when I was scolded, but what happened now! ! Bakugo’s emotions are suddenly on the verge of an explosion.

"It feels like you were ignored by Izuku-kun." Shoto Todoroki didn't know when he stood behind Bakugo.

"Yin-Yang Face, are you fucking looking for a fight?"

"Tomorrow's training will be very tiring, so I don't have time to fight with you." Shoto Todoroki walked up with a plate of Izuku's favorite pork chop rice.

"The third energy potion will wrap up the power of the whole body. I won't have any strength at all on the day. Drinking the red potion the next day is the best." Izuku whispered, reading the book while playing with his hands. bullet.

‘It seems that the feasibility is still very high. ’

‘It’s like this, my heart itch? ’

‘It’s kind of, but, after so many years, I can still bear it for a while. Izuku closed the book again.

‘What kind of old-fashioned things to say, even you have only been born for 15 years now, so pretend to be vicissitudes of life. ’

"Boom boom boom" was knocking on the door again.


"Me." It was Jun Jun's voice.

Izuku opened the door and Jun Jun stood outside, holding a piece of pork chop rice in his hand.

"Hongjun, you are......"

"You didn't eat at noon, I specially asked the shorthair cat to make you a plate of pork chop rice." Jun Hong walked into Izuku's room freely, and closed the door by the way, blocking Bakugo with a furious look.

Twenty minutes later, Shoto Todoroki walked out of Izuku's room with an empty plate with a satisfied face, and gave Bakugo a provocative look.

‘Fuck, dead yin and yang face! ! ! ’Bakugo-kun let go! The wall is about to crack, uh... it's already cracked.

In the room, Izuku retched again at the toilet in the bathroom.

‘It still feels disgusting! "Oh!!" Nothing came out.

‘Now I feel all mud in my stomach. ’

‘Actually, it’s just my favorite pork chop rice. ’

‘But now I can’t vomit, so forget it. ’

‘The feeling of being stared at the meal is quite bad. ’

‘I mean. Izuku wiped his mouth, washed his hands, and sat back on the chair.

‘When he was watching, half in the fire and half in the ice, it felt strange. Izuku was thinking while flipping his phone.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

‘Agree, yes, it’s half past three, shouldn’t you go get the towel for the hot spring? ’

‘But don’t I have a towel? ’

‘Do you want other people to watch your All Might towel on your waist collectively? Isn't it embarrassing? ’

‘Sorry, I’ll get it now. Izuku got up and went out to get a towel and yukata.

On the way back to the room after taking the towel, Izuku saw the peculiar child again. At that time, the child was kneeling in front of two spiritual positions with his hands folded, his head down and muttering.

‘What is that kid doing? ’

‘I don’t know, but I seem to see him crying. ’

‘Why is he crying? ’

‘I don’t know, don’t ask me, but watching that kid’s pious look, it should be the parents or something. ’

'is it? A little worried. ’

‘Should you care about it? ’

‘Let’s go. Izuku took the towel and yukata and walked behind the kid.

He looked at the two spirit cards in front of him, feeling a little heavy.

"It looks like the child's parents, these two names are a bit familiar."

‘It’s the Heroes who died three years ago. The incident at that time was still a lot of trouble. ’

"You go away for me!!" The kid turned around and got up, and without hesitation, he hit Izuku's key with a punch.

"Puff!" Izuku fell to the ground and couldn't get up again!

‘It’s so painful! ! ! ’

‘Are the children nowadays so cruel? ’

‘Help! ’

At 4:10 in the afternoon, Izuku came to the hot spring pool with difficulty to take a bath.

"Midoriya-kun, why are you so slow? We have been waiting for you here for a long time." Ida-kun was sitting in the hot spring and beckoning to Izuku.

"It was delayed because of some small things, it's okay." Izuku only tied a towel around his waist and jumped into the hot spring.

"Huh, really comfortable." Izuku said cheerfully while sitting in the hot spring.

"I think lunch is okay, but more importantly, the women’s bath is just across the street! There is only one wall away from us! I don’t care, I’m going to go!!" Mineta Minoru used his own despite the squad leader’s obstruction. [Quirk] I want to rush to the top of this wooden wall and watch the scenery of the women's bath opposite.

"Squad leader, can we kick this guy out of Class 1-A? He ruined the style of our class!"

"I think too! Mineta! It's shameful for you to do this! Come down!"

"It's almost! It's almost!" Mineta's saliva was about to flow down, and just as he was about to climb to the top of the wooden wall, a little boy suddenly appeared on the top of the wooden wall.

"Be yourself before becoming a Heroes." The boy pushed Mineta Minoru from heaven back to earth with a palm.

"How can it be repaired!!! You dead child!!!" Mineta lived up to expectations and fell into the hot spring.

"Thank you, little brother!" At the female bath, the girls wrapped in towels and thanked the kid. Several girls showed their breasts!

"Big husband...you...poof!" The child stared at the female bath in a daze, his body was unstable, and he fell off the wooden wall.

"Danger!" Izuku saved the little boy without even thinking about it.

"Boom!" Izuku's face hit the wooden wall.

‘This kid and I definitely have a fate! ’

‘Isn’t Nie Yuan Xiaosheng? ’

Izuku held the child in one hand and covered his nose with the other.

‘Bleeding, bleeding! Izuku felt a flow of heat with his hands covering his nose, which was a nosebleed.

"I'll take him to the health room first. You play slowly here." Izuku clutched his nose, and took the kid to the health room with one hand.

In the health room, Izuku looked at the child lying on the sofa while blocking his nostrils with a tissue.

"He should be the child of the Heroes couple three years ago."

"You know!" It was Mandela Cat who took care of the children.

"Know it, this thing was very hot at the time, so why would he be with you?"

"He is the distant nephew of the shorthair cat and lives with us for the time being, but after experiencing that kind of thing, he hates Heroes quite a bit, even somewhat hostile to Heroes."

"It's no wonder, after all, in children's hearts, parents account for a large part." Izuku rubbed his hair, turned and walked out of the health room. This kind of thing happened. It is so difficult to soak in a hot spring now .

"Then I'll go back first."

"Um... Thank you very much for saving Yu Tai."

"That's what I should do." Izuku turned and left. Since I'm not in the mood to soak in the hot springs, let's go to the shower head.

‘As soon as I was tossed by this kid, I didn’t even think about going to the hot spring. ’

‘Just go rush, I have to run another 20 kilometers tonight. ’

'Hey! No! ! ’

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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