Izuku finished the shower, put on a yukata, wiped his hair with a towel, and returned to the room.

‘Main body, the hair is really a bit longer. ’

‘But now there’s nowhere to cut it, so let’s just change it and go for a run. ’

‘Is it true that you still can’t escape the fate of running? I want to sleep, I miss my bed! ’

‘Don’t think about it this month, every day training will exhaust us. ’

‘It’s better to sleep a little longer now! ! ’

‘Don’t be hypocritical, hurry up. Izuku changed his clothes, inserted Glock around his waist, tied the laces of his shoes tightly, and Izuku opened the door of the room.

"Xiaosheng, why are you standing at the door?" As soon as Izuku opened the door, he saw his young tame.

‘Annoying guy! ’

‘Don’t say that. ’

"Would you like to come in and sit for a while?" Izuku said tremblingly.

"Who would want to enter your room! Laozi is just passing by." ‘Although I want to go in too. ’

"Then I can rest assured." "Xiaosheng is still the same." Izuku walked out of the room, closed the door, bypassed Bakugo and walked downstairs. At the moment of bypassing Bakugo, Izuku's body shook violently, which was discovered by Bakugo.

‘The body was very strange just now. ’

‘Natural reaction, natural reaction, after being beaten for so many years, there is still such a natural reaction. ’

‘Natural reaction, it’s really peculiar. ’

"Well, now the goal is to run 20 kilometers!"

‘We don’t know the road conditions here. How do we calculate that we have run 20 kilometers? ’

"I brought this." Izuku took out a square thing from his pocket.

‘Pedometer? ’

‘It’s a mileage counter. With this thing, you don’t have to consider how many miles you have run. I have set the number of steps for 40 kilometers, so let’s start! ’Izuku started running around the rest area.

Thirty minutes later, the mileage counter on Izuku's body began to ring.

"Forty kilometers arrived so quickly? I don't think it took long." Izuku took out the mileage counter in his pocket, and it was clearly written forty kilometers.

"Is my speed faster? This thing won't break, right?" Izuku patted the mileage counter. After confirming that the machine was not broken, Izuku walked back to his room and started ten sets of push-ups every day.

"After doing both hands, do one hand, after doing one hand do fingers." Izuku said while doing push-ups.

‘Ontology, I’m so tired! ! Can you take a break? ’

‘No way! Exercise is the foundation of becoming stronger! ’

‘If we even practice our fingers, we can go to sleep. ’

‘Handstand push-ups! ’

‘You are the devil’s devil! ! ’

‘My new idea, it’s not bad. ’

‘Nice, what’s good! If I want to be exhausted, I'll just say it! ! ’

At two o'clock in the morning, Izuku finally lay on the bed.

‘Finally, I can sleep. ’

'good night. ’(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

At 5:30 in the morning, Izuku woke up to the yelling of Teacher Aizawa.

As soon as he woke up, Izuku quickly changed into his clothes and rushed downstairs at an inhuman speed.

"Good morning, Ms. Aizawa." Izuku greeted Ms. Aizawa earnestly, but now I can't beat Ms. Aizawa. It is better to train honestly.

"Good morning, I didn't expect you to be the first to come down."

"Has everyone not come down yet?"

"It seems you are the first to come down."

"So what is the training today?"

"Keywords: enhancement and hell."

"Yeah....... In other words, is the training in the forest stay comparable to hell this time?" Izuku thought with his right hand against his chin.

"Why, afraid?"

"If you are scared, how can you be Heroes, but in hell..." The collapsed city flashed through Izuku's mind, and the blood color appeared in Izuku's eyes, and then disappeared quietly.

"Don't let me down." Izuku whispered.

At 5:35 in the morning, everyone got down, and today's training officially began.

Izuku was taken away by the tiger in the PUSY CAT four-man group for augmentation training.

"Amplified [quirk] needs to exercise and control oneself, to tear oneself to the limit!! Now you can show me what kind of limit performance you can achieve!!!"

‘Crack it. Izuku dislocated his left arm again.

"is this OK?"

"I'm not talking about this! Send it back to me quickly!!"

"Oh." ‘Kara. ’The left arm has recovered, but it hurts a bit.

"Now you punch me with all your strength."

"Is it possible? Can I really use my full strength?" Izuku's right hand lit up with a huge green light, which was a sign of one for all 100%, and a super strong sense of oppression came from Izuku's body.

"If I go down with this punch, you may fly, do you really need to use your full strength?"

"No, no, no need, no need." Tiger said, waving his two gloves.

Izuku dismissed his [quirk] and looked at the tiger.

"Then what should I do?"

"Continuously use my own quirk to bring out my limits."

"Limit?" Izuku thought of the scene where he was lying on the ground and unable to move after running 20 kilometers for the first time.

"Oh." ‘Kara. ’The left arm has recovered, but it hurts a bit.

"Now you punch me with all your strength."

"Is it possible? Can I really use my full strength?" Izuku's right hand lit up with a huge green light, which was a sign of one for all 100%, and a super strong sense of oppression came from Izuku's body.

"If I go down with this punch, you may fly, do you really need to use your full strength?"

"No, no, no need, no need." Tiger said, waving his two gloves.

Izuku dismissed his [quirk] and looked at the tiger.

"Then what should I do?"

"Continuously use my own quirk to bring out my limits."

"Limit?" Izuku thought of the scene where he was lying on the ground and unable to move after running 20 kilometers for the first time.

"Oh, I wanted to develop my own limits." Izuku nodded, with a light green arc on his hands.

‘5%, it should be okay. ’

'Limits, the limit I should break now is the lasting limit. I can only hold on to 5% strength for four hours, at least eight hours. The key is how to hold on. You can’t stand here. Hours. ’

‘Just beat the ground, or dig a hole with your fist. ’

‘Just do it! Izuku raised his two fists and started hammering the floor.

"Boom!" Izuku's voice is no worse than other people who are undergoing hellish training.

'carry on! carry on! Izuku's fists began to turn red and purple. After half an hour, there was a big hole more than one meter wide and two meters deep. An hour later, Izuku's fists began to bleed.

‘It’s not the limit yet! 'Izuku's training speed did not keep up with the speed of his adrenal hormone secretion. After another hour, Izuku wiped the sweat from his face with the back of his hand, and continued to hammer the ground with his fist. His hands were still 5% green. Arc.

Six hours later, Izuku finally crawled out of the pit he had dug. His face was bloody, and his hands were bleeding. Someone who didn't know thought he had gone to fight again.

"5%, eight hours, finished! Cough cough!" Izuku crawled out of the pit with difficulty, red flesh and blood on his hands.

‘This is strong enough. Only with stronger power can I become a Heroes.’ Izuku’s mind is now trying to become stronger.

"Ahhh!!! Continue!!! Continue!!! Continue!!!" Izuku raised his fist and hammered the ground again, but at the moment he was about to hammer the ground, his neck suddenly hurt, and then he fainted. past.

"Tsk! This kid is going crazy, his mental state is really wrong." Aizawa Shouta looked at Izuku, who was lying on the ground with blood in his hands, and scratched his neck.

"If it hadn't been for the Mandalay cat to inform me, you might have had a cold here today."

"You are so annoying! Teacher Aizawa!" Izuku raised his head suddenly, and he propped himself up with his bleeding hands.

"Since the training is over, then I will go back." Izuku twisted his neck with his right hand. The blood poured from his neck into the white shirt. He twisted his neck and walked out of the training forest.

Teacher Aizawa looked at her palm, did her strength decrease?

‘The body is so troublesome! I will be stunned by Teacher Aizawa. This is all right. I have to go back and apply the medicine myself. I hope that there are medicines that I can use in the health room, which will sleep me to death. As soon as Izuku walked out of the forest, he saw other classmates walking back to the dorm room with a look of love.

'Wow! It's over, I will definitely be seen by others! How to do! How to do! Izuku is a bit embarrassed now, his face is covered with blood now, if someone else finds out, he will definitely be asked.

‘Never waste time! Nor can it be discovered by others! Thinking this way, Izuku bypassed the other students who were walking towards the dormitory, and wanted to walk into the dormitory through the back door.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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