The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 90 Questions and Dreams

"Yes, I have a gun." Izuku looked at All Might with his dark green eyes.

"Why do you have a gun? Or, why do you have a gun?" All Might looked at his disciple.

"I have a gun because I don’t have any sense of security. I have a gun. It’s just a gift from someone else. But those guns were destroyed in previous battles. In other words, I don’t have any guns anymore. ." Izuku looked at All Might without fear.

"By the way, did the magician tell their stronghold?"

"He said, but what I want to know is your other identity, the ninth person in Koko Hekmedia's private armament, the almighty young soldier known as the "Nine Nine", that is you. "The people who eavesdropped outside when All Might revealed Izuku's other identity almost all held their breath.

"Since All Might asked me, then I can't lie. That's right, I am indeed the "Nine Nine" but the almighty young soldier. This is really the love of my colleagues." Izuku smiled, the one in the ward The atmosphere began to decrease.

"I met sister Kou Kou, other classmates have told you about it, then I will seriously talk about it in the summer of thirteen years old, if it is a small victory, then it should be very clear. , On the first day of the summer vacation, I followed Koko Hekmedia to a small country in Africa, and from there, I started a two-month trip with arms dealers I can’t speak a single word with any more words, but when I came home again, I was quite happy. After all, at the time, I was still alive without even [quirk]. I'm already lucky from the heavens, what else can I ask for." After Izuku finished speaking, he smiled at All Might.

"All Might, do you want to take back your [quirk]?" Izuku whispered, the voice is so small that only All Might can hear him with his ears up.

"No, I will not take back [ONE FOR ALL]." All Might stroked Izuku's head with his big hand.

"Why?" Now it was Izuku's turn to wonder. It was obvious that death should be due to people like me.

"Because you saved others." All Might stood up and walked outside the ward.

"Besides, you didn't kill anyone." As soon as All Might opened the door of the ward, he saw the boys and girls in Class 1-A spread out with a "bang".

‘Ontology, All Might is right. We didn’t kill anyone. We wounded Villain so that they could not move. ’

‘I see, by the way, why are you unconscious? ’

‘After you fainted, I was on top! Can you fight with those weird people without sleeping all day to make up for yourself? ’

'Is that right? Izuku lay back on the bed and closed his eyes.

‘By the way, how are we going to respond this time? ’

‘Hmph, of course I am going to return the gift from Shibamu, but the more important thing now is how to let my mother continue to support me to study at U.A. ’

‘Why.... I know. 'I won’t say much about the other thing. Even going to the dense forest dwelling will be hit by Villain. Now there is no safety in UA. As a mother, Midoriya would naturally not let Her child went to such a dangerous place, although Yinzi did not know that Izuku had been abroad, let alone that he went to such a dangerous activity.

"Midoriya Izuku, I came to see the doctor." The doctor opened the door of the ward and walked in.

"Huh? Hello, doctor." Izuku sat up again.

"Hmm... It seems that you are recovering well, oh, yes, I received a letter to you here, which was sent by a kid and named you." The doctor gave Izuku to Izuku. After checking, one side took out a piece of white paper folded into a square from the clothes.

"Named me?" Izuku took the blank paper and opened it. Izuku glanced at it and laughed. This letter was sent by Tai Tai, or a thank you letter.

"Then I will borrow your good words and get better soon." Izuku smiled and received the thank-you letter.

‘Ontology, this is the first time we have received a thank you letter. ’

‘I mean, I’m so happy! ’

"Well... it has been checked, you are basically fine, and you can be discharged from the hospital today."

"Really? That's great!!" Izuku exclaimed happily.

"You may be discharged from the hospital this afternoon, and you have to finish three bottles of slings. Don't eat too spicy food. Remember." The doctor replaced Izuku with a sling and took out one from his pocket. The lollipop was put in his mouth and walked out of the ward.

"I have to hit three slings." Izuku was a little bored watching the slings fall drop by drop.

He fell down and lay on the pillow again.

‘Since it’s okay now, let’s sleep for a while. ’

"Then go to sleep again." Izuku slowly closed his eyes, and just as Izuku was asleep, Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki walked into Izuku's ward again at the same time, Bakugo's face was quite bad.

"Waste of waste for a long time!"

"Izuku, waste nine? It's still cute."

"Yin and Yang face, what the hell do you want to do?"

"I didn't want to do it? Are you too excited? And, Izuku is mine."(Read more @

"What the hell are you talking about!"

In the dream, Izuku came to his favorite mission point, looking for a doctor in the mountains in the winter. The doctor is a doctor of biology and an inventor, although her inventions are often assembled on weapons.

"Jonah, did you find anything?" Uncle Rem walked behind Izuku to the left.

"Not yet." In fact, Izuku had already noticed something wrong, and he was looking around while walking with the gun he was holding.

As soon as the screen turned, the battle had begun, and Izuku was lying on a bunker with bullets flying over his head.

"Three or five?" Izuku pulled the bolt, and suddenly he lowered his head, and a bullet flew over.

"These shots are pretty good." Izuku nodded, rushed out of the bunker and replaced it under a tree.

The picture turned again, the battle was over, a dozen guys in white camouflage uniforms with rifles in their hands were already lying motionless on the ground.


"Jonah, let's go." Uncle Rem waved, and Izuku's feet ran automatically.


In the mountains, Izuku felt colder as he walked, and his body began to tremble involuntarily.

"What's the matter, Jonah? As a mountain soldier, I can't bear even this bit of cold?" Luz carried the sniper rifle and touched Izuku's head.

"Even if Jonah trembles, he is worse than you, a guy with a wounded butt." Tojo patted Luz on the shoulder.

"No way race! It was just accidental." Lutz said, blushing and covering his ass.

"If it weren't for Jonah to find out about Villain early, Luz, you are a sieve now, you have to thank Jonah very much."

"You don't need to thank you for anything. Eat more egg dishes I made."

"Um... Then I might as well be beaten into a sieve."

"Hahahaha! Jonah's egg dishes! Luz, you will accept your fate." Everyone in the team knows that Jonah's egg dishes are a must in the dark cooking world. After eating, I promise to let you Fall from the world to hell.

"Is the egg dish I made so bad?"

"Have you not eaten it yourself?"

"I haven't eaten it." There were eggs in the bento box, but Xiaosheng would knock it over every time, and he couldn't even eat it. Later, I didn't like lunch anymore, every time I was in the school's commissary. Buy a croissant to deal with it.

"It's almost reaching the destination." R, who was walking in the front, pointed to a valley in the distance.

"The geological environment there is different from here. The ecosystem in the valley has not been affected by the wind and snow, so there are many flowers and butterflies there. The doctor is here for those butterflies."

"Let's go, take the doctor back, the weather here is so cold, I really want to have a sip of hot wine now."

"Don't say it, now you just pour a pee, it will form icicles, for your own good, or don't urinate and defecate anywhere."

"Let's go." Izuku exhaled, holding his gun, and following R's footsteps towards the valley.

Not to mention, the warm and comfortable feeling returned to Izuku as soon as he entered the valley.

"Jonah, you have good eyesight, hurry up and find where the doctor is."

"I see." Izuku straddled the gun diagonally on his back and began to look for the doctor's trace in this valley. After a while, Izuku found the doctor and her follower. The doctor in the white coat was holding it. The insect net is catching insects.

"Huh? Jonah?"

"Doctor found." Izuku turned to look at Uncle Rem who was standing not far away.

"Immediately set up a line of defense and check if there is any Villain that slips through the net."

"Yes!" This instruction is to let everyone play casually in this place. Izuku also obeyed Uncle Rem's instruction and walked to a place casually.

"It's been a long time since I saw such a beautiful flower." Izuku squatted down, just about to pick a flower and take a look. There was a shadow in front of him, black shoes, Oriji school uniform, and a bright silver pistol. Pressing on Izuku's head, there was a cold touch, and the line of sight was raised again, with golden hair, blood-red eyes, and the arrogance between the eyebrows.

"Wai Jiu, die!!!"

"Bang!!" Izuku fell among the flowers, watching the blood in front of him flow more and more, Izuku realized why he felt strange before.

"Those people, when they died, there was no blood..." Izuku's eyes were slowly covered by blood red, the echoing sound in his ears gradually increased, and the eyelids could not be closed.

"Believe that you will have [quirk] in your next life, and then take a dog-climb leap from the roof!"

‘At that time, I gave up my heart. ’

‘At that time, I was born two years ago. ’

‘At that time.........there is no more. If there is, then go ahead. ’

‘Don’t you still have a glimmer of hope? ’

'hope? Perhaps. ’


"Bakugo classmates! Boom classmates! You can't fight in the ward!" Izuku gradually opened his eyes as the explosion was mixed with the shouts of the monitor.

"It turned out to be a dream." Izuku sat up. He scratched his head and looked at Bakugo, whose hands and feet were being controlled by Ida and Kirishima. The voice of death just now came out of Bakugo's mouth. Izuku's eyes darkened. Darkly, he turned his head and looked at Shoto Todoroki, who was controlled by Asui and Yaoyorozu Momo. He exhaled air-conditioning from time to time. Except for his own hospital bed and bottle rack, everything else in the ward had been disrupted.

‘No wonder it feels cold and hot, fighting with you. Izuku curled his lips. The two naive people looked up at the bottle rack. I didn't know when the third potion bottle was finished. Izuku removed the infusion needle, lifted the quilt, and got out of the hospital bed.

"Xiaosheng, Jun, stop fighting, if you fight again, this building will be destroyed by you." As Izuku said, he took off the hospital gown and put on the white shirt and the white shirt that fell on the floor. Black trousers.

"Cut! Yin and Yang face, Laozi will definitely kill you next time!" Bakugo said, his body began to relax, he broke free of Ida and Kirishima's control, and walked out of the ward with a very unhappy expression.

'Fuck! Feijiu belongs to Laozi! Go to your mother's yin and yang face! ! ’

"Sorry, I will bear the loss here." Shoto Todoroki took both hands out of Yaoyorozu and Asui's.

‘Anyway, that stinky dad paid for it. ’

"Izuku, do you want to go back with me?" Shoto Todoroki walked to Midoriya, who was packing up. His own things, including his suitcase, were covered with a thin layer of ice yarn.

"No need to Hongjun, I can go back alone, so I won't bother you." Izuku said, picking up his schoolbag, and putting All Might's out-of-print figure into the schoolbag.

"Allah, is the zipper broken? It looks like you have to repair the schoolbag." Izuku pulled the zipper of the schoolbag, and the zipper broke in an instant, falling to the ground and falling in half.

"No way, I have to go back and repair my schoolbag." Izuku was carrying his schoolbag while carrying his suitcase, and walked out of the ward. In a flash, Shoto Todoroki seemed to see a small wooden box, and a trace of it flashed inside. Red light.

"That thing is familiar?" Shoto Todoroki murmured.

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