Izuku walked back home slowly. My mother hadn't returned from shopping outside, so Izuku put all his luggage back into the closet.

"It's still very tired." Izuku was lying on the bed. He rubbed his face against the pillow, and then took out the diary that had been placed under the pillow. He originally planned to write it after the overnight training, but now he writes. It's not too late.

Izuku wrote all the dreams he had dreamed in, and then closed the diary again.

"The next thing is to consider the question of returning a gift." Izuku took off the top box of the wardrobe with his toes.

"Xiao Sheng thought this was a COSPLAY outfit." Izuku opened the box, and inside was a blue city Combat Suit.

"I haven't worn this combat suit a few times." Izuku shook the Combat Suit aside. The dark blue costume, plus a black headgear, a human leather mask, and a pair of black combat boots.

"Plus that SCR and some special props, wouldn't it be easy to return a gift?"

‘Hey, do you really plan to wear these to return the gift? And do you know where their stronghold is? ’

"I don't know." Izuku shook his head.

‘Then how do I return the gift? ’

"Just follow All Might?"

‘If you say that, there is a risk of being discovered. ’

"No matter what, I must return this gift." As Izuku said, he took out a new mobile phone from the drawer and put the still-usable calling card into the new mobile phone. Izuku opened the group chat.

Midoriya Izuku: Phew, I'm finally able to join the group.

Tsuyu Asui: Midoriya-chan, you are finally online, please persuade Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki, they both will participate in the professional Heroes crusade against the Villain Alliance anyway.

Bakugo Katsuki: Smelly frog! What the fuck are you talking about!

Midoriya Izuku: If you win a small victory, don't go. Those who go to are all professional heroes, and the Villain Alliance is so strong, you will be injured if you win a small victory.

Bakugo Katsuki: Damn, you're too wasteful for a long time! Laozi won't be like you!

Shoto Todoroki: Endeavour said that if the Villain Alliance can be broken down, social security will be much better.

Kaminari Denki: The two people upstairs still want to avenge Izuku.

Erlang Xiangxiang: If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb.

Yaoyorozu Momo: Well, All Might asked me for a radar just now, which is the radar that I used to put the transmitter on that Nomu. I took a sneak peek. It was in the next city, not far from us.

Erlang Xiangxiang: I also overheard All Might's battle plan. They spent three days investigating and destroying the Villain Alliance on the fourth day.

Yaoyorozu Momo: So...

Erlang Xiangxiang: So... do you want to watch the heroes of professional heroes attack Villain?

Yaoyorozu Momo: And All Might will go too!

Ida Tenya: Classmate Erlang! And the deputy squad leader! What are you two doing!

Ida Tenya: You are definitely not allowed to go privately! Add me! !

Kaminari Denki: Monitor, you have changed! It's a pity that I can't go.

Erlang Xiangxiang: I can't go either, I was asked by my dad to write a new song at home.

Yaoyorozu Momo: Tell me who is going, I can keep track of the number.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Shoto Todoroki: I want to go.

Bakugo Katsuki: Laozi is going too! !

Ida Tenya: I have to watch you, so I want to go too.

Kirishima Eijiro: Count me! !

Midoriya Izuku: I'll forget it. Although I really want to see All Might hitting Villain's figure, my body doesn't allow it now.

Ida Tenya: That's true, Mr. Midoriya, just stay at home, so that's the decision. At 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, we will take a tram to the next city.

Shoto Todoroki: I see.

Bakugo Katsuki: Yes tomorrow afternoon, Laozi knows.

Kirishima Eijiro: This is super manly! !

Midoriya Izuku: Ida, can you take a picture of All Might? please.

Ida Tenya: Don't worry, leave it to me.

Izuku put away his mobile phone and his own small equipment, and now my mother thought that she was doing camping training outside, she could go out now, and she could even prepare in advance in the city next door.

"It's time to start drinking the potion my grandfather gave me." Izuku took out a bottle of blue potion from the small wooden box, took off the cork, raised his head, and the blue potion in the test tube quickly disappeared.

"It tastes weird? It's bitter and sour." Izuku wiped his mouth and put the drunk test tube back into the small wooden box.

"After drinking, I feel that my tongue is a little weird. Forget it, while it's still early, organize everything, and then go to that city to find a hotel." Izuku put the city Combat Suit into his suitcase Then he took a few long sleeves and trousers that he didn't usually wear. Finally, he straightened his hair and put on the human skin mask.

"Now, I am the real Jonah." Izuku looked at the white hair and red eyes in the floor-to-ceiling mirror and smiled. The smile on this face is ugly.

"It's time." Izuku carried his suitcase and the black suitcase with SCR on it, and walked out of the house.

"Let's get started... I will personally return the gift, Shiba Mu, you will wait for me."

"Dududu?" Just as Izuku was walking towards the tram station, a silver figure stopped him.

"Mobile Pegasus? Why are you here?"

"Master, if you want to go, I have to go too."

"Why do you recognize me?"

"The master's voice will never admit to being wrong." Mobile Tianma's attitude is very determined.

"I must go with you, my master, and I want to protect my master."

"Then let's go together, but can you ride a train like this?"

"Hmm...As long as I keep this form, I should be able to sit, maybe someone will think of me as a Heroes." Mobile Pegasus gave a thumbs up.

"How long can you stay in this form?"

"Almost three hours."

"Three hours? Enough time, then let's go."

"No problem master."

Two hours later, Izuku walked out of the train station with a helpless look on the hand of the mobile Pegasus.

"Someone really thinks of you as a Heroes." Izuku turned his head and looked at the gift in the other hand of the mobile Pegasus.

"I heard that Heroes from the mechanical department [quirk] are very popular recently."

"That's why you have so many gifts?" Izuku pulled the motorized skyhorse into a small alley.

"What, these are all."

"There are two gifts that are specialties of scallops from Saitama Prefecture, and there are other gifts. I haven't found them yet."

"Okay, we can't accept those gifts. Find a big bag to put it in, then find a place to put it down."

"Good host."

"You can't call me master here, change my temporary address to Jonah, temporary time, four days."

"Received instructions, Jonah, what shall we do now?"

"Let's put these things first, then find a hotel and open a single room for four days. By the way, how long will it take for you to transform into a human body model again?"

"Five hours of charging, the running time is six hours."

"Then what have you been doing for the previous three hours?"

"Look for Jonah. When Jonah is within the range of my electronic radar, I will automatically switch to robot mode and start looking for Jonah."

"Then why didn't you come when I was at the co-living spot?"

"I came at the time, but I consumed too much energy in the forest so I didn't show up. Besides, didn't Jonah say he didn't want me to go."

"Wait, co-author you are following me?"

"That's a secret protection master."

"Hmm.... suddenly want to hit you how to break?"

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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