In the end, Izuku stayed in a hotel with Mobility Tianma and opened a double room.

"Unexpectedly, the prices here are so high, I spent 30,000 yuan to open it for four days, and it's still a double room that doesn't make any sense."

"Then I can't help it, who told them to recognize me as a Heroes." Mobility Pegasus shrugged helplessly, then Mobility Pegasus switched to motorcycle mode and started charging.

"Tsk, now my small vault has to shrink again." Izuku curled his lips, took out the black suitcase, and reinstalled the SCR that had been split into parts.

"Kera" pulled the bolt, and the black magazine was installed in the magazine.

"Mobile Pegasus, do you say that with my current equipment, can I deal a huge blow to the Villain Alliance?"

"Toot toot." The front of the motorcycle shook. Although he said that he didn't want to discourage Jonah's enthusiasm, Jonah's current equipment is hardly a threat to any Villain.

"Even you say that, but it's okay. I'm just going to return the gift. It doesn't take much time and force."

Then put down the grenade in your suitcase! ! This kind of thing can be brought into the country, what do you guys eat at the customs! !

After carefully wiping the ten grenades in the suitcase with the towel in the room, Izuku put the grenades back into the suitcase.

"You just stay here, I will buy something to eat outside, and find some clues in this city by the way."

"Toot toot!!" The mobile Pegasus wanted to turn his head to follow Midoriya Izuku.

"I said, you just stay here." After Izuku finished speaking, he closed the door of the room and removed the key to the door by the way.

"Next, let me get to know you, Kamino." Izuku shook the key in his hand.

"Is Kurogiri's clothes, the bartender at the bar? Interesting, let's find a bar in this city." Izuku sat on a long chair on the side of the road looking at the phone in his hand, nodded, sure enough, Kurogiri's dress It is standard bartender clothing, even the cuff on the wrist is the same.

"As a Villain's bartender, and as a key person, he naturally can't show his face in front of people often. Therefore, this bar is absolutely impossible to be discovered, but there must be someone who knows this bar. Now I only need to be here. Look for that kind of mysterious bar on the city's website, shouldn't it be enough..." Izuku muttered, searching for a special bar in the city of Kano on his mobile phone.

The night gradually approached, until at 7 o'clock in the evening, the mobile Pegasus finally charged up, transformed into a robot mode, and planned to open the door to find Izuku. When the mobile Pegasus reached the doorknob, the door of the room was opened. , Izuku came in with a big bag of things.

"The prices here are really high. I spent 10,000 yuan to buy food for four days. I can buy these things for only 5,000 yuan at home." Izuku said as he walked in with the bag. The room.(Read more @

"Jonah, eating so much junk food is not good for your health."

"You don't know how to do it, and there is no material here. Don't make a noise. Hey, this is No. 90 gasoline. The gasoline alone cost me 20,000 yuan." Izuku said as he put a black one. Throw the bottle to the mobile Pegasus.

The mobile Pegasus took the bottle, which was large but only filled half of the gasoline.

"Thank you Jonah." Mobility Tianma opened the fuel pipe on his chest and poured gasoline directly into it. In fact, it didn't use much gasoline at all. He just wanted to taste how good the gasoline was.

‘Taste: slightly sweet, strong gasoline smell, the energy produced is far lower than its own production capacity, next time I won’t ask Jonah to buy it, it’s a waste of money. ’

"Jonah." Mobility Tianma drank the gasoline, put the bottle on the ground, and walked to Izuku, who was boiling water, and had to eat instant noodles tonight.

"What's wrong? Mobile Pegasus?"

"You came back so late, you should have found your goal."

"Um... the goal is to find it, but that place is difficult to detect. It's the Villain Alliance, but it should be just an ordinary stronghold." Izuku took the paper to the mobile Pegasus. Look, on the paper is the name of a bar. In fact, that bar has no name at all, it's just a nickname by netizens on the website.

"Magic bar, it is said that the people who entered have never come out." Izuku said while searching on his mobile phone.

"The place is right here, there is no defense at all, can I only say that it is the Villain Alliance? I am too confident of myself." Izuku said as he took out a pen and began to analyze on the notebook he carried.

"Villain Alliance, now I know that the opponents have deadwood, quirk [collapse], Kurogiri, quirk [portal], Himiko Toga, quirk is unknown, but the physique is very powerful, except for the upper half of the face, the others Everywhere is burned guys, there is a guy in a full body tights, and Nomu. Nomu is the most troublesome. From the previous events, it can be known that the number of Nomu owned by the Villain Alliance is amazing, and each of them is powerful. Strength, quirk is unknown, there may be multiple quirks." Izuku bit his finger while analyzing.

"Jonah, it's already late, the noodles are ready, don't you plan to eat it?" The mobile Tianma put the instant noodles that had been dipped in front of Izuku.

"I can't eat it yet. I still have too little information, so I can only analyze it myself."

"Jonah, there is All Might in the evening news today, don't you plan to see it?"

"Really? All Might will appear in the evening news today?!!!" Izuku immediately put down his pen and turned on the TV in the room.

"Evening news, evening news!" Izuku said while using the remote control to constantly adjust the channel.

"Welcome everyone back to the evening news. This afternoon, NO.1 Heroes All Might delivered a speech at the gate of U.A..."

Half an hour later, Izuku threw the empty instant noodle box into the trash can.

"Hiccup, I didn't expect All Might to actually plan to do it himself." Izuku wiped his mouth with a tissue.

"Then do we still need to take action?"

"We can start the action before the professional Heroes action, and I think this action against the Villain Alliance will definitely not end so easily, especially the person behind the death handle [ALL FOR ONE], this time we must use the killer. Now, when I think of the [ALL FOR ONE] behind Shiganmu, my whole body is trembling. I definitely can’t sleep well today. Just stay up late today and write the war plan, but the intelligence of [ALL FOR ONE] don’t talk about me. , Even All Might knows little about it. I am the successor of [ON FOR ALL] of the Seventh Generation. I don’t even know about this opponent, but in the USJ battle, the dead wood knows All Might. Quirk was handed over to someone else, but he didn’t know who handed it over, but I was definitely one of the people targeted, and even they directly identified me as the next successor. What should I do now..." Izuku bit his finger and started to think again.

'I can't show my true face in this battle. I have to make Villain think that I'm still recuperating in the hospital, and I absolutely can't use [ONE FOR ALL] this time to prevent being targeted by Villain outside of the Villain Alliance, so This time I can only use the killer mace. ’

‘Assassin, but we have to get familiar with the specific use of Assassin. ’

‘In terms of methods, I can’t be in front of everyone now. What's more, the killer’s mace is just another Heroes. Heroes must have a Heroes license to perform activities. The killer's mace must be used when necessary. ’

"So what should I do! What should I do to get acquainted with the assassin's battle!" Izuku began to scratch his hair again.

"Jonah, are you worrying about how to use the belt?"

"Yeah! I'm going to be annoying to death now!"

"Actually Jonah can ask me."

"ask you?"

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