The Heroine is a Real Boss

Chapter 852 Cultivating Immortals: Master and Heroine VS Villain Disciple (32)

The fire burned.

Dantian, the seven meridians and eight meridians expand when heated.

The Gu worm hiding in his heart didn't seem to like such a hot environment either, and slowly woke up from a deep sleep, and began to twist its body crazily...

The riot of love gu made Jun Mo very uncomfortable, his face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, but he just held back and didn't make a sound.

"I'm starting to induce Gu for you now, the process will be a bit painful, just bear with it."

"Master, you start."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Jun Mo felt that his heart was pierced by a cold dagger, and blood burst out of the skin...

Immediately afterwards, a slightly cool fingertip landed gently on the wound on his heart, and traces of weak spiritual power entered into his body through this fingertip...

At the same time, a faint medicinal fragrance lingered around them, surrounding them.

Under the attraction of these medicinal fragrances, the Gu worms in his body seemed to be gradually soothed, and the frequency of agitation gradually decreased.

In the end, the Gu worm seemed to be drawn by some kind, and slowly moved towards the wound on his heart...

The process of the Gu worm crawling was a torment for Jun Mo, but he held it back abruptly, and really didn't snort.

Seeing him like this, Qin Xiang calmly made the wound on his hand bigger, causing more blood to overflow from the wound.

As the smell of blood became stronger, the dark fragrance that attracted Gu worms in Qin Xiang's body also became stronger, so strong that Jun Mo moved his nose lightly and sniffed it several times.

The scent doesn't seem right...

However, Jun Mo didn't even have time to open his eyes, the moment the Gu worm burst out of his body, the heart-piercing pain made his face pale to the extreme in a "swipe".

At the same time, for some reason, Qin Xiang's fingertips on his chest were withdrawn quickly.

In the next second, a recovery pill was stuffed into his mouth.

Qin Xiang's familiar voice sounded next to his ear, "You should do your best to recuperate. If you have something to do as a teacher, then go ahead."

I don't know if it was because his eyes couldn't see, but at that moment, his hearing seemed to become extremely sharp.

He seemed to hear that Qin Xiang's walking pace was flustered and unsteady, and her body seemed not quite right...

A terrible thought came to his mind.

Jun Mo's running spiritual power stagnated, and almost went wrong in his spiritual power retrograde cultivation.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, he forced himself to stabilize his mind and continue to use his spiritual power.

When Jun Mo exited the cultivation state and flew out of the alchemy furnace, he immediately went to the cave where Qin Xiang was located.

A familiar barrier blocked him from the cave.

Jun Mo can only use the sound transmission talisman to contact...

However, this time the situation seems to be really different.

In the past, even if Qin Xiang was practicing, the sound transmission talisman could pass through the barrier and enter the cave.

But today, for some reason, the more than ten sound transmission symbols he sent out were all blocked outside the barrier, and he couldn't enter the cave like him.


"Master, can you hear the disciple's voice?"

Jun Mo tentatively yelled a few words, but there was no response from the cave.

In the end, Jun Mo had no choice but to sit cross-legged on a big rock outside the cave and meditate.

In the cave.

Qin Xiang sat on the bed, watching Jun Mo's every move through the water mirror.

So smart.

She hardly leaked any tell, he guessed it all.

It really pleases her.

Saved her a lot of effort.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiang hooked his lips, and then gently raised his white fingertips, only to see a flesh-pink bug struggling to turn over...


[I'm really sorry, this chapter is a bit stuck, I delayed writing until now, sorry (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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