The Heroine is a Real Boss

Chapter 853 Cultivating Immortals: Master and Heroine VS Villain Disciple (33)

For several months, Jun Mo never saw Qin Xiang appear.

Until the day when "Dongfang Jing" brought his harem group back to Xuanyuanmen.

"Dongfang Jing" did not know what kind of secret technique was used, but he managed to hide the truth from the mountain guard formation and the sect, and appeared on Wuwang Peak swaggeringly with his harem group.

Seeing Jun Mo standing guard at the entrance of Qin Xiang's cave, "Dongfang Jing" smiled ironically.

"Hey, isn't this the genius senior brother of our Xuanyuanmen? Why are you sitting outside in such a mess?"

Faced with the provocation of "Oriental View", Jun Mo remained unmoved.

Seeing Jun Mo's "self-righteous" appearance, "Dongfang Jing" became very angry.

"What are you proud of?"

"If you hadn't met that idiot Qin Xiang, you wouldn't even know how you died."

As soon as the words "Oriental View" came out, Jun Mo's expression finally fluctuated.

He looked up at "Dongfangjing", "What do you know?"

Seeing that Jun Mo still looked stupid, Dongfang Jing couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hey, look at you, don't you know what happened?"

Seeing Jun Mo's appearance like this, Dongfang Jing was inexplicably jealous.

Really happy to make people jealous!

"How do you think the love Gu in your body is expelled?" Dongfang Jing couldn't get used to Jun Mo's luck.

He just wants to puncture Jun Mo's dream.

"Once the love Gu is awakened, it needs to rely on flesh and blood to survive."

"Without the mother Gu as a guide, trying to expel the child Gu is just a dream!"

"Where do you think the subgu in your body went?"

As soon as Dongfang Jing said these words, Jun Mo's face suddenly turned pale.

she lied to him...

She lied to him again...

But in an instant, his reason returned, and Jun Mo's deep black eyes fell on Dongfang Jing.

"How did you know?"

Hearing this, the corners of Dongfang Jing's mouth deepened, and he said proudly, "What? You forgot the mother Gu in my hand?"

"Why do you think Qin Xiang used such a powerful barrier to trap himself in the cave?"

"As early as the moment the child Gu entered Qin Xiang's body, the mother Gu sensed it."

"Otherwise, why do you think I dare to break into Wuwang Peak so swaggeringly?"

After Dongfang Jing finished speaking, Jun Mo finally made a move.

He stood in front of the cave with his sword in his hand, but he didn't show any timidity in the face of Dongfang Jing, who was obviously much higher than him.

"Hit a rock with an egg!" Dongfang Jing sneered, put away the fan in his hand, and pushed away the delicate beauty in his arms.

Before the start of the battle, Dongfang Jing tidied up his clothes in a particularly coquettish way, and then flicked a strand of hair on his chest behind him, and thought he was very handsome, he opened the folding fan in his hand and flew towards Jun Mo to attack...



You come and go, you attack and meet, after a few rounds, the contempt on Dongfang Jing's face finally faded.

He didn't expect that Jun Mo's talent was so unpleasant!

The cultivation base of the mere Golden Core peak can be evenly matched with his Nascent Soul peak...

Almost as soon as Dongfang Jing had this idea, Jun Mo's attack arrived as scheduled...

At that moment, his body was unable to move for some reason.

Facing Shangjun Mo's dark eyes, Dongfang Jing's brain froze for a moment...

In the next second, a heart-piercing pain hit!


The body flew upside down uncontrollably, fell to the ground and made a violent collision sound, and a mouthful of scorching hot blood gushed out...

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