The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1503 Rich model VS Narcissistic financial owner (28)

She was actually wearing his shirt...

Moving his eyes further down, Leng Su's two long, slender and straight legs came into view.

Qin Jun: "!!!"

So, so they really did this and that last night?

Qin Jun walked towards the toilet with a confused look on his face, completely out of sorts.

In the bathroom, in front of the sink, Qin Jun stood in front of the mirror with a confused look on his face, looking at himself in the mirror.

Well, still so handsome!

Qin Jun looked at her beauty carefully in front of the mirror, cleaned herself up, and then walked out slowly.

Beside the bed, Qin Jun stood there in a bathrobe, looking at Leng Su nervously and said: "Don't worry, I will be responsible for you!"

"Oh." Leng Su responded casually.

Qin Jun: "..." Oh, what the hell?

Didn't she just ask him why he was so stubborn and turned away from others?

Why is it that now that he says he will take responsibility, she has a reluctant attitude?

So angry!

While Qin Jun was wondering, Leng Su had climbed out of bed. Under his gaze, she threw the quilt to the ground and pointed at the white and clean sheets.

"You don't have to take responsibility. Nothing happened to us last night."

Qin Jun: "..."

After the room was silent for several seconds, Qin Jun spoke.

"I do not believe!"

Leng Su: "..."

"Do you think it's necessary for me to lie to you?" Leng Su asked in a black line.

" don't care, I don't believe it anyway!"

"Whether you believe it or not, we did not have a relationship." After saying that, Leng Su jumped off the bed and pretended to open the door and go out.

Seeing this, Qin Jun quickly stepped forward and held the door, preventing her from leaving.

"What do you want to do?" Leng Su looked helpless.

"I don't believe it!" Qin Jun said stubbornly.

Leng Su: "..."

"No, Mr. Qin, you can't do this. Nothing happened between us. Why do you insist on throwing dirty water on yourself?" Leng Su looked helpless.

"I don't care, I don't believe it anyway!"

"If nothing really happened, how come we were lying naked on the bed, and you were still lying on top of me, so... so intimate." Qin Jun said hesitantly.

"You really don't remember anything about last night?" Leng Su asked.

Qin Jun pursed his lips and nodded aggrievedly.

Leng Su sighed and explained to him.

"You were drunk and unconscious last night. After I helped you back to the room, you vomited again."

"You vomited all over me and yourself. I had no choice but to take off your clothes and wipe you with a wet towel."

"As for me, I had no clothes, so I had to take a white shirt from your closet and put it on."

Qin Jun: "...No, not anymore?"

"Otherwise, what else do you want?" Leng Su said with a black face.

"..." Qin Jun was silent for a moment and then asked, "Then how did we end up lying on the same bed?"

"I'm going to ask you now. You suddenly held my hand and wouldn't let go. You kept yelling at me that you weren't ugly and that you were not allowed to say you were ugly again, otherwise you would hit me or something."

Qin Jun: "..." It's over.

It’s over, it’s over!

Not only was he drunk, not only did he vomit in an incomprehensible manner, but he actually shook his dick out. It was terrible, it was really terrible!

Qin Jun turned around blankly, picked up the quilt on the ground and covered his head, then fell down towards the big bed.

Leng Su: "..."

PS: [Daily request for votes]

[The end of the sixth update. Something bad happened today. I have been out of shape all day. My glass heart is so painful... New year and new wish. I hope I can have a strong heart of steel. Good night everyone, go to bed early (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~】

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