The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1504 Rich model VS narcissistic financial owner (29)

Leng Su didn't stay at Qin Jun's house for long. As soon as his cell phone was turned on, Leng's father's "serial death-defying phone calls" were sent back home.

Leng's villa.

Father Leng looked at Leng Su in front of him with disbelief...

The girl was wearing a men's white shirt and a men's suit jacket around her waist. The two sleeves were tied casually around her waist. She was dressed very messy and casual, but she also exuded a strange sense of fashion...

Leng’s father: “!!!”

"Hurry up and change your clothes. We need to have a good talk later." Father Leng glared angrily.

"Oh." Leng Su responded casually.

Go upstairs slowly, wash up slowly, and go downstairs slowly.

In the lobby on the first floor, Father Leng was already waiting impatiently.

As soon as Leng Su came downstairs, he couldn't hold it back and started to ask questions in a gibberish voice.

"Where were you last night? Didn't you agree to let me go home and talk? Where are you? Why is your phone turned off? And the clothes you just wore were that wild man's clothes again?"

Faced with Leng's father's questioning, Leng Su gave him a half-hearted look and said disapprovingly.

"I went to the wild man's house to spend the night last night. As for why I didn't wait for you at home, it's very simple. I suddenly don't want to talk to you anymore. I find it boring."

"You are so stubborn anyway, and nothing I say can change your mind, so just don't say anything."

"As for turning off the phone, of course it's because I'm living in a world of two with a wild man and I'm afraid of being disturbed by you!"

Leng’s father: “!!!”

"You, you unfilial daughter!" Leng's father said angrily.

"How could I be unfilial?" Leng Su asked, "Dad, I'm in my twenties. Isn't it normal to fall in love and have a boyfriend?"

"You haven't cared about me since you were a child anyway. Apart from giving me money and buying me things all the time, when did you really care about me?"

"You are not at home every day, you are busy looking for that woman's substitute outside."

"You think you love me very much, but in fact, if I were not your and that woman's daughter, wouldn't you have forgotten that I exist?"

"Dad, I don't want to say anything more. The matter between you and that woman can be regarded as Zhou Yu's fight. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. I am not qualified to say anything."

"It's just that I have grown up now. Since you didn't care about me before, then let me make my own choices in my own life and go on my own."

With that said, Leng Su got up and went back to the room.

In the room, Leng Su lay lazily on the bed, squinting his eyes slightly, enjoying the moment of peace...

Now there is no need to worry about Qin Jun's favorability point. It is already 90 points. She just needs to wait for this guy to come to her door.

On the other hand, she never bothered to deal with the outsider Yang Tong.

I don’t know what Yang Tong’s situation is now…

While Leng Su was lost in thought, her cell phone beside her suddenly rang.

After seeing the caller clearly, Leng Su couldn't help but be stunned.

Yang Tong?

It’s true that “if you want Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there.”

"Is something wrong?" Leng Su said straight to the point.

"Xiao Su, did you read today's Weibo headlines? I really didn't expect that Zhou Siqi looked very human-like. I didn't expect that she would do such a despicable thing, work as a mistress for others, and destroy other people's homes. Family, it’s really… tsk tsk tsk.”

"Zhou Siqi?" Leng Su was stunned.

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