The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1506 Rich model VS Narcissistic financial owner (31)

The Zhou Siqi incident was in full swing, and Leng Su also started to get busy after that day.

Because of her perfect performance in the last fashion show, designer Lisa was impressed and introduced her to many other fashion shows afterwards.

Leng Su started to get busy, and during this period, Qin Jun could only secretly observe her every move and send someone to look after her.

As for himself... he is still struggling with the last "one night" incident.

Zhou Siqi was ruined, Leng Su was busy flying around the country and abroad, and her modeling career was also booming.

At this moment, some unfavorable messages about her suddenly appeared on the Internet.

# shock! Another shocking scandal occurs in the modeling industry! #

This is another piece of news with pictures and texts, but compared to Zhou Siqi’s actual combat, Leng Su’s is obviously much more subtle...

Backstage at the fashion show, Leng Su was wearing a sexy breast-wrapped evening dress. A handsome man was standing next to her, and the man's big hand was placed on her PP...

The person who took the photo chose the angle very well, and the effect of the photo is even better.

At first glance, people who didn't know the situation would have thought that the man and Leng Su were making such unlimited intimate gestures in front of everyone...

This was not over yet. Just when everyone was discussing the news, and just when Leng Su's public relations was preparing to take measures, another piece of content with pictures and text appeared.

It was a hotel room. Leng Su was standing at the door. A tall man with a handsome face was standing at the door talking and laughing with her.

There is even a short video of the man following Leng Su, reaching out to hug her shoulders in an ambiguous way and walking into the room.

[Friends who are envious of floor heating in the north]: Damn it, what did I discover? The two men in the photo are not the same person! ! !

[Shivering]: Damn it, is this the rhythm of two boats? Or is it an unspoken rule in the modeling industry?

[The world is declining]: Damn it, the entertainment industry and the modeling industry are indeed the most chaotic places in the world.

[Life is full of shit]: Compared with the mistress model last time, although this one is in two different situations, at least she didn’t destroy the family. /snicker/snicker.

There were various comments mocking and cursing Leng Su on the Internet, and netizens were discussing it in full swing.

But at this moment, everyone suddenly discovered that the two posts that broke the news about Leng Su had disappeared.

Even the big V who broke the news was directly banned...

[Friends who are envious of floor heating in the north]: Damn it, is this model so awesome? Or is there financial support behind it? How can he be so awesome that he can delete his posts and ban his account?

[Bitch is hypocritical]: According to reliable sources, this model named Leng Su is indeed backed by a financial backer.

[The world is declining]: It seems that the person upstairs is also from that circle? Let me tell you upstairs, how many careers has this model named Leng Su been in?

Before everyone could discuss the reason, Zhou Siqi, who had already been notorious for a long time, suddenly jumped out and bit Leng Su hard.

[Zhou Siqi]: Leng Su, you bitch, God is watching what you do, you won’t end well!

[Zhou Siqi]: I admit that it was wrong for me to act as a mistress and destroy other people’s families, and I also admit my mistake.

But please everyone see clearly the true face of this bitch Leng Su. She is the most terrifying, wolf-hearted and shameless poisonous woman! ! !

Leng Su and I are the top models among this group, and our agency originally decided to promote the two of us.


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