The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1508 Rich model VS narcissistic financial owner (33)

"Isn't this you?" Leng Su glared at Qin Jun angrily, and then saved his hands from the other party's hands.

"Yes, with me?" Qin Jun was stunned.

After reacting, his handsome face suddenly turned red.

"You, you, you, you believe in me so much?" Qin Jun couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, Leng Su wanted to turn around and leave. She glanced at him silently, stood up on tiptoes and pecked his thin lips.

"You are my sponsor, and I am still waiting for you to promote me as an international supermodel. If you don't believe me, who do you believe?"

"Jin, gold master?" Qin Jun said blankly.

"Don't you know? There have been rumors in the circle that you are my sponsor."

Hearing this, Qin Jun fell silent.

He silently calculated his net worth in his mind and whether he was qualified enough to become the financial sponsor of the eldest daughter of the Leng family.

After finishing the calculation, Qin Jun looked at Leng Su with a depressed expression and said: "The Qin family and the Leng family are equally powerful and have similar properties. You don't need my support at all..."

After hearing what Qin Jun said, Leng Su couldn't help but laugh.

This guy is such a shrewd person in the mall, why did his IQ drop completely when he met her?

"Then what if I want to be taken care of by you, will you be willing to take care of me?"

Hearing this, Qin Jun was stunned at first, and then said ecstatically: "Yes, as long as you are willing to let me support you, I will support you for a lifetime, two lifetimes, or ten lifetimes!"

Leng Su: "..." Oops, that's good. You're on the right track. It seems like you haven't been calm these days.

"Then I'll leave those things online to you. I'm hungry. I'm going to wash up and change clothes first, and we'll have dinner together later."

"Okay." Looking at Leng Su's leaving figure, Qin Jun smiled happily.

Solving things on the Internet is actually very simple...

Qin Jun directly posted a Weibo message using his Weibo account, and then liked Leng Su, Leng's father and the Leng Group.

[Qin Jun]: Hold your hand and grow old together with me. I love Susu and I want to be with her forever. I want to have the most beautiful baby in the world with her, and I also ask my father-in-law to marry Susu to me and let me take care of her for the rest of her life. @Leng Su @Leng Ming @Leng Group.

As soon as Qin Jun posted this on Weibo, people on the Internet were stunned.

[The world is declining]: Mr. Qin of the Qin Group, isn’t Aite the wrong person? Isn't this Leng Su just an ordinary little model? What do you think this Weibo means? How did she suddenly become the eldest lady of the Leng Ming Leng Group, the third richest person in country Z? ? ?

[Bitch is hypocritical]: Aite must be wrong. Maybe this is a smoke bomb deliberately released by the financial backer behind Leng Su. I heard it from my friends in the circle before. It is said that Leng Su’s financial backer is Qin Jun of the Qin Group.

[Life is full of shit]: Go, go, go and watch, Leng Group’s official Weibo and Leng Ming, the chairman of Leng Group, all responded.

[Leng Ming]: If you want to marry my daughter, it depends on your ability! ! !

[Officially certified Weibo of Leng Group]: We have hired a lawyer to deal with the news that slandered the eldest daughter of my family. Those Weibo Vs and Ms. Zhou Siqi, please wait for the leaflet from the court. @Leng Su @Zhou Siqi @Weibo V.

A wonderful annual drama has just begun, and the excitement has not continued. The people's voices of crusade have just started, and the curtain is forced to come to an end...


PS: [There will be another chapter later, currently being written, please wait a moment]

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