The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1514 Rich model VS narcissistic financial owner (39)

Hearing this, Qin's mother said with an innocent face: "Clown Chou, I haven't seen you for so long. Just forget that you miss me and your dad. How can you slander me and your dad?"

Qin Jun: "..." So angry!

Damn it, the clown is ugly, who is ugly? ah? Who is ugly?

He is the most handsome boy in the imperial capital and the most handsome boy in the world! ! !

Seeing Qin Jun's expression of despair, Leng Su smiled.

She walked out from behind him, hugged his arm silently, looked at Father Qin and Mother Qin opposite with a smile and said, "Hello, uncle and aunt."

"Hey, you must be that girl from the Leng family. You are so beautiful, but you are taking advantage of this ugly boy." Qin's mother said with emotion on her face.

Qin Jun: "..." I can't survive this day! ! !

Feeling the aura of despair on Qin Jun's body, Leng Su smiled at Qin's mother, then turned to look at Qin Jun, stood on tiptoes and kissed him softly on the corner of his mouth.

"In my eyes, Qin Jun is the most handsome man in the world."

Qin Jun: "..." Happiness comes too suddenly.

"Mom, did you hear that, I am the most handsome man in the world!" Qin Jun shouted to Qin's father and Qin's mother across from him with a proud look on his face.

Qin’s mother: “…” Silly son.

But what I have to say is that after seeing Leng Su's series of reactions just now, Mother Qin's worries were relieved.

is good.

Through what happened just now, Qin's mother also discovered that Qin Jun was not the only one who was interested in shaving his head in this relationship.

As long as they are in love with each other...

Speaking of this, Qin's mother was also quite emotional.

Qin Jun's son's IQ is absolutely nothing to say.

The only drawback is also because of her...

When he was a child, Qin Jun was cute, white and tender. Qin's mother liked him too much and doted on him, and she wanted to feed him from time to time.

Unexpectedly, he failed to control himself for a while, and by the time the couple reacted, Qin Jun had turned into a scary little chubby man.

Later, the couple also thought about asking Qin Jun to gradually reduce the food he ate. Unfortunately, this foodie attribute has been developed and cannot be changed for a while.

For a while, the couple simply let Qin Jun go, thinking that he would lose weight on his own when he grew up.

But he didn't want to accidentally see Qin Jun being bullied by the children around him...

After that, Mother Qin became angry.

Without saying a word, while Qin Jun stayed at home and cried, she rushed to the children's home with Qin's father and a large group of bodyguards.

Asking Father Qin to bring his bodyguards to stop the parents of the children, Mother Qin went up to them and taught those children a lesson before the matter was settled.

Later, due to the influence of the Qin family, the parents of those children moved away, and some went abroad...

But Qin Jun's good days are gone forever.

There are no outsiders to bully Qin Jun. In order to completely cure Qin Jun's inferiority complex, Qin's mother cooperates with Qin's father to bully Qin Jun and stimulate him in various ways all day long.

This was the scene in the video just now.

As for why Qin's mother would release such a video on such a day to embarrass Mr. Qin, it was not because the ugly boy had found a wife and didn't tell them.

He even deliberately hid it from them, secretly proposed to other girls, and secretly arranged engagement and marriage...

So heartless!

It’s so heartless!

She and his father had been worried about him since he was a child, racking their brains and trying every possible way to help him lose weight and cheer him up.

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