The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1515 Rich model VS narcissistic financial owner (End)

In the end, it was good for this damn boy. He wanted to hide a major life event like proposing and marrying a wife from them. It was really... unforgivable and unforgivable! ! !

Qin's mother said, Qin Jun wants to marry a wife? Have you asked her? Did she agree?

Qin’s mother said that if she didn’t punish this ugly boy to death, she would not be his mother! !

Fortunately, she didn't hesitate to shamelessly bully a group of brats for him. In the end, this ugly boy was really unfilial.

When she thought of this, Qin's mother couldn't help but glared at Qin Jun fiercely, and then turned to look at Qin's father aggrievedly.

"Husband, I'm so angry. Can you help me beat the ugly boy into a pig-headed face?"

"Honey, I can't beat him!" Father Qin said very sincerely.

He is not stupid. He knows that his wife has a hard-spoken and soft-hearted temper, so he doesn't send her to her door to abuse her.

Qin's father said that he was very clear and understood that if he really beat Qin Jun into a pig-headed face, then his wife would beat him into a pig-headed face as soon as possible.

Afterwards, I would definitely kick him out of the room and let him sleep in the living room or balcony for a month.

"...Then what do I need you for?" Qin's mother said with black lines on her face.

"I exist for you, to be of use to you, and to serve you well, my wife." Qin's father said shamelessly.

Qin's mother: "...get out of here."

Although the appearance of Qin's father and Qin's mother created some farce in this grand proposal, the ending was still happy.

This fashion show brought Leng Su and Qin Jun together, and also made Leng Su's career a success, making her an international supermodel.

After returning to China, Qin Jun wanted to start preparing for the marriage directly, but unexpectedly he was rejected by Leng Su.

"Let's get engaged first. As for getting married, we'll wait until we have children."

"..." Qin Jun said with a confused look on his face, "Susu, do you have such a strong taste? Do you like to marry your son?"

Hearing this, Leng Su smiled sadly: "Haha..."

At that time, Qin Jun didn't understand the meaning of this smile.

It wasn't until after the engagement ceremony, until they moved in together, until he failed to climb into bed for the 99th time, that he finally understood the meaning of those words and that smile.

half year later.

Qin Jun woke up again and found himself lying on the floor in the corridor.

Next to him, the main door of his fiancée Leng Su's room was closed tightly.

The pain in the back of his neck clearly told him what happened last night...

Yes, that's right, Qin Jun failed to climb into bed for the hundredth time.

Seeing that the two of them have been engaged for more than half a year, Qin Jun has been doing some psychological construction for himself in the past three months.

He kept telling himself that in order to marry Leng Su home and stay with her for the rest of his life, he had to knock her down.

He finally made a decision and started to take practical actions, but suddenly found that Leng Su had already dug a hole and was waiting for him...

With a "squeak", the door was opened, and Leng Su stood beside him wearing a sexy tight suspender nightgown.

She leaned lazily against the door and looked at him with a half-smile.

Qin Jun: "..."

"Susu, it's been a hundred times, it's been a hundred times, it's impossible for us to have children like this in our lifetime."

"If you don't have children, you won't marry me..." Qin Jun said aggrievedly.

Leng Su raised his eyebrows and smiled inexplicably, and said, "So, are you planning to give up? Are you planning to terminate the engagement with me?"

"Impossible!" Qin Jun denied excitedly.

"I will never let you leave me, and I will never break the engagement with you."

"Don't worry, I will definitely work hard to climb the bed and strive for success as soon as possible, so that Susu can give birth to the most beautiful baby in the world as soon as possible!!!"

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