"The weather is pretty good today. I want to advance that scene to today. Do you think that's okay?"

"Today?" Tong Kai was stunned.

"Can't you?" Leng Su had a look of pleading on his face.

Seeing her like this, Tong Kai's doubts and bewilderment instantly dissipated, and he said without saying a word: "Okay, I'll go talk to Director Liang right now."


After Tong Kai left, Leng Su took a few bites of rice but didn't finish it.

After Tong Kai came back with good news, Leng Su asked him for help again.

"You mean you want me to take pictures while you're acting?"

"I'm not hiding it from you, you know. I am an orphan. The reason why I want to be an actor and become famous is not only to survive and to repay your kindness, but also to find my family."

"I have a birthmark on my back. I want you to take a photo of it for me. I'll post it on Weibo and see if it can become popular and make some noise."

Leng Su's sudden confession made Tong Kai stunned for a moment, and then a bright smile appeared on his face. He suddenly reached out and grabbed her white and tender little hand, staring at her affectionately.

"Susu, I'm really happy that you are willing to tell me this. Don't worry, your business is my business, and I will definitely help you find your parents."

Leng Su: "..." Can we stop doing anything? ? ?

"Thank you." Leng Su smiled awkwardly, and then forcefully freed his hand from Tong Kai's hand.

Seeing this, Tong Kai's eyes quickly flashed with a dark light, and there was an obvious feeling of loss and hurt on his face.

"Susu, I will never give up."

"I'm tired. I have a scene to shoot in the afternoon, so I'll rest first."

As he spoke, Leng Su hugged the blanket behind him and covered him with it, completely blocking Tong Kai's sight from his face.

Seeing this scene, Tong Kai's expression changed, but he still didn't say anything and silently got out of the car to teach others a lesson.

His woman is not something anyone can dream about and move!

In the afternoon, after Leng Su started filming, he noticed that the leading general from before seemed to be rather frighteningly pale.

After seeing her, the other person's pupils shrank for a while, and then he turned around and walked away quickly.

Leng Su: "..." Is she scary? ? ?

In the morning, he was courteous to her, but in the afternoon he regarded her as a wolf of wealth?

Just as Leng Su stared at the actor's leaving figure, a fiery gaze also fell on her.

Leng Su turned to look at the source of his gaze, and saw Tong Kai staring at her affectionately.

Leng Su: "..." I almost forgot about this guy.

No wonder the original owner kept a distance from Tong Kai when they got along, but never left him firmly.

Having been stolen here and there, adopted here and there, and given away here and there, the original owner already knew that he had no control over his actions.

She knew very well that it was impossible for her to survive in the entertainment industry alone without Tong Kai!

Unless she agrees to one hidden rule after another...

Once she refuses, all the TV series, movies and commercials she accepted will definitely disappear.

In order to survive, she chose to stay by Tong Kai's side silently and patiently.

At first, she even thought about simply leaving Tong Kai, but unfortunately the women who kept appearing around Tong Kai put her off.

She once witnessed with her own eyes that the heroine of the crew knocked on Tong Kai's door in the middle of the night...

She once witnessed Tong Kai having sex with other women in the women's restroom...


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