The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1529 The “lucky” actress VS the “cold-blooded” snake demon man (15)

"Oh, just think of it as a holiday, that's good."

After all, they had just finished filming, and Leng Su expressed that he was looking forward to having a good rest.

Jun Mo climbed down from Leng Su's hair and looked at the woman next to him with a strange expression.

He has been in this world for a long time, it has been more than a year. From his dying body, which was almost unable to move, to when he met Leng Su, he was able to forage independently.

He is full of curiosity and wariness about the world, and has little knowledge of the unknown things.

But in the past month or so, he has learned so much about the world by following Leng Su.

What I have to say is that although this woman Leng Su is very fierce, shameless, violent and shameless, she seems to be a pretty good person...

Not only did he give him various spiritual fruits and spiritual water, but he also provided him with a large amount of spiritual energy to practice and heal his injuries, and also taught him to become familiar with and understand this weird world.

Of course, it would be better if she didn't threaten him.

[Congratulations, Jun Mo's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 20 points. 】

Leng Su: "..." He is indeed cold-blooded and cold-hearted.

In the past month, she had been so kind to him, serving him all kinds of good food, drinks, fun, and good things. However, this guy just cared about enjoying and practicing, but he just didn't give her any favorability points.

Today, her conscience finally realized that it took more than a month of accumulation to increase her favorability value by 10 points. She felt sorry for herself inexplicably.

Jun Mo looked at Leng Su strangely, and couldn't help but asked out of curiosity: "They framed you so falsely, why don't you go to them to settle the score, why don't you clarify everything?"

Facing Jun Mo's curiosity, Leng Su glanced at him sideways and said, "Because of disdain."

Obviously, Jun Mo didn't believe Leng Su's answer. He thought he couldn't beat the opponent.

"I'm recovering well from my injuries. Although I can't return to my human form yet, I can still cast some small spells and so on."

"If you need me for anything, just ask."

Hearing this, Leng Su couldn't help but laugh. She turned to look at Jun Mo, stretched out her hand and poked his snake tail and said, "Overkill."

"They are not worthy of your help, so stop thinking nonsense. I know my own affairs well. If you help me with the truth, then work hard to cultivate and become a human."

Hearing this, Jun Mo couldn't help but said strangely: "Why do you want me to turn into a human form so much?"

"I don't want to marry a snake..." Leng Su said disgustedly.

Jun Mo: "!!!"

"You, you are a shameless woman? As a girl, how about your restraint?"

"I was eaten by you." Leng Su looked playful.

"!!!" Jun Mo was so angry that he couldn't help grinding his teeth, wanting to rush up and bite this shameless woman to death.

"Okay, don't be angry. If you get too angry, you will get wrinkles. If you become too ugly when you turn into a human form, I won't want you anymore."

"Bah, who wants it from you?" Jun Mo said angrily.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you want me or I want you. But since you want me, you can also want me."

With that said, Leng Su reached out and slapped the snake flat on the bed just as Jun Mo was about to rush up and bite her.

Jun Mo: "..." So angry!

I have never seen such a violent, unladylike, unreserved, shameless, and extremely hateful woman! ! !


PS: [Little fairies, starting from today, Wenwen will be free of charge for a limited time. After the accumulation is successful, there will be an update of 30,000 next Monday. Please help and like it. 】

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