The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1528 The “lucky” actress VS the “cold-blooded” snake demon man (14)

Even if Leng Su didn't pick up Tong Kai, the Internet still exploded because of her conversation with Tong Kai the day after the wedding banquet...

"Susu, I love you, I like you. I know it was my fault that night. I shouldn't have hurt you like that regardless of your wishes."

"Su Su, as long as you are willing, I can take responsibility. As long as you are willing to be with me, no matter what TV series or movies you want to star in, I can support you and help you unconditionally."

"Tong Kai, I don't deny that you have been kind to me, but I really have no feelings for you."

"Susu...I know what happened that night was unacceptable to you...I can take responsibility...I really can take responsibility..."

It was a very short voice, but as the person involved, Leng Su knew very well that the voice had been processed and part of her words had been deleted.

On the Internet, netizens have various comments, but whether they are good or bad, almost everyone believes that Leng Su and Tong Kai have developed the most intimate relationship between men and women.

In fact, because of this voice, everyone began to dislike Leng Su.

It felt like she had slept with Tong Kai before, but she was still being pretentious.

At this moment, someone revealed the true identity of Tong Kai, Leng Su's manager... the second young master of the Tong Group, a rich and handsome man.

[Drunk Life, Dreams and Death]: Damn it, this Leng Su is so fucking pretentious. He has slept with him and had sex, and he is still pretending... Tong Kai is the second young master of the Tong Group. How can he not be worthy of being tall, rich and handsome? Did you fall in love with her as an actor?

[Life is like a drama, it all depends on acting]: Support upstairs, according to reliable information, the reason why Leng Su has become a popular actress in the entertainment industry today is because it is said that Master Tong Kaitong has been supporting her.

[Bitch is so fucking hypocritical]: Tsk, tsk, the news upstairs is definitely true. Didn’t I hear Leng Su himself admitting in the voice that Tong Kai was kind to her?

[Leng Su is my goddess]: There are enough trolls upstairs. You can slander my goddess with such a voice that has no origin and no authenticity. Believe it or not, we Soda Powder will report you! ! !

[The goddess’s eternal soda powder, her eternal caring little cotton-padded jacket]: You black-fan trolls, please consciously stay away from my goddess. My goddess can sit up straight, and you people have no right to slander her.

[Goddess Goddess]: Support Goddess Su Su, and please Goddess to quickly post on Weibo to prove her innocence and slap these trolls, sunspots, and trolls @Leng Su in the face.

[I will always be baking soda]: That’s right, I hope Leng Su will appear soon @Leng Su.

Leng Su just glanced at the comments on the Internet and ignored them.

She wanted to issue a statement to overturn all these slanderous remarks, but it was a pity...she didn't have that much ability.

And her mission is not to reach the top of the entertainment industry, but to defeat the male protagonist Jun Mo and expel outsiders.

So she said it doesn't matter what happens on the Internet, whether she will be scolded to death or expelled from the entertainment industry.

Yes, Leng Su discovered just now that her Weibo account password had been changed...

And the company she works for belongs to the Tong family. With Tong Kai here, there will naturally be no explanation or public relations for her from the company.

If they don't jump out and add fuel to the fire, they will only add fuel to the fire.

Thinking of this, Leng Su casually threw away the phone, opened his hands and fell directly on the soft big bed behind him...

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