The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1531 The “lucky” actress VS the “cold-blooded” snake demon man (17)


"It's actually a mistress!"

Leng Nie was excited and clicked on the small window. Just when he was about to go to the poster to ask who the person in the photo was, he saw the comments from the fans below.

[Drunk Life and Dreams]: Leng Su may be ruined this time, but her figure is really nothing to say. Look at this photo. I don’t know if the show will still air after she ruins it.

"Leng Su is the mistress?"

Thinking about this, Leng Nie couldn't help but click on Leng Su's Weibo, and immediately saw the Weibo she posted with a picture of a beauty taking a bath.

Looking at the two photos and the clearly visible birthmark on the fair back, Leng Nie was excited.

He slammed the table and stood up, shouting: "Don't be afraid, mistress, brother, I'll go home and gather people to help you fight back!"

With that said, Leng Nie opened the drawer, took out his keys and mobile phone, and strode out of the office.

In the military compound, in the villa where Leng Su lived, a family of young and old were sitting on the sofa with puzzled expressions.

"What's the matter with the waiter? What's so urgent that we have to come back?"

"According to common sense, although the waiter usually keeps things quiet, it seems like this is the first time he has made such a big noise. Do you think something serious has happened?"

"Could it be that another girl was chased with a knife and forced into marriage?"

"No way, except for the blind girl from the Jiang family, who can see Xiao Er? You said Xiao Yi is more likely..."

"Mom and Dad, if you keep talking, the waiter will have to run away from home when he comes back." A handsome, tall man looked at his parents helplessly.

"Who let that damn boy tempt us and not speak clearly..." Mother Leng complained.

"Yeah, next time he does this again, I will go and discuss with Lao Jiang and call that little girl from the Jiang family back to China, so that someone can cure this damn kid."

Brother Leng: "..." Xiao Er, you can still live if you do evil by God, but you can't live if you do evil on your own.

"Mom and Dad, if you dare to call Jiang Qing back, I will take my mistress and run away from home, so that you will never see your mistress in your life!!!"

It was unfortunate that Leng Nie came back. As soon as he entered the door, he heard his father planning how to trick him to death.

"If you run away from home, just run away from home. Anyway, for you kid, running away from home has long been a common occurrence, okay...wait a minute." Father Leng just finished complaining and realized something was wrong.

His eyes widened suddenly, and he looked sternly at Leng Nie, who was turning around and walking out at the gate, preparing to run away from home again.


"Xiao Er, you are a dead boy. Who allowed you to run away from home? Stop it immediately, otherwise I will go to the Jiang family immediately to make an engagement between you and the girl from the Jiang family!!!"

Upon hearing that Leng's father was threatening him, Leng Nie left even faster.

"Dad, you can decide. You can decide whatever you want. Anyway, I took my mistress and ran away from home. You can be the groom yourself." Leng Nie said proudly.

"You bastard boy, stop for labor and management!!!"

When Leng's father roared, the eldest brother of the Leng family had already rushed out of the gate and knocked Leng Nie to the ground with a sweeping kick.


Then, under Leng Nie's unbelievable gaze, the eldest brother of the Leng family bent down and put him on his shoulders, and walked into the villa hall again.

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