The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1532 The “lucky” actress VS the “cold-blooded” snake demon man (18)

The eldest brother of the Leng family left Leng Nie on the sofa. Leng Nie had just sat down, but when he raised his head, he found that two guns and a fruit knife were pointed at his forehead.

Leng Nie: "..."

"Say!" the eldest brother of the Leng family said domineeringly, holding a black gun.

"Hurry up and tell me what's going on?" Father Leng threatened with a black gun in his hand.

"Xiao Er, don't force me to do anything. Be good and be conscious of yourself." Mother Leng stood between Father Leng and the eldest brother of the Leng family, holding a cold fruit knife and saying.

Leng Nie: "..."

"You put the murder weapon away first, otherwise I won't tell you even if you beat me to death. I, Leng Nie, am not threatened by you." Leng Nie said with a dying struggle.


"Crack." There were two sounds. Leng Nie's eyes widened and he watched his father and brother load the pistols with a look of horror.

"I said, I said it's not okay!" Leng Nie said on the verge of tears.

Under the threat of his parents and brother, Leng Nie took out his cell phone with trembling hands, opened Leng Su's Weibo and handed the two photos with birthmarks to the three people opposite.

"See for yourselves."

"Actually, I'm not sure if she is the mistress, but I think her surname is Leng and she has a birthmark. Plus I think she looks pretty good, so she should be our mistress." Leng Nie said.

Leng’s father: “…”

Leng’s mother: “…”

The eldest brother of the Leng family: "..."

Although Leng Nie's words made people speechless, at this moment, Leng's father, Leng's mother and the eldest brother of the Leng family could not care about talking to and repairing this guy. They all stared at the picture on the mobile phone screen. a photograph.

The girl was wearing a bright red palace dress, and her clothes were half-undressed, revealing a perfect white back. A familiar birthmark on her back caught the eyes of the Leng family, father and son.

"Oh oh oh, mistress, my mistress!" Leng's mother cried on the spot.

"Mistress, she is our mistress, I remember this birthmark." Father Leng said excitedly.

"It's the mistress." The eldest brother of the Leng family also said in a deep voice.

"Damn it, where are the three little ones? Why don't you take us to find her quickly!"

Seeing Leng's mother crying sadly, Leng's father took Leng's mother into his arms and shouted at Leng Nie.

"I don't know either. Someone on the Internet recently slandered Mistress, saying that he had a relationship with Mistress, and that Mistress' innocence is not guaranteed."

"Now the entire Internet is crusading against the mistress, saying that she is shameless, has slept with everything, and is so pretentious that she refuses to marry..."




"Ouch!" Leng Nie wailed.

Before he could finish his words, Father Leng, Mother Leng and Brother Leng each slapped him on the head and stared at him fiercely.

"You damn boy, what are you talking about?" Leng's father yelled.

"If you continue to slander Xiao San, believe it or not, your father and I will not recognize you as our son." Mother Leng threatened.

Brother Leng didn't speak, just looked at him coldly, with a "you understand" look.

Leng Nie: "..."

"I don't know where the mistress is. I only know that her name is Leng Su, and she is a popular female star..."

"You can investigate and handle the rest yourself!" Leng Nie said angrily.





Familiar slaps, familiar wailing sounds, Leng Nie stared at the three crazy people in front of him with red face and ears.

"What do you want???" Leng Nie roared.

"You hang out in shopping malls and entertainment circles. You have more and wider connections than us. You want us to investigate???" Father Leng said fiercely.

PS: [The sixth update is over, I’m going to write the manuscript that needs to be updated on the 12th. Good night everyone, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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