"Why? Is it because of what I just said about my appearance?" Leng Su asked confused.

"No, it's the feeling and temperament you give people."

Leng Su: "..." Damn it, it can't be what she thinks.

"Since you were born, people can't help but hold it in their hands, and it hurts so much to hold it in their mouths."

"As soon as we saw you, we felt this way again."

"It has been more than twenty years. Except for you when you were born, and you now, no one else has given us this feeling in our lives of more than twenty years."

"Maybe you can think of this as a blood connection between us."

Leng Su: "..." Hot chicken halo.

"I don't deny that I am an orphan. I also want to find my parents and ask them why they abandoned me and didn't want me."

"Although the reasons you mentioned are very understandable, after all, before doing DNA, none of us can be sure whether I am your child."

"As for feelings, this kind of thing is too fantasy, so we'd better do a DNA paternity test."

“If it’s true, we’ll consider something else, and if it’s not, we’ll avoid getting it wrong.”

The Leng family did not object to what Leng Su said. Anyway, they had already identified Leng Su in their hearts.

But it doesn't matter if the necessary procedures are gone through, both parties will feel completely at ease.

"Okay, then give us one of your hairs, and we'll let the waiter do the tinkering. Your mother and I will stay with you."

"Dad, why is it me again?" Leng Nie yelled.

"Your brother is a flower in the army. Can you compare with him?"

Leng Nie blushed with anger and said, "Admit it, you must have picked me up."

"Go, go, the ones I picked up are not as ugly as you. You brought them to my door yourself." Leng's mother said with disgust.

Leng Nie: "..." I can't live this life!

He's running away from home! ! !

Seeing the desperate look on Leng Nie's face, Leng's mother once again said with disgust: "You want to run away from home again, right? No problem, we promise not to stop you."

"But before you run away from home, you should send the mistress, your mother and my hair to be firmed up first. When the results come out and are delivered, you can go to the company to complete the procedures and transfer the company to the mistress."

"This way, you can go away carefree and alone."

Leng Nie: "!!!"

Leng Nie's face turned dark, and he slammed the door angrily and left.


Watching Leng Nie leave, Leng's father, Leng's mother, and Brother Leng all had the expressions of being there, not panicking at all.

Father Leng took the sharp knife from Brother Leng and carefully cut off a hair each of Leng Su and Leng's mother.

He found a bag to put his hair in and handed it to Brother Leng.

Brother Leng took it, walked to the door of the room, opened the door and stuffed the bag in someone's arms outside. The next second the door was slammed shut again.

Leng Su: "..."

Was she not blind just now?

Didn't that waiter leave early? Unexpectedly, he was still standing at the door with a sad look on his face.

"Pfft." Leng Su couldn't help but laughed.

Seeing her smile, Leng's mother's eyes flashed with relief.

She looked at Leng Su and said, "Your second brother has such a temper and a bad temper, but no matter how shameless or shameless he is to others, he must be good to you."

"You have to know that he has run away from home hundreds of times since he was a child, and he has never said who he would take with him."

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