The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1548: The “Lucky in Love” Movie Queen VS the “Cold-blooded” Snake Demon Man (34)

"Don't worry, I will tie her to your room tonight and let you touch her well!"

Leng Su: "..." Is it okay to just touch it and send it back? ? ?

Jun Mo glared at the shameless brother and sister in front of him with a dark face, listening to how they discussed kidnapping and taking advantage of others.

Especially, when he saw that Leng Su was really silent and showed a hesitant expression on his face, Jun Mo was so angry that he kept grinding his teeth.

However, something unexpected happened...

Just when Jun Mo was grinding his teeth and preparing to teach the shameless brother and sister a lesson, the director on the side suddenly shouted to them, asking Leng Su to go over to film.

Leng Su was stunned for a moment, then the assistant ran over and told them about the matter.

It turned out that the male protagonist had something to do and wanted to move the scene to the afternoon, so the director asked her to play with the female protagonist first.

The infatuated female supporting role played by Leng Su is a beast master. In this scene, Leng Su accidentally saved the heroine who was pretending to be hunted by a monster.

Afterwards, Leng Su turned the heroine into a little fox fairy and took her with him back to Lingyun Sect.

In the middle of the night, the heroine used the charm technique of the fox clan on Leng Su, making her sleepy, and then secretly searched for the hero Xuanyuan Che in Lingyun Sect.

In the early stage, Leng Su performed in front of an artificial little fox.

It was not until the later stage, at night, that the little fox became the actress who plays the heroine, a baby-faced actress.

After the other party used the charm of the fox clan on Leng Su, he walked to the bed and looked at Leng Su according to the script...

As a result, the person who was supposed to leave seemed to be in a daze, staring blankly at Leng Su, and even reached out to touch Leng Su's smooth and delicate face. Then the heroine's cheeks were blushing, and her face was full of love. A rippling expression.

Leng Su: "..."

Jun Mo: "..." Don't stop him, he will bite this disgusting woman to death! ! !

Leng Nie: "..." My sister is amazing. She doesn't need to tie her up. With just a word or a room card, the girl will definitely take the initiative to send her to her room.

The whole crew said: "..." I'm so envious, they also want to touch it.

After touching it, the heroine had completely forgotten herself. She even squatted down beside the bed, lying next to Leng Su's cheek, looking at her dreamily.

Smelling the faint scent of perfume coming from the tip of his nose, Leng Su couldn't help but smile with enjoyment at the corner of his mouth.

Leng Su: "..." This spicy chicken halo seems pretty good, right?

Jun Mo: "!!!" My uncle can bear it, but my aunt cannot!


The heroine was startled by the live little white snake that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. She stood up suddenly and backed away in panic.

But after taking several steps back, the heroine's steps suddenly stopped again. She looked at Leng Su under the little white snake with a worried look on her face.

"Everyone, please help me."

"Hurry up and catch this snake, hurry up and save Leng Su." The heroine's panicked cry for help sounded.

Leng Nie: "..." The mistress is indeed a member of the Leng family. Look at her charm. She is a master of killing both men and women! ! !

Moreover, the heroine seems to be quite good. At such a critical moment, she can still think about the mistress and worry about her safety, which is good.

In order to prevent everyone from panicking, and because the beauty had been scared away, the scene might have to be re-filmed, Leng Su had no choice but to reach out and grab a small venomous snake, opened his eyes with a look of helplessness, and sat up.

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Thank you [Sorrow Eternal] [Diamond] [Colored and odorous black liquid poison] three little fairies for their reward support, okay (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

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