Because of Leng Su's insistence, the filming of the play continued.

But Leng's father and mother did not leave, but moved a chair to sit aside, watching her and Leng Nie's filming with a nervous look.

As for the one with the female lead, because the little white snake Jun Mo scared her so much, it had to be temporarily delayed.

The one Leng Su filmed was when she found that the fox fairy heroine was gone, and a stunning beauty appeared next to her sweetheart, the hero.

Leng Su couldn't help but look lonely when she saw that the quiet and melancholy young man showed an innocent smile when facing this stunning woman.

Afterwards, Leng Su returned to the top of the Beast Control Peak. She sat on the top of the mountain with a sad face and blew the wind. When the little white snake Jun Mo found that she was in a bad mood, he secretly bit a flower with his mouth and sent it to Leng Su.

Originally, everyone was going to let Leng Su use a prop snake and add special effects later.

But no one expected that the little white snake Jun Mo raised by Leng Su really bit a red rose and sent it to Leng Su.

Everyone in the crew: "..." Shit, is this snake a spirit? ? ?

Just when everyone was envious, Leng Nie appeared.

He came to Leng Su with a bunch of red roses, stuffed the flowers into her arms, and looked at Leng Su shyly.

"Thank you." Leng Su pulled a far-fetched smile from the corner of her mouth. Her originally lost eyes were stained with a little warmth because of the appearance of this man and snake.

Jun Mo glared at Leng Nie fiercely with his green snake eyes, and then the snake body suddenly drilled into the grass in front of him.

A few seconds later, Jun Mo rolled a good spiritual fruit with his snake tail and came back.

Leng Su: "..." Shit, isn't this the spiritual fruit she gave this guy before.

Leng Su took the fruit with a weird look on her face, then reached out and picked up Jun Mo, looking up and down, left and right, trying to find out if Jun Mo had any space magic weapon or something.

Leng Nie, who was standing by, was furious when he saw Leng Su pick up Jun Mo and touch the broken snake affectionately.

He stood up on the spot and disappeared into the woods behind.

A few minutes later, Leng Nie came back, holding the spiritual fruit, spiritual pills and spiritual weapons that the director had arranged in advance and handed them to Leng Su.

Leng Su: "..."

Seeing this, the little white snake broke free from Leng Su's hand again and disappeared into the bushes. After a while, it came back with a beautiful jade hairpin wrapped in its tail.

Leng Su: "..." Damn, it's a real spiritual weapon! ! !

Seeing this, Leng Nie was not to be outdone. He turned around and disappeared into the woods. After a while, he took the script and prepared the spiritual weapons needed in the later stage. A bright red robe was handed to Leng Su.

Next to the camera, the crew's logistics staff was looking at the director with despair.

"Director, the clothes that Mr. Leng took are the defensive spiritual weapon clothes needed in the later stage!"

A certain director: "..." Can't afford to offend! ! !

"Forget it, let's find a way to make another one." The director looked helplessly at the scene in the camera in front of him.

Although it was a little out of the script, it must be said that this scene of a man and a snake competing for favor seemed to be quite effective.

After editing and processing in the later stage, many viewers should like this more interesting interaction.

Thinking of this, the director did not interrupt the competition between the man and the snake, but continued to shoot.

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