The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1553 The “lucky” actress VS the “cold-blooded” snake demon man (41)

Qi Leng Nie had no lower limit for what he could do. In order to make him remember things, Leng Su didn't leave the room all day.

As for Jun Mo, he was obviously a little sick after being ravaged and bullied by her.

Leng Su stretched out his hand to check his snake, and soon discovered that the injuries in this guy's body were not only not healed, but were even a lot more serious.

In anger, she started to treat him directly without knocking him unconscious.

During the treatment process, Leng Su made Jun Mo clearly feel and endure it, no matter how painful or torturous it was.


At this point, Jun Mo still had some backbone. He didn't keep yelling, but actually kept his mouth shut and endured it.

For a whole day and night, Leng Su and Jun Mo did not leave the room.

Likewise, for the whole day and night, Leng Nie moved a stool and sat guarding outside their room door.

While he was drowsy, he raised his head from time to time, looking at the closed door in front of him with a horrified expression, and couldn't help but murmur in a low voice.

"It's been a day and two nights. Is it really okay for them to be so crazy?"

"I don't know if everyone will die?"

"How about calling them an ambulance and waiting downstairs?"

"Should we still find a way to break in?"

"Oh, it's all that woman's fault. She was so useless. She just passed out when she fainted. She actually left the spare room card in there."

"I don't know what the mistress and the mysterious man did to that woman. After waking up, they didn't know anything about it."

After muttering, Leng Nie couldn't help but raise his head and stare at the door in front of him with a look of despair on his face.

"Mistress, for the sake of your health and your future, you two must take it easy!"

"If this continues, no matter how rich and capable our Leng family is, we will not be able to solve some things that are beyond common sense."

Such as death, such as the death of all people.

For a whole day and night, until dawn the next day, Jun Mo woke up in a warm and comfortable feeling.

As soon as he raised his head, he found Leng Su lying in his arms with a pale face.

"Dead girl... Su Su? Leng Su? Are you okay?"

Jun Mo asked worriedly while inputting spiritual power into Leng Su's body, trying to check what was going on with her.

However, as soon as his spiritual power moved, it was repulsed and driven out by Leng Su's body.

Leng Su put her weak little hand on his big hand and said feebly: "It's a punishment from heaven. Your spiritual power is useless to me."

"Punishment from heaven?" Jun Mo was stunned.

Jun Mo frowned and opened his mouth to ask what was going on, but found that Leng Su had fallen into a deep sleep at some point.

Looking at her closed eyes, pale face, and pale lips, Jun Mo's heart couldn't help but tremble, and a deep feeling of distress overwhelmed him.

His eyes flashed, and he involuntarily lowered his head and kissed Leng Su's pale lips, pecked her lightly, trying to bring warmth to her and restore her to her previous bright red and alluring appearance.

[Congratulations, Jun Mo's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 90 points. 】

As they kissed, Jun Mo couldn't help but think of everything that happened last night...

Their fiery bodies, he dominates and takes everything that belongs to her...

The thoughts in his mind gradually became out of control, Jun Mo's breathing gradually became heavier, this gentle kiss gradually became out of control, Jun Mo's hands and body also began to lose control...

The temperature in the room is rising steadily...

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