The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1559 The “lucky” actress VS the “cold-blooded” snake demon man (End)

That day, Leng Nie himself didn't know what he and Jun Mo said or talked about.

The strange thing is that after the negotiation that day, Leng Nie found that he suddenly trusted Jun Mo, especially...

I subconsciously felt that this man was reliable, a very capable, responsible and capable person.

It was precisely because of this strange source of trust that Leng Nie not only helped Jun Mo solve the household registration and ID card problems as quickly as possible, but also took the initiative to arrange the marriage between Leng Su and Jun Mo.

With a wave of his hand, he had people prepare for their wedding, invite guests, arrange the wedding venue, a series of hotel banquets, etc.

When the news of Leng Su and Jun Mo’s marriage broke out, it caused a sensation all over the Internet...

Among them, the group of rotten girls who had been supporting Jun Mo and Leng Nie were completely heartbroken and desperate.

[Ah ah ah, why, why is the truth like this? ? ? 】

[Woo woo woo, why isn’t Jun Mo with Leng Nie? Why isn't Little White Snake with the infatuated man? 】

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu In the drama, they are obviously so loving, so tacitly understanding, and so well matched. Why did reality give me such a cruel blow! ! ! 】

[Sure enough, I, the goddess Su Su, am the most powerful. The two major suitors in the play were won by her one after another, and they came together in reality. One is my biological brother and the other is my husband, how great! 】

[The goddess of envy, she easily and effortlessly brought the two male idols of my dreams back to my home. Every day I can see these two male idols, which makes us envious. 】

On the day of Leng Su and Jun Mo's wedding, Leng Nie very considerately arranged a live broadcast on the entire network.

Fans entered the live broadcast room one after another to see the unprecedented grand engagement ceremony...

[Ah ah, ah, so envious, so romantic, such a grand and grand wedding! ! ! 】

【Upstairs, envy +10086...】

[I have to say that there is really no harm in this life without comparison. Look at me, and then look at this bride, I choose to die quickly and be reincarnated again! ! ! 】

[Yeah, look at that crystal wedding dress, look at those crystal shoes, look at that set of diamond jewelry on the bride, this Leng family is really not ordinary heroic! 】

[That’s right, my boyfriend, Leng Nie, is the number one bully in the business world of country Z. No businessman would be frightened when he hears my boyfriend’s name. 】

When the pastor finished speaking, and when Leng Su and Jun Mo both said the words "I do", Leng Nie felt angry and dissatisfied.

Especially when he watched Leng Nie put the diamond ring on Leng Su's body, Leng Nie changed his face on the spot and wanted to rush forward.

However, at this moment, someone suddenly grabbed his collar from behind, preventing him from going forward to destroy the wedding.

Leng Nie turned around and glared at his eldest brother angrily.

"Brother, let me go quickly. We must not marry our mistress to a villain like Jun Mo. He actually hypnotized me, gave me hints, and asked me to help him do so many "unscrupulous" things!! !”

Facing Leng Nie's wails and howls, the eldest brother of the Leng family just glanced at him lightly and vomited a few things that made Leng Nie want to die every minute.

"I can't beat him!"

The implication is that I can't even beat him, let alone your kid.

Leng Nie: "..." I'm so angry that I want to vomit three liters of blood every minute! ! !

"Brother, it doesn't matter whether you can beat him or not. What's important is that we can't marry our mistress to a despicable person like him."

"And in front of so many people, does this kid still dare to hit us?"

"He doesn't dare, parents do!" The eldest brother of the Leng family said sharply, "It was my parents who asked me to watch you!"

Leng Nie: "..." This time he must run away from home and never come back! ! !

Leng Nie just watched Jun Mo and Leng Su put on each other's wedding rings, and watched the two kissing together in full view of the public.

He watched helplessly as Jun Mo secretly cast a triumphant look at him...

Leng Nie: "..." I can't live this life! ! !

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