The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1558 The “lucky” actress VS the “cold-blooded” snake demon man (46)

Leng Su and Leng Nie are still supporting characters after all, and they don't have many scenes.

But what I have to say is that the fairy tale drama "Long Road to Immortality" was recognized by the audience for its acting skills as soon as it was aired.

Although the plot is a bit bloody, I have to say that the filming effect is very good.

The interactions between Leng Su, Leng Nie and the little white snake Jun Mo are also very loving...

Especially the interaction between Jun Mo and Leng Nie made those rotten girls unable to hold back and became restless.

[Ah ah ah, what a cute little white snake. I can’t help but want to keep a snake after seeing it. 】

[Ah, ah, I really like the infatuated man played by Leng Nie, and the little white snake played by Jun Mo. 】

[Ah ah, am I the only one who thinks Leng Su is the third party at the bottom of the cliff? 】

[Hahahahahaha, +10086 upstairs, I also feel that the love between Jun Mo and Leng Nie is infinite, I can’t help but feel sorry for my goddess Su Su. 】

[Feeling sorry for Goddess Susu +10086...]

[I hope Leng Nie and Jun Mo can be together, and I request @the directors and screenwriters of "Long Road to Fairyland" to fulfill all of our wishes! ! ! 】

[Yes, yes, yes, please let the little white snake and the infatuated male partner Leng Nie get together. They are so in love with each other, they flirt with each other at every turn, and it makes my heart beat violently like a rotten girl. 】

Facing the demands of all the rotten girls on the Internet, Leng Nie was so angry that he glared at her.

"Damn, are all these little sisters blind? Can this young master and that broken snake still have a relationship???"

"If it weren't for that bad snake that occupies my mistress all day long, do you think I would pay attention to that bad snake?"

"Wait a minute... Why haven't I seen that broken snake for several days? Could it be that the mistress threw it away because she disliked it?"

Just when Leng Nie was wondering, Leng Su suddenly called again.

"Second brother, can you help me handle Jun Mo's household registration and ID card?"

"What do you mean?" Leng Nie frowned.

"Isn't that kid a gangster? Wait, mistress, please explain to me clearly, where did that kid come from? And where is that broken snake you raised before? Why has everything disappeared?"

Leng Nie had not thought of this before. It was not until Leng Su made this inexplicable phone call that an idea flashed in his mind.

This man named Jun Mo seems to have appeared out of nowhere, right?

Before this man appeared, the Broken Snake was still there. After this man appeared, the Broken Snake disappeared...

Although he found it a bit incredible, Leng Nie couldn't help but subconsciously asked Leng Su.

"Mistress, this Jun Mo..."

"Second brother, Jun Mo will not hurt me, and as long as he treats me well and makes me happy, as for the it really that important?"

Leng Nie was silent. He wanted to ask clearly and get a positive answer, but at the same time, he felt that all this was so incredible, as if he was dreaming.

"Second brother, about Junmo's household registration and ID card..." Leng Su asked again.

"Don't worry," Leng Nie said and hung up the phone.

That night, Leng Nie took advantage of Leng Su's absence and secretly called Jun Mo to the yard to talk.

"Who are you?" Leng Nie pressed.

Jun Mo was silent for a moment, then he grinned, revealing his innocent dimples and small fangs: "Second brother, I am Su Su's lover, your and eldest brother's brother-in-law, and your parents' son-in-law."

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