The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1557 The “lucky” actress VS the “cold-blooded” snake demon man (45)

She raised her hand and slapped Leng Nie hard, and said angrily: "You damn brat, your mother has been raising you for more than twenty years, and you don't even give me food!!!"

Leng Nie: "..." So angry!

He came to his parents to prevent this strange man from suddenly appearing from taking his little sister away, but why?

Why after his parents came here, not only did they not help his biological son, they even helped Jun Mo, an outsider! ! !

His anger turned back to his anger, and his abdominal curse returned to his abdominal curse. Leng Nie still obediently served two pieces of delicious meat to Leng's father and Leng's mother.

"Mom and Dad, you eat."

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and glared at Jun Mo.

Seeing this scene, Leng's mother became even more angry.

This damn boy is too merciless and keeps destroying the mistress's world.

Thinking of this, Leng's mother stood up from the stool on the spot, patted Leng Nie's shoulder with her hand and said, "Little Er, Mom and you will change places."

Leng Nie: "..."

"Mom, please don't do it." Leng Nie said with aggrieved look on his face.

"Get up quickly, or I'll beat you to death without any discussion!" Mother Leng said domineeringly.

If I don't get rid of you, you damn boy, my daughter's lifelong happiness will be destroyed by you.

I haven’t seen that boy Jun Mo look so handsome, so cute, and so lovable.

It's not like this waiter, who is heartless and has no eyes all day long. The waiter is not good enough.

Because Leng's mother interfered, Leng Nie was forced to change positions and watched Jun Mo being attentive to his mistress.

He watched helplessly as his mother didn't stop Jun Mo from defrauding his mistress, and even went to help that Jun Mo to be attentive, and even picked up food for this Jun Mo! ! !

Leng Nie: "..." So angry!

He was already in his late twenties, and he had never seen anyone in his family serve him food. Why did Jun Mo, an outsider, receive such good treatment when he arrived? Could it be because this bastard is prettier than him? ? ?

After a late night snack, Leng Nie felt full, while Leng Su and Jun Mo felt very satisfied and delicious.

As for Leng's father and Leng's mother, when the two elders saw how doting and loving Jun Mo was to Leng Su, they had almost accepted Jun Mo in their hearts.

Haven't you seen that this young man is tall and handsome?

With this height and figure, he can definitely protect their mistress.

There is also the temperament of this young man. At first glance, he looks like a serious kid, and at first glance he looks like someone who is doing great things.

Coupled with this good looks, this face, these facial features, these two dimples and little tiger teeth, the genes of the children they will have in the future will definitely be the same.

Look again, after this meal, the young man stared at their mistress with a gentle face. He always refused to eat and kept giving their mistress food.

Jun Mo's inner monologue: "..." Eat more, eat more, so that you can have enough strength to continue fighting when you go back! ! !

After a simple late-night snack, Jun Mo relied on his unique personal charm to successfully win over Leng's father and Leng's mother.

As for Leng Nie... everyone in the Leng family expressed that his opinion was not important at all.

Anyway, he will run away from home sooner or later, and he is destined not to be a member of their Leng family, so his opinions are just clouds...

After the supper, Leng's father and Leng's mother sent Leng Su and Jun Mo back to the hotel and watched them go back to their room to continue fighting.

When Leng Nie tried to stop him, Leng's father and Leng's mother dragged him into the elevator... A second later, a wailing sound came from the slowly closing elevator door.

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