The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1556 The “lucky” actress VS the “cold-blooded” snake demon man (44)

When she thought that her son had called her back just to talk about her daughter's affairs in the house and eavesdrop on her daughter's corner, Leng's mother became very anxious.



"Mom!!!" Leng Nie said angrily.

"The matter is very serious now, okay? Even if the mistress and her man are very energetic, they have been locked in the room for two days and two nights."

"Besides, I finally got up to go filming this morning. It's been a tiring day. Shouldn't I have a good rest after returning to the room? Now it's time to get into trouble again. It's easy to get into trouble, okay?"

"And I'm not saying that, you and my dad have been here before. When my dad was young, he was a strong and well-built patient."

"But think about it for yourselves, recall, have you ever tried making soy sauce for two or three days without interruption?"

Leng’s mother: “…”

Leng’s father: “…”

"Bang bang bang."

"Bang bang bang."

The familiar couple's double hit once again fell on Leng Nie, who couldn't help but yell while dodging.

"Aww, mom and dad, please stop fighting. The top priority now is to solve the mistress's matter... It's been three days, something will happen!!!"

Hearing this, Leng's father and Leng's mother finally stopped playing the couple's double at the same time.

They looked at each other and both looked at the door where Leng Su was.

Just when the couple was hesitating whether to knock on the door, they suddenly heard a "squeak" and the door opened.

Leng Su and Jun Mo stood at the door of the room with dark faces...

"Mistress, are you okay? Why don't you look good?" As soon as Leng's mother spoke, she subconsciously covered her mouth with an embarrassed look on her face.

Father Leng hurriedly stepped forward to help ease the atmosphere: "Mistress, your mother didn't mean that. She just cares about whether your body can handle it..."

Leng Su: "..."

"Dad, stop talking. The more you describe, the darker you get!" Leng Nie said sarcastically.

Hearing this, Leng's father's face darkened on the spot, he glared at Leng Nie fiercely and said, "Xiaoer, you want to die, right?"

Leng Nie: "..."

"Mom and Dad, I'm fine, you don't have to worry." Leng Su said dryly.

After saying that, she glared at someone beside her.

If it weren't for this pervert, where would there have been so many troubles? Where does she need to face this terrible situation?

"Mom and Dad, I'm Jun Mo. Su Su and I are very good and healthy. We can eat well. You don't have to worry." Jun Mo said.

As soon as Jun Mo said these words, Leng's father and Leng's mother both twitched their mouths and looked at Jun Mo and then at Leng Su with speechless expressions.

"Haha, well, although you young people have good physical strength and high energy, for the sake of your health, it is better to control this thing in moderation." Father Leng said awkwardly.

"Yes, yes, you should clean up that. Her father and I happened to rush over in a hurry and are a little hungry. Why don't we go out to eat together?"

"Okay, then I'll go change my clothes." As soon as Leng Mu made this suggestion, Leng Su agreed without saying a word.

Jun Mo: "..." So angry!

It had already reached the meat near your mouth, and it flew away just like that! ! !

At a certain late-night snack stall, the scene of two men competing for a woman reappeared.

On the table, Leng Nie and Jun Mo kept picking up food for Leng Su. The two grown men glared at each other fiercely like two live roosters, secretly competing with each other.

Seeing this scene, Leng's mother's face darkened on the spot...

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