Early the next morning, when Leng Nie felt desperate, Leng Su and Jun Mo finally walked out of the room dressed neatly.


"Woo woo woo, mistress, you finally showed up."

Leng Nie stood up from the chair excitedly, but unexpectedly, as soon as he finished his excitement, he began to fall to the ground with his eyes blackened.

Leng Su: "..."

Jun Mo: "..."


The unscrupulous sister and the unscrupulous future brother-in-law just watched him fall to the ground.

"Who is he?" Leng Su looked confused.

Jun Mo glared at Leng Nie who had fallen asleep on the ground with disgust, then looked at Leng Su and explained, "This fool has been sitting at the door of our room for two days and two nights."

Leng Su: "..." My brother is amazing.

After squatting down next to Leng Nie and checking his body with a medical book to make sure that he was just too sleepy and fell asleep, Leng Su looked at Jun Mo beside him.

"Take him back to the bed in the room."

"No!" Jun Mo blurted out his refusal without even thinking.

"Are you sure?" Leng Su said with a confused expression, "As the saying goes, parents order matchmakers, but he is my biological brother..."

Hearing this, Jun Mo's expression changed. He gritted his teeth and bent down to lift Leng Nie up on the spot and sent him back to his room.

In the crew, due to the absence of Leng Su Leng Nie, the scenes of the male and female protagonists and other supporting actors have almost been filmed now.

There are only a few scenes left that require Leng Su to selflessly dedicate himself to the male protagonist...

Leng Su filmed the scene where she and the male protagonist were opposite each other, as well as the scene where she secretly hides in the dark to protect the male protagonist.

As for the little white snake, because Jun Mo turned into a human form, Leng Su could only perform in front of the prop snake.

After the day's shooting, Leng Nie finally woke up.

Before he could rush to the crew, he was informed that today's shooting was over. Tomorrow he would only need to complete a few scenes of his scenes. After that, only the scene where two men and one woman were left under the cliff was left.

Leng Nie was furious when he learned that he had missed the opportunity to film with Leng Su.

He took them in for two days and two nights, and these two heartless people actually left him alone to film a movie.

That's not right... They fought so fiercely in those two days, how could they still get up so early in the morning? Can I still go filming?

After dinner, Leng Nie went straight to Leng Su's room, planning to talk to her about the scene she was going to shoot tomorrow and find out about the man.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he approached the door, he immediately heard the lively noise coming from inside.

Leng Nie: "..." Damn it!

Are these two non-human beings? ? ?

Are they really planning to die in bed from exhaustion? ? ?

Leng Nie suddenly felt that this problem was serious. After thinking about it, he decided to call the emergency number and call for an ambulance to wait downstairs. After that, he notified Leng's father, Leng's mother and the eldest brother of the Leng family.

When Leng's father and mother Leng arrived, Leng Nie was staring at the door of Leng Su's room with a serious look on his face.

"Xiao Er, what's wrong with Xiao San?"

"Yes, yes, you damn boy, why don't you explain things clearly on the phone?"

"The mistress and that man stayed in the room for two days and two nights... As soon as they finished filming and had dinner today, let them go in again!" Leng Nie said with a serious face.




"Mom and Dad, why did you hit me?" Leng Nie covered his head and said with an aggrieved look.

"My mistress is already in her twenties. Is it weird to have a boyfriend?" Leng's mother glared at Leng Nie angrily.

PS: [The New Year is approaching, and everything is really happening. I lent my car to a fellow villager at home. It has been ten days and it hasn’t been returned yet. I don’t answer calls and shut down the phone. I’m preparing to call the police. It’s really, one o’clock. He has no quality at all. He has to answer the phone to explain everything clearly. He borrows things from others and doesn’t return them. He doesn’t even answer the phone. If he calls again, he just shuts down his phone. I’m so angry! ! ! 】

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