The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1562 The perfect female bodyguard VS the

Leng Su: "..."

"And this is a villa area. People who live here drive back and forth. What if one of them suddenly gets a leg cramp, or is on the phone without paying attention, and uses the accelerator as a brake to hit us?"

Leng Su: "..."

"Moreover, after we go out and get in the car, what if the driver doesn't pay attention on the road, blinks or is distracted, or someone else bumps into us?"

Leng Su: "..."

"Also, what if a tire blows out on the highway and the car loses control and rushes off a cliff or into the sea?"

Leng Su: "..."

"Also, what should we do if we are thirsty and drink water on the road at night, but the driver suddenly brakes and we choke to death from the water?"

Leng Su: "..."

"And..." Seeing that An Chen was talking more and more vigorously, and the more he talked, the lower the limit, the more Leng Su couldn't bear it and no longer needed to endure it.

"Shut up!!!"

"Let me ask you, are you going to leave? Are you going to take part in this adventure?"

An Chen: "..."

After being suddenly yelled by Leng Su, An Chen felt wronged, frustrated and angry!

Obviously what he told was the truth and he didn't lie to her. Why was this woman so mean to him?

Moreover, he is obviously the employer and she is just the bodyguard he hired. Why should she be so cruel to him?

So angry!

However, just when An Chen was about to get angry and yell back at Leng Su, he seemed to have thought of something and swallowed the words that had already reached his lips.

Forget it, what if you get angry and accidentally suffer a stroke and cerebral palsy?

Yell back with a loud voice, what if you accidentally fail to take a breath and die?

Leng Su: "..." Just go and die, then you don't have to worry about anything! ! !

Leng Su's seriousness and low growl made An Chen very angry, making him want to replace him every minute.

But helplessly, the departure time for this adventure has come, and Leng Su's force value is really nothing to say. For the sake of his life, An Chen chose silence and forbearance.

After a long while, An Chen responded in a low voice: "Participate."

Hearing this, Leng Su took An Chen's hand, grabbed him forcefully, and dragged him out desperately.

Unexpectedly, An Chen's other hand was holding on to the doorknob tightly, his eyes were filled with tears, and he looked at her pleadingly.

He kept shaking his head and begging for mercy in a low voice: "No, no, don't do this..."

Leng Su: "..." She has something MMP she must say today! ! !

There's no way this hot chick mission can be done. Each of these hot chick male protagonists is more terrifying than the other, each one is more shameless than the other, and there is no limit to the shamelessness of each one! ! !

"An Chen, let me count to three. If you don't let go, I will knock you unconscious and carry you over." Leng Su threatened with a smile.

Hearing this, An Chen's already pale face became even more ugly, and it would not be an exaggeration to say "pale".

He kept shaking his head at Leng Su and prayed in a low voice: "No, no, don't be like this... We have something to talk about..."


Leng Su said that she had nothing to say to him, a coward who was afraid of death.

"No, no, don't do this..." An Chen continued to plead.


Leng Su didn't say much nonsense. Anyway, she had no eyes to look at An Chen's face. His expression, gesture, and tone simply made her feel horrified.

PS: [Daily asking for votes, if you like Xiaoxiao or Wenwen, please vote quickly, all kinds of votes will be accepted (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)]

[Just asking, did you laugh when you saw the new dimension? Did you laugh? Are you laughing...Hahahahaha, I am laughing anyway, hahahaha]

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