The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1567 The perfect female bodyguard VS the

After getting off the plane, they went from the airport to the hotel they had booked in advance. When the five of them arrived in the hotel room, An Chen breathed a sigh of relief and felt relaxed.


"Finally relieved."

What I have to say is that although he was scared and his heart felt very uncomfortable along the way, the experience of going out this time made An Chen feel wonderful.

For more than 20 years, he has been afraid to go out and everything in the outside world since he was a child. No one can understand him.

Be it parents, family, or anyone who knew him.

No one understands or understands why he has these strange concerns and the constitution.

Sometimes An Chen even doesn’t understand it himself...

It has been many years since his parents left. This time he finally walked out of the house independently and finally succeeded.

Thinking of this, An Chen felt a little strange...

For dinner, after Leng Su asked An Chen about it, he directly asked the hotel staff to deliver dinner to their room according to his wishes.

After all, An Chen's problem seems to be quite serious, and she also knows that this problem cannot be overcome and can only be eradicated from the root.

Therefore, Leng Su didn't force him to train him or anything.

That night, An Chen had a nightmare.

In the dream, he also took Leng Su with him on this adventure. Because of his coyness in the middle, the other three adventurers couldn't stand it and finally parted ways with them.

It was his first adventure with Leng Su, so he got lost in the forest. Later, they encountered a group of wild beasts. In order to protect him, Leng Su was swallowed by the wild beasts, and he fell off the cliff...

The dream came to an abrupt end. An Chen suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

An Chen clutched his chest and kept repeating everything in his dream. He was a little scared.

He touched his forehead, covered in cold sweat.

He gasped and picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table, subconsciously wanting to call Leng Su and tell him to cancel this adventure.

Looking at 4 a.m. displayed on the phone's display, An Chen silently put down the phone.

He sat on the bed for a while, and then his restless heart slowly returned to calm.

I didn't sleep well that night...

The next morning, when having breakfast with Leng Su and three other adventurers, An Chen originally wanted to make fun of the adventure.

But when Leng Su handed the hot milk to his hand, and when her warm fingertips touched the back of his hand, An Chen's heart miraculously calmed down again.

As he drank milk, his confused brain gradually returned to clarity.

After thinking about it again, An Chen's worries were quickly put aside.

People often say that everything in dreams is often the opposite of reality...

Moreover, in that dream, he and Leng Su had very little interaction, which was completely different from how they got along these two days.

Leng Su in the dream took good care of him, listened to his words, and never angered him or quarreled with him.

Thinking of this, the last worry in An Chen's heart disappeared.

He couldn't help but think that the reason why he had that dream last night was probably because of this guy Leng Su.

It must be because her performance yesterday was a little different from when she participated in the bodyguard competition... so he felt a little weird.

Plus yesterday she took advantage of him and ate him up...

Yes, that’s right, that’s definitely the case!

After all, the holding of hands yesterday was his first time! ! !

PS: [Daily asking for votes, there will be another chapter later, continue the speed of life and death]

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