The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1566 The perfect female bodyguard VS the “timid” male president (7)

Before boarding the plane, Leng Su couldn't help but secretly asked An Chen what he was afraid of sitting in the airport waiting hall...

An Chen's answer made her feel dumbfounded.

"The waiting room is the most dangerous. There are so many people coming and going here. Who knows if there might be any fugitives or terrorists hiding in here."

"And there are planes flying around here, if you're not careful..."

Before An Chen could finish what he said, the sound of the radio interrupted the communication between the two, but Leng Su had already guessed the meaning of An Chen's words.

Thinking of this, Leng Su couldn't help but silently raised his head and glanced at the plane outside, and then silently glanced at the people around him waiting for the plane.

Leng Su: "..." emmm, she'd better choose to remain silent.

When getting on the plane, An Chen originally wanted to let go of Leng Su's hand, but he really couldn't! ! !

As soon as he let go of Leng Su's hand, he couldn't help but his legs were shaking and he didn't dare to get on the plane.

Think about it, after getting on the plane, the plane will take off soon. After taking off, they will reach an altitude of tens of thousands of feet, and then... thinking of this, An Chen gets scared.

But seeing that the other three adventurers had already boarded the plane, he and Leng Su were the only ones left standing here.

In the end, An Chen gritted his teeth and shamelessly took Leng Su's hand and boarded the plane.

The other passengers on the plane and the stewardesses looked at the two people in front of them with speechless expressions...

Do you want to be so cruel?

Do you want to be so crazy?

Do you want to show off your affection on the plane?

Didn’t you see how small the doorway to the airplane is? Didn't you see how narrow this aisle is? They were walking in tandem and still holding hands and refusing to let go?

No matter how despised everyone was, An Chen and Leng Su both chose to ignore it.

One is thinking, this is my man, what’s wrong with me holding his hand? It was only natural for me to sleep with him.

One of them was thinking, well, compared to a man's dignity, compared to his timidity and fear of death, being watched like this is a small problem.

In this way, with Leng Su's help and comfort, An Chen took the plane without too much trouble.

The only problem is that the other passengers on the plane, as well as the flight attendants and others, really can't stand the interaction between Leng Su and An Chen...

It takes more than ten hours to fly abroad. Of course, it is impossible not to eat, drink, use the toilet, etc. during this period...

However, no one expected that Leng Suhao Anchen would be so heartbroken and crazy.

They still hold hands when eating, they still hold hands when drinking water, and they even have to accompany them when going to the toilet, guarding the door of the toilet.

If Leng Su goes to the toilet, An Chen will immediately step forward and hold her hand as soon as she comes out.

If An Chen goes to the toilet, the first thing he does when he comes out is to hold the hand of Leng Su who is guarding the door.

Passengers on the plane: "..." Is there a limit to showing affection? ? ?

If you two continue like this, you will really be beaten to death by our group! ! !

As soon as the plane landed after more than ten torturous hours, the passengers began to pack their things.

After the plane stopped smoothly, all the passengers seemed to be possessed and ran towards the door of the plane, as if there was some savage beast chasing them behind them.

Leng Su: "..."

An Chen: "..."

The other three adventurers: "..." Can we break up now? ? ?

PS: [There are still 2 chapters left, continue the speed of life and death, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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