The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1565 The perfect female bodyguard VS the “timid” male president (6)

An Chen was pissed off by Leng Su, but he had no choice. The other party had clearly grasped his cowardly and fearful mentality and had him beat to death.

Unless he admitted his cowardice and did not participate in this adventure, he would have to tolerate her.

After all, Leng Su's fighting ability was still impeccable. She looked like a weak girl, but she could stand out from hundreds of bodyguards, which was enough to prove her ability.

Give up the adventure? Continue to be cowardly and afraid of death? Or endure the anger for a while?

An Chen thought about it, then silently closed his mouth, turned around and sat back in the back seat silently.

That's right, a man who knows the times is a hero.

He, An Chen, has a great reputation and is the dream lover of thousands of girls in the country Z. How could he give up the opportunity to save himself so easily?

If he does not take risks now, then his second half of life will be like the past twenty years, trapped in that small world every day, and worrying about what to do if there is an earthquake and the house collapses one day?

After the traffic police incident, the three set off again towards the airport as the driver sat back in the driver's seat.

Half an hour later, when Leng Su and An Chen arrived at the airport smoothly, the other adventurers had been waiting for a long time.

Although everyone complained a little about An Chen's lateness, they didn't say anything.

In the airport waiting hall, An Chen sat there uncomfortably, and the whole person looked very strange.

The other three adventurers couldn't help but worry and said, "Is he feeling unwell? Is he okay? If he's really uncomfortable, why don't you go to the hospital and don't participate in this adventure trip."

"No, I'm fine." An Chen said stubbornly.

Leng Su: "..."

Looking at An Chen's slightly trembling body, Leng Su wanted to laugh but couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

After thinking about it, she smiled apologetically at the other three and said, "Don't worry, he's fine, he's just a little nervous."

"Oh." Hearing this, the three adventurers looked at each other and didn't ask any more questions.

Leng Su silently grabbed An Chen's hand and looked at him with his bright eyes...

"With me here, you will be fine." Leng Su said firmly.

Hearing this, An Chen's face changed, his eyes flashed, he opened his mouth to say something, but found that he had nothing to say.

The soft and warm touch from the palm of his hand made him feel very uncomfortable, and he subconsciously wanted to shake it off, but for some reason, he didn't shake it off.

An inexplicable sense of security passed from his and Leng Su's hand to his heart, and his uneasy heart was gradually comforted...

Slowly, An Chen's body stopped shaking.

Slowly, An Chen's tense expression gradually relaxed.

Slowly, An Chen's breathing returned to calm, and the fear buried deep in his eyes also faded a little bit.

After seeing this scene, the other three adventurers on the side looked at each other, their hearts were full of complexities...

The adventure journey is so dangerous, this man really thinks it's a joke? At this moment, he actually brought his girlfriend along, not afraid of being held back.

It's a pity that she was called a sister before, it should be a love sister, right...

[Congratulations, An Chen's favorability increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability is 25 points. ]

After knowing each other for a while, because of Leng Su's strong martial arts, An Chen's first impression of her was not bad, so the favorability of 20 points is not low but not high, and it is within the normal range...

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