The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1570 The perfect female bodyguard VS the

Leng Su smiled and said, "This is what I should do."

After speaking, she looked at the three adventurers and said, "I wish you all a safe journey."

"Bon voyage." An Chen also added indifferently.


"An Chen doesn't look good. You guys should take a rest before going back."

"Yeah." Leng Su nodded slightly.

Seeing this, the three adventurers said nothing more, but turned around silently and walked onto the iron ropeway.

Watching the three people leaving, watching their tall bodies swaying on the ropeway, An Chen felt in a trance for a moment.

In that dream, these three people were not as easy to talk to as they are now. At that time, they ridiculed him and parted ways.

Thinking of this, An Chen couldn't help but look at Leng Su beside him...

There are actually some differences in personality between her in the dream and her now, but they all have one thing in common, which is to protect him wholeheartedly.

In the dream, Leng Su was fighting with the beast, yelling at him to run.

An Chen knew very well that if he could escape in the dream, Leng Su might also be able to escape.

However, at that critical moment of life and death, he saw that the girl who usually didn't talk much used her frail body to block in front of him, protecting him to the death...

That is a very subtle experience!

He, An Chen, had been afraid all his life, but he was extremely brave at the last moment in the dream. He did not run away, did not leave Leng Su alone, but picked up the dagger she dropped on the ground and rushed forward.

Although, he lost in the end.

But at that moment, he clearly saw surprise and relief in Leng Su's eyes.

While An Chen was stunned, Leng Su took out food and water from his backpack and handed them to him.

What people didn't expect was that An Chen didn't reach out to pick up the thing, but suddenly grabbed her hand tightly.

He raised his head, looked at her with burning eyes, and asked, "Why are you so nice to me?"

"What?" Faced with An Chen's sudden nonsensical words, Leng Su was obviously stunned.

"Why are you so nice to me?" An Chen asked slightly awkwardly.

"Isn't this my duty?" Leng Su asked.

Hearing this, An Chen couldn't help but be stunned.

It seems, seemingly, is this really the case?

She has always been very protective of him and taken good care of him, and there seems to be nothing wrong with her?

No, that's not right!

She obviously treats him differently. There are so many men in the world, but she doesn't hold anyone's hand, but she keeps holding his hand, eating his tofu, and taking advantage of him.

Moreover, where is her responsibility?

Why didn't he know that being a bodyguard meant sacrificing his appearance, and he had to be busy taking care of all his food, clothing, housing, and transportation, as well as taking care of his physical and mental problems.

She...must have a secret crush on him!

Thinking of this, An Chen suddenly felt enlightened.

Yes, she must be so nice to him because she likes him and has a crush on him.

[Congratulations, Anchen's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 35 points. 】

Leng Su glanced at An Chen strangely, only to find that the other person was staring at her with a very strange look.

That meaningful look made Leng Su feel a chill...

Why was she so uneasy? She always felt that this guy was thinking of something terrible.

After confirming that Leng Su had an undue desire for him, An Chen's attention slowly wandered.

Slowly, he forgot all the terrifying things around him, and kept staring at Leng Su...

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