The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1574 The perfect female bodyguard VS the “timid” male president (17)

[Congratulations, Anchen's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 55 points. 】

At this moment, An Chen, even as an emotional idiot, noticed that something seemed different...

Leng Su's small and delicate arms seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, and the leopard's head seemed to be getting closer and closer to her face.

Under the sunlight, the leopard's sharp teeth kept flashing with a frightening light...

An Chen was very scared. His heart kept shrinking, his body kept shaking, and his body and limbs were so uncontrollable.

But looking at Leng Su not far away, he had to grit his teeth and get up from the ground with difficulty.

From getting up, to taking out the dagger he had been hiding for self-protection, to then rushing towards Hua Bao and Leng Su...

This whole process may only take a few seconds for other people, but for An Chen, it feels like a century has passed.

Taking advantage of the stalemate between Leng Su and Hua Bao, An Chen raised his dagger with trembling hands and stabbed Hua Bao hard in the eye.


The dagger pierced the leopard's eye smoothly, and countless hot blood splashed out at this moment, splashing all over An Chen's face.



The leopard screamed and roared, and its huge body began to tremble.

Leng Su took advantage of this moment and quickly used some spiritual power to pierce the other dagger in her hand into the other eye of the leopard.


The same wave of hot blood sprayed all over Leng Su's face.

Leng Su bent his legs slightly, gathered some spiritual energy into his legs, and kicked them upwards hard.




The leopard's body was thrown away. Leng Su reached into her arms, quickly took out a gun from the space, pointed it at the leopard in front of him, and fired a series of shots.

"Bang bang bang."

"Bang bang bang."

"Bang bang bang."

An Chen stared blankly at the scene in front of him.



The leopard's roar gradually became lower and lower, until it finally disappeared completely. The leopard's huge body just fell to the ground, motionless.

After dealing with the leopard, An Chen sat down on the ground.

There is an indescribable feeling in my heart...

It's like stimulation, excitement, fear, excitement...

For An Chen, everything that happened today was so dreamy and novel, something he had never imagined or experienced before.

In the past, his life was filled with nothing but fear.

Every day he was worrying unfoundedly, thinking about all kinds of tragic events that might happen.

Afraid of the sky falling, of earthquakes, of the house falling down, of planes falling from the sky and destroying his house and killing him.

I'm afraid that the crystal lamp in the villa is unstable and will fall down, I'm afraid that the circuit will catch fire, I'm afraid that the gas will leak, I'm afraid that the stairs will be unstable, I'm afraid that the bed will collapse, I'm afraid that the floor mirror will be broken, I'm afraid that the floor will collapse, I'm afraid that the ceiling will collapse...

In short, all kinds of weird and strange fearful emotions would appear in his mind uncontrollably, causing his whole person to be overwhelmed by all kinds of inexplicable fears.

Because of these fears, he replaced his three- and four-story villa with a one-story one.

Because of these fears, he eliminated all the crystal lamps in the villa and replaced them with floor-standing table lamps.

Because of these fears, he continued to strengthen the ceiling, the surrounding walls, and several pillars supporting the villa...

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