The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1575 The perfect female bodyguard VS the “timid” male president (18)

After confirming that Huabao was indeed dead, Leng Su supported his body and walked towards An Chen not far away.

She sat down next to him and turned to look at him with a smile on her face.

"Thank you just now..."

Hearing this, An Chen subconsciously looked up at Leng Su beside him, looking at the smile on her face and the overwhelmingly strong "secret love" in her eyes when she looked at him.

Leng Su: "..." Naobu is a disease and must be cured! ! !

Their eyes met, Leng Su looked at him "affectionately" and said, "You are very brave and responsible. Although you are a little timid, you are much more reliable than most men."

Being looked at by Leng Su so affectionately and listening to her compliments, An Chen's heart couldn't help but tremble.

An inexplicable impulse came over him, causing him to subconsciously hug her beside him.

He buried his face deeply into her neck and murmured in a low voice: "Actually... I'm still very scared now..."

Yes, he was very scared, but it was just because she was the one who was in danger under the leopard, so he suppressed all the fear and rushed forward.

Just because she took away many of his firsts, he was a little unwilling to just watch her lose her life because of him.

She loves him so much...

If something goes wrong with her, who will continue to love and like him in the future?

Therefore, she cannot die, and nothing can happen to her.

She must live, she must continue to love him, and continue to be good to him!

An Chen suddenly figured it out at this moment...

At this moment, he realized the difference between Leng Su and recognized her as a person.

[Congratulations, Anchen's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 60 points. 】

Feeling An Chen's slightly trembling body, Leng Su sighed secretly in his heart and reached out to pat his shoulder.

"As long as I'm still alive, I won't let anything happen to you." Leng Su promised solemnly.

Hearing this, An Chen's heart felt warm again.

He knew that what Leng Su said was true, because just a few minutes ago, she told him this through what she did.

It turns out... the feeling of being liked and loved deeply is so wonderful.

The two hugged each other for a while, and Leng Su took the initiative to speak.

"The smell of blood here is too strong. We must stay away from here quickly, otherwise other beasts around may come following the smell of blood."

Hearing this, An Chen shouted dissatisfied: "I don't want to leave, I'm so scared, I can't walk either..."

Leng Su: "..." An Chen, you have changed.

Thinking of this, Leng Su suddenly became curious about what kind of mess An Chen had in his head.

How could he shamelessly act coquettishly to her, a bodyguard, a woman, and even shamelessly say that he was afraid...

"I'll help you walk." After saying that, Leng Su forcibly pulled An Chen out of her arms.

An Chen: "..." As a woman, it is not good for the force value to be too high, it is too violent!

Under Leng Su's dragging force, An Chen had no choice but to get out of the soft and fragrant arms of Wen Yu, and had to stand up and follow him away from this body full of blood.

Seeing Leng Su's eager pace, An Chen couldn't help but jog two steps so that he and Leng Su could walk side by side.

He changed their hand holding, forcefully pulled his hand out of Leng Su's hand, and held Leng Su's arm tightly in his arms...

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