The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1579 The perfect female bodyguard VS the “timid” male president (23)

An Chen's heart was trembling, tense, and fearful. Coupled with the poisonous snake bite, the toxins had entered his body to some extent. He did not stay awake for long before he fainted...

An Chen tilted his head, his lips brushed past her cheek and moved to the side.

Fortunately, Leng Su reacted too quickly and reached out to hug him in time.

She fed An Chen some diluted spiritual water, and drank some for herself. Then she shouldered her backpack, picked up the man, and chased him in the direction where the three people had left.

When An Chen woke up, it was already dark.

There is a fire burning in front of them...

He subconsciously looked around, trying to find Leng Su's figure.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he turned his head, he saw a lovely face with a smile and a beautiful face.

Because the distance between their heads was too close, when An Chen turned his head, his lips hurriedly brushed against Leng Su's cheek...

Their noses were almost touching each other, and they could clearly feel each other's warm breath...

Seeing that Leng Su was there and that she was fine, An Chen couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

He couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and raised a happy smile that survived the disaster.

Without saying a word, he reached out and hugged her, burying his face in her warm neck.

Feeling the hot temperature on her neck and her slightly beating chest, An Chen suddenly felt very happy at this moment...

Although, he is still afraid of the darkness around him and all the unknown dangers around him.

But it is undeniable that after walking on the edge of life and death during the day, no matter how scared he was physically, his mind and heart seemed not to be so scared anymore.

In fact, so what if the sky really falls, even if the landslide really cracks, even if it really is besieged by a group of beasts...

No matter what happens, in the end it's just death.

But just today, hadn't he already tried the feeling of dying?

Moreover, he always remembered what she said, as long as she was around, nothing would happen to him.

This was a very simple statement, and even An Chen didn't believe it at first.

It wasn't until the moment when death really came, when he saw the girl lowering her head to drink blood for him, that An Chen suddenly woke up.

It turned out that she had always been more than just talking.

It turns out that she can not only talk but also do it.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

Just when An Chen was enjoying the peace and happiness of this moment, a strange sound successfully broke the beautiful atmosphere.

In the dark night, An Chen's fair face instantly turned red...

Leng Su pushed him away gently and handed him the food on the side.

"The iron bowl and millet I brought with me before I went out, I just cooked some porridge while you were unconscious. Try it..."

Looking at the bowl of warm millet porridge with a faint fragrance that Leng Su handed over, An Chen couldn't help but feel warm.

She's really nice.

If you marry a wife like this, what else can a husband ask for?

She likes him, although her pursuit of him is not as passionate and persistent as the heroines in those TV series.

But she used her gentleness, her thoughtfulness, her protection and her presence in life and death to tell him that her liking for him was actually a lot better for him.

She even told him from personal experience that her liking for him and her love for him could be the same as those of the male and female protagonists in TV series and movies... they would be together in life and death!

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