The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1578 The perfect female bodyguard VS the “timid” male president (22)

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Leng Su lowered his head and kissed An Chen's bitten place fiercely in the face of An Chen's disbelief.

A slight tingling sensation came from the wound...

An Chen just watched helplessly as Leng Su drank blood for him, vomited it out, sucked it again, and vomited it again.

It wasn't until the vomited blood turned from black to dazzling bright red that Leng Su stopped sucking blood.

She put down the backpack on her shoulder, opened it, and took out some medicinal powders and potions that An Chen didn't recognize.

An Chen just watched her clean his wound with potion, watched her sprinkle the powder on his wound, and watched the red and black blood in her mouth smiling at him.

"You'll be fine." She looked at him firmly and said.

Looking at her increasingly pale face, An Chen opened his mouth and said, "That's a rattlesnake..."

A very deadly venomous snake.

Even if the person is bitten and sent to the hospital as soon as possible, the rattlesnake's venom will damage the person's body to a terrible extent.

If the time is a little bit late, you will die if you delay for a while.

What's more, they are now on the top of this mountain. Even if they call for help now, it is impossible to arrive in time to save them.

Facing what An Chen said, Leng Su did not show any despair.

She was still smiling at him and comforting him: "Trust me, you will be fine."

Hearing this, An Chen couldn't help but ask, "What about you?"

Faced with his concern, Leng Su smiled and asked him, "Do you want me to die or live?"

Seeing this life-and-death situation, Leng Su still showed a nonchalant look and actually laughed. An Chen was suddenly very angry.

At this moment, his body was clearly still trembling, and he was clearly still scared, but he subconsciously stretched out his intact hand towards Leng Su's head.

His big hand came to the back of Leng Su's head, and with a little force he pressed her head towards him.

An Chen leaned forward and kissed Leng Su regardless of the poisonous blood in his mouth.

Leng Su was obviously stunned for a moment.

She blinked her round almond eyes and looked steadily at the man in front of her.

This time, An Chen didn't hide and looked straight at her.

Their eyes met, and they could clearly see the tenderness and sweetness in each other's eyes.

[Congratulations, Anchen's favorability value has increased by 20 points, and the current total favorability value is 80 points. 】

In today's materialistic society, true love has always been something that people pursue but is extremely rare.

In novels and TV shows, those behaviors that risk everything for love and life are really rare in today's society.

Although An Chen has never left his villa, in today's Internet-savvy society, he has seen and heard a lot.


An Chen really admitted that he never dreamed that she, who had only known each other for a few days, would risk her life for him.

Before, he had imagined a lot of things about Leng Su falling in love with him at first sight, about being in love with him so much that he couldn't help himself, etc.

He had already been deeply moved by Leng Su's actions of rescuing him repeatedly on the ropeway before.

But he didn't really go to death, and she always protected him, so he really didn't expect this moment to happen.

The smell of poisonous blood is very stinky and unpleasant...

But for some reason, An Chen found that he was reluctant to leave, reluctant to leave her lips, reluctant to leave this unpleasant smell...

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