The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1577 The perfect female bodyguard VS the

"Yes, the cost of going abroad is too high now. And some procedures are becoming more and more difficult to handle. We don't know if we can have such good luck next time and meet a fool like An Chen."

An Chen: "!!!"

Looking at An Chen's angry face, Leng Su quickly reached out and grabbed his hand, shaking his head gently at him.

Seeing this, An Chen suppressed his anger and said nothing.

"Yes, and even if we meet a fool like An Chen next time, it is not certain that the other party will leave obediently and let us act alone."

"What if he doesn't leave obediently? At worst, he will be killed."

"This is not China, this is a big forest abroad, with many beasts. For example, An Chen this time, if they are willing to leave obediently, they can still leave a life."

"If they are unwilling to leave obediently, we can just find a reason to fall out, and then we can just get them a bunch of beasts, and we can easily solve all the worries."

"That's right." After hearing what Lao Qiu said, the other two nodded in agreement.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and hurry to the tomb."


As they said that, the few people quickened their pace and walked towards a certain place in front.

After the three people walked away, Leng Su narrowed his eyes, slowly stood up, and walked out of the bushes.

Tomb robbing?

Looking at the backs of the three people leaving, Leng Su couldn't help but recall the conversation between the three people just now.

It seems that in the plot, An Chen and Leng Su were besieged by a group of beasts, and one died and the other disappeared. It's not accidental...

Thinking of this, a gleam of light flashed across Leng Su's eyes.

She has never been a good man and a believer. She has always been revengeful.

According to the conversation between the three people just now, it can be seen that they seem to be quite disdainful of human life. I guess there should be a lot of people who have lost their lives due to the cruelty of these three people.

Just when Leng Su was thinking about what to do next, a muffled groan suddenly came from the bushes beside him.


Then, a colorful rattlesnake suddenly jumped out of the bushes, opened its sharp mouth and attacked Leng Su at a high speed.

Leng Su immediately turned his body to the side and threw the dagger in his hand fiercely. The dagger clearly hit the seven inches of the rattlesnake and pinned it to the ground.

Leng Su used a little spiritual power when throwing the dagger, so the dagger pierced through the snake's body and stabbed into the ground fiercely.

After dealing with the rattlesnake, Leng Su immediately pulled away the bushes in front of him and dragged out An Chen, who had already fallen to the ground in a daze.

Looking at An Chen's dark face, Leng Su's brows immediately frowned.

She checked An Chen's body up and down, and her eyes finally locked on his arm...

Looking at the two holes on his wrist, Leng Su's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

Why did it bite this hand when it didn't bite anywhere else? The position of the bite is a bit weird...

It's like the way some people in TV dramas grabbed their hands but didn't grab the right place and were bitten hard by the snake.

"I, am I going to die..."

Just as Leng Su stared at the wound with a strange look on his face, An Chen asked with a weak breath.

Hearing this, Leng Su came back to her senses instantly. She looked at him deeply and said, "No, remember what I said, as long as I am here, I will never let anything happen to you!"

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