The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1585 The perfect female bodyguard VS the

As they kissed, Leng Su soon noticed something was wrong...

She lowered her eyes subconsciously, and this sight scared her completely.


Without saying a word, she pushed An Chen away and turned away from looking at him.

"Where are your clothes?" Leng Su asked.

"Clothes?" An Chen was stunned.

Then he slowly looked down at himself, and saw that his upper body was naked, and his lower body was also naked...

It’s really nothing! ! !

"!!!" An Chen's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

What about women’s camisole? What about women’s long skirts?

Where did the clothes go?

When An Chen was confused, Leng Su was about to look for her backpack to give An Chen some clothes to cover her body, but found that her backpack was missing.

She looked around and suddenly realized something was wrong.

They have actually left the ancient tomb?

Thinking of this, Leng Su suddenly grabbed An Chen's hand and checked it.

"...Two hearts?" Leng Su was stunned.

An Chen now has a heart on each side of his chest, one is a normal human heart, and the other is an emerald green heart, exuding a strong source of vitality, but not like the Mu Lingzhu. Huge spiritual power.

Although the vitality of the Wood Spirit Pearl is no less than this emerald green heart, the spiritual power contained in the Wood Spirit Pearl is too powerful, and it even contains a powerful force of the rules of heaven and earth.

An Chen is just an ordinary human being, and his body cannot withstand the huge impact brought by the Wood Spirit Pearl.

Moreover, because she is now limited by this body, she is unable to use spiritual power on a large scale, let alone use the original power to transform the Wood Spirit Pearl into a heart suitable for An Chen's body.

On the contrary, this emerald green heart... It seems to have been transformed a long time ago. The veins inside the heart are clear and clear. It contains enough vitality without any excess, and there is not a trace of spiritual power that the human body cannot bear. It is simply like Tailor-made for An Chen...

Fortunately, Ming Yuan was not here, otherwise he would have replied to her, "This is the final conclusion of the male and female protagonist's immortality."

Under normal circumstances, as long as the ending is not destined to be a tragic story, even if the hero and heroine are terminally ill, there will be a miracle of survival.

Even if it is a tragedy, the hero and heroine may die or disappear in the ending, but a miracle may appear again in the extra story.

This "immortality of the male and female protagonists" is most obvious in some fairy tales and fantasy realms.

Every time when various villains or vicious male and female supporting characters were about to kill the male and female protagonists, they were either saved or reborn after death.

Either not only did he not die, but he got a blessing in disguise and his cultivation skills increased greatly...

After some inspections, Leng Zhan was certain that An Chen's life was safe.

Although the other heart is still gradually dying, the emerald green heart is constantly transmitting the power of life into An Chen's body.

I believe that when An Chen's favorability reaches 100 points, once the other heart dies, this emerald green heart will completely take its place.

Thinking of this, Leng Su breathed a sigh of relief.

After his thoughts returned, Leng Su found that his eyes had been blindfolded at some point...

"An Chen, let go of your hand." Leng Su frowned.

"You're not allowed to look!" An Ran said in anger.

Just now, he had tried to cover himself...but unfortunately, he had too many naked areas and he couldn't cover them with both hands...

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