The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1589 The perfect female bodyguard VS the

"At that time, my mother had just divorced her ex-husband. For some reason, she went abroad to handle a business here, but she was tricked by the other party."

"My mother ran away from the hotel in a panic, and when she was being chased, she deliberately ran into my father's arms."

"After that, one of them had a unclear will and had sex with the one who came."

"Afterwards, my dad helped my mom get rid of the people who plotted against her as compensation, and my mom went back to China as if this night never happened."

"But I didn't expect to have me later..."

"At that time, my father had never had children in his life, and he never thought that he and my mother would end up with me after just one night of chaos."

“It wasn’t until I got leukemia when I was sixteen and needed a bone marrow transplant, but my mother’s bone marrow match failed, that she took the initiative to contact my father to inform me of my existence.”

"After that, I was sent abroad for treatment, and later my father forced me to stay abroad to study..."

I have to say that the entire plot has changed a lot because of the arrival of outsiders.

Before the outsiders arrive, the plot will basically not have much difference.

But once outsiders arrive early, no matter whether the male and female protagonists have contact or not, many plots will have subtle or major differences.

For example, in the original plot, the life of the original owner was different from now...

"Then you returned to China to see your mother?" An Chen asked.

"Well, but she got married. Because she has a new family and new children, I didn't appear in front of her. Instead, I went to join your special bodyguard."

In fact, Leng Su didn't understand either. In the memory of the original owner, Leng's mother was really kind to her and loved her daughter very much.

I just didn't expect that after the original owner left, she didn't go abroad to look for her, and instead of waiting for her to come back, she started a new family.

Although she was a little disappointed, the original owner still blessed Leng’s mother from the bottom of her heart.

In order not to destroy Leng's mother's beautiful family, and not to have any impact on their family due to her appearance, the original owner chose to avoid it.

However, because Leng's father forced her to get married during that time, Leng Su never went back and chose to stay in the country.

After listening to Leng Su's story, An Chen suddenly hugged her tightly.

"Fortunately, fortunately you're fine..."

"..." Leng Su was stunned for a moment, then felt warm in his heart.

According to An Chen's temperament, a casual guess would tell that this guy must be talking about her having leukemia.

He is so afraid of death, because he likes her, so he is also afraid that something might happen to her.

Leng Su patted An Chen on the back to comfort him and said, "You saw what happened today. My dad has been in the Taoist industry all his life and he likes violent men who are very good at kung fu."

"You don't know that before I was sixteen, I studied music, chess, calligraphy, painting, dancing, etc. in China."

"After I went abroad at the age of sixteen, my father threw me into a crowd of men as soon as I recovered from my illness. He kept tossing me all day long, and this is how I became who I am today."

Hearing this, An Chen couldn't help but think of Leng Su's strength...

Although he really doesn't want to admit it, An Chen is still very self-aware. If a person is measured by his force value, then he is indeed extremely hot.

After An Chen struggled and worried for a while, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, and he quickly came up with an idea...

"Su Su, don't worry. Although my force value is 0, I can still make my uncle recognize me."

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