Under Leng Su's threat, Xia Han could only shut up obediently, holding a handkerchief to wipe the dense beads of sweat on her forehead with one hand, and holding the juice to her mouth with the other hand.

Leng Su enjoyed eating meat and drinking juice, and did not forget to pick up a piece of Xia Han's favorite beef and put it to his mouth.

"Want a piece?" Leng Su teased.

Xia Han: "..." So angry!

"I have cold dishes, you can eat more yourself."

"Really not going to have a bite?" Leng Su said unyieldingly.

"No, no!" Xia Han gritted his teeth.

Hearing this, Leng Su raised his eyebrows, then retracted his hand without hesitation, stuffed the beef on the chopsticks into her mouth, revealing a satisfied and enjoyable expression.

"Well~ the meat is fresh and tender, smooth and delicious~~~"

Xia Han: "!!!"

Xia Han was very angry, he put down the juice and paper towels, picked up the beef on the side and poured it directly into the pot.

A few minutes later, he took a slotted spoon and scooped up all the beef in the pot and put it in the bowl in front of Leng Su, pushing the bowl towards her.

"If it tastes good, eat more." Xia Han smiled.

Leng Su silently looked at the beef in front of her that was as high as a hill, and her heart was complicated.

Leng Su: "..." Is this guy destined to be alone? ? ?

Knowing that she is angry now, deliberately tormenting him, being arrogant and hypocritical, he actually dared to block her with this behavior? Fight her?

So angry!

Leng Su said that if she was angry, the consequences would be serious.

Her eyes kept wandering between the bowl of beef and Xia Han. She slowly put down her chopsticks and said with a distressed look: "Alas..."

"I ordered too much and cooked too much. I can't finish it by myself..."

"Cherishing food is a virtue of our country Z. Look, there is so much meat and so many dishes. It would be such a waste if we don't eat them..."

"It's all my fault. I ordered too much and accidentally forgot that you don't eat spicy food..."

"In my opinion, how about this, we ask the senior to come and eat together?"

"This will not waste food, and it will also be convenient for me and the senior to go on a date alone after eating, right..."

Xia Han: "..." I was wrong, I was really wrong.

Xia Han looked at Leng Su with despair, his eyes full of pleading.

Unexpectedly, in the face of his plea, Leng Su was not moved at all, and looked leisurely.

Xia Han: "..." He deeply experienced what "not asking for death" meant.

Seeing that Leng Su had silently picked up the phone, unlocked it and clicked on the call record, Xia Han's face changed drastically on the spot.

Without saying a word, he snatched Leng Su's phone away with a tragic look on his face, as if he was ready to sacrifice heroically.

Under Leng Su's gaze, Xia Han picked up the chopsticks, picked up the bowl of beef in front of Leng Su, took a deep breath, and began a behavior that seemed like he was going to die...



"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Xia Han ate while breathing heavily, and took the frozen juice that Leng Su had drunk and gulped it into his mouth.

After finishing a bowl of beef, Xia Han was fine, but his sexy thin lips in the past were now completely unrecognizable...

"Is it delicious?" Leng Su asked.

"Delicious..." Xia Han looked at her with a face full of resentment, and responded vaguely with his sausage mouth open.

Hearing this, Leng Su raised his eyebrows and chuckled, his eyes shifted to the juice cup that Xia Han was holding...

PS: [I'm asking for votes every day, hehe, I'm going to eat first, and I'll continue to update later, muah (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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