The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1692 Beast World Mermaid VS Paranoid White Tiger (End)

[Congratulations, Bai Jue's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the total favorability value is 100 points. The strategy is successful. 】

After a lot of fighting, Bai Jue smiled and hugged her contentedly and fell asleep.

Wushan tribe.

A year has passed just like this, but neither Leng Su nor Bai Jue has returned.

During this year, Jiang Rou was worried about Leng Su at the beginning, but later she slowly let go of her feelings.

Now, she has seen through everything, and sincerely hopes that Leng Su and Bai Jue can come together and reunite for a happy life.

On this day, Jiang Rou came to the small river outside the tribe with her big belly as usual.

She looked at the river in front of her and said with nostalgia on her face: "Su Su, Bai Jue, you must meet again and come back."

"We are all always thinking of you two."

"Seeing that a year has passed, there has been no news from you two. We all really want to find you, but we don't know where to look."

While talking, Jiang Rou couldn't help but touch her belly.

"Time flies so fast, a year has passed in the blink of an eye."

"I was confused at the beginning, and then slowly adapted to the world and accepted them."

"Unexpectedly, now I am pregnant with a child and about to give birth."

"Are you happy now?"


While Jiang Rou was talking to herself, a familiar female voice suddenly sounded.

She responded subconsciously at first, and then she was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the two people walking out of the forest with a look of disbelief.

No, no, it’s a family of three.


"Bai Jue!"

"You're back!"

Jiang Rou looked at the three people in front of her with surprise. She covered her mouth and looked very excited.

"Yes, we are back, are you welcome?" Leng Su asked with a smile.

"Welcome, of course." Jiang Rou said excitedly and trotted towards Leng Su excitedly.

Just when she ran up to Leng Su and was about to give her a big hug, Bai Jue on the side suddenly protected Leng Su and the baby in her arms behind her.

This time, Bai Jue stopped roaring at her because of her big belly, but the look of disgust on his face never disappeared.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of her, Jiang Rou smiled.

"Well, it seems that with you here, I will never be able to give my dear little Susu a big hug in my life."

Faced with Jiang Rou's teasing, Bai Jue's face darkened on the spot. He glared at Jiang Rou fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "It's mine!!!"

As soon as Bai Jue said this, Leng Su and Jiang Rou looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"Let's go, everyone misses you very much." Since she couldn't hold the beauty in her arms, Jiang Rou could only take the initiative to change the subject.


In the Wushan tribe.

Some males are busy hunting outside, while others are guarding the tribe to ensure the safety of the entire tribe.

The females, on the other hand, take their children at home to process animal hides and marinate the newly brought meat from each family.

"The patriarch is back!"

A simple sentence "The clan leader is back" immediately stunned all the females and males in the Wushan tribe.

Everyone quickly stopped what they were doing, rushed out of their cabins, and looked at the familiar figure outside.

"The patriarch is back!"

"The patriarch is back!"

"The patriarch is back!"

"Welcome back, patriarch!"

"Clan leader, we all miss you so much!"

Seeing the return of Leng Su and Bai Jue in front of them, the orcs of the Wushan tribe were extremely excited...

PS: [It’s so scary. This plane is already over after only 27 chapters... It’s as fast as the instant shot. Is it scary? ? ? 】

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