The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1708 The violent elder sister VS the

Back then, didn't she just take advantage of his personality to deliberately drive a wedge between him and that woman...

While she brought him one project after another, she provoked and stimulated the woman.

At that time, the man still needed to use her, so he chose to abandon the woman without mercy.

Now, if she dares to ruin his good marriage with the Leng family, her end will probably not be much better!

Thinking of this, Mo Xue suppressed her jealousy and anger. She lowered her eyes and stood aside silently without saying a word.

Seeing Mo Xue's behavior, Father Ou's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

Ou Ting watched everything in the house silently from beginning to end without speaking or making a sound.

Father Leng ignored the attentive Father Ou, but turned to look at Ou Ting, with a warning look in his eyes.

His mouth kept opening and closing, opening and closing, as if he was saying something silently.

[I'm warning you, don't hit that dead girl's attention, or I'll kill you! ! ! 】

Faced with Father Leng's threat, Ou Ting was neither angry nor annoyed. Instead, he smiled at him and shouted sweetly: "Dad, be careful on your way back."

Leng’s father: “!!!”

"Don't worry, I can assure you that I will take good care of Susu, protect her, cherish her, and love her throughout my life."

Leng’s father: “!!!”

Seeing Ou Ting's proud smile, Leng's father suddenly regretted it.

I regret that I am so good, why do I have to meddle in my own business? ? ?

Father Leng glared at Ou Ting fiercely, and silently moved his lips: "You brat, just wait for me!"

After threatening Ou Ting, Leng's father ignored Ou's father and Mo Xue, turned around and left without looking back.

After Ou's father diligently sent Leng's father to the gate, he turned to look for Ou Ting when he saw that the group of people had really left.

But I found that Ou Ting had already gone up the stairs at some point...

Ou's father just wanted to get angry at him, but he seemed to remember something, and said to Ou Ting with a kind face: "You must be exhausted after coming back so late. Go back to your room and have a good rest."

"If you need anything, just tell dad."

"Do you have enough money to spend? Forget it, dad will transfer five million to your card later. No matter what your girlfriend wants to buy, just buy it for her."

"If you don't have enough money, just ask dad for it."

five million……

When Ou Ting heard these three words, he felt extremely sarcastic.

As the eldest son of the Ou family, his total pocket money since childhood was less than five million.

Ou Ting is in his late twenties, and his father has never cared about his life or death.

Every time I noticed him, it was because of Mo Xue's words that she started to curse him...

Faced with what Ou's father said, Ou Ting chose to go in with one ear and out with the other, turned around and went straight upstairs.

Seeing Ou Ting's behavior, Ou's father was very angry, but he couldn't do anything to him.

Seeing Father Ou's furious face, Mo Xue stepped forward and gently held his arm, comforting him: "Hubby, don't be angry, Ting'er is still young, he will become sensible in a few years."

Father Ou turned around and looked at Mo Xue expressionlessly. He reached out and gently touched Mo Xue's cheek, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Xue'er, I know you are the most sensible."

"I'll leave the matter of Ou Ting and the young lady from the Leng family to you. Don't let me down..."

Seeing the strong warning look in Ou's father's eyes, Mo Xue couldn't help but trembled in her heart.

"Don't worry, I will definitely do it to your satisfaction."

"Be good." Ou's father touched Mo Xue's head with satisfaction, lowered his head and leaned over and pecked her red lips.

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