The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1707 The violent elder sister VS the

Originally, before coming here, Father Leng wanted to sue Ou Ting, saying that he abducted and coaxed his daughter at such a young age...

Until this moment, looking at what Ou's father and Mo Xue did, Leng's father suddenly couldn't help but feel sorry for Ou Ting.

He didn't speak at all from the moment he walked in. The parents planted all kinds of evidence on their son without asking for any reason.

"I, Ou Zhen, don't know what evil I did in my last life, but I gave birth to a rebellious son like you, a waste!"

Seeing that Ou's father was going too far, Leng's father couldn't help but get angry.


He slammed the table hard and stared at the two people in front of him with his big eyes.

"What are you yelling about?"

"I'm still talking, you guys are just yelling!"

"Who told you that Ou Ting made a mistake again? Who said that? Huh?"

"Let me tell you, from today on, Ou Ting is my son-in-law, Leng Xu, and a member of my Leng family!"

"If you two dare to bully him indiscriminately again, believe it or not, I will kill you!!!"

Familiar lines, familiar tones spoken by strangers.

At this moment, looking at Leng's father standing in front of him, Ou Ting felt a little complicated and a little happy.

They look so much like father and daughter.

On the surface, he seems so inhumane, but when it comes to critical moments, he will subconsciously protect him.

"Leng Xu?" Ou's father was obviously stunned.

He looked at Father Leng in front of him, and then at the policemen behind him, with extremely strange expressions on their faces.

He stared at Leng Su with twinkling eyes and asked tentatively: "Are you..."

Before Father Ou finished speaking, Father Leng opened his mouth and interrupted him.

"Yes, it's exactly what you guessed."

Ou’s father: “…”

Hearing this, Ou's father's expression changed drastically.

Changing from his previous arrogance and carelessness, he quickly greeted Father Leng and walked inside with an attentive look on his face.

"General Leng, please come inside..."

"No, I'm just here to send my son-in-law back."

son in law?

Ou's father looked at Ou Ting beside him in disbelief, his eyes full of disbelief.

On the other hand, Mo Xue's eyes flickered, with a deep look of unwillingness in her eyes.

As a reborn person, Mo Xue was not unaware of the affairs of the Ou family in her previous life.

She was even more aware of the fact that Ou Ting married an awesome and coaxing wife.

Over the years, she has deliberately raised Ou Ting to death.

After Ou Ting went to college, she paid someone to keep an eye on Ou Ting's every move in school.

She tried every means to put distance between Ou Ting and Leng Su...

But unexpectedly, these two people got entangled again! ! !

"Husband, what is our Ting'er's status? How can an ordinary small family be worthy of it?"

"What kind of general is not a general? Why haven't I heard of such a general named Leng in our country?"

Mo Xue knew very well that Leng Xu had a special identity, and his identity was not widely announced to the outside world.

"Shut up!" Father Ou glared at Mo Xue fiercely and warned her.

Mo Xue opened her mouth and obviously wanted to say something else, but her eyes noticed the fierce look in Father Leng's eyes.

After spending many years together day and night, Mo Xue knew very well that Father Leng was a man who would never break a hand...

If she follows him, coaxes him well, and brings benefits to him, he will naturally pamper her...

Once she goes against him or does the opposite, her fate can be imagined.

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